dobbscoin (OP)
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Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
March 20, 2019, 01:25:45 PM Last edit: June 30, 2019, 08:06:42 PM by dobbscoin |
PROOF OF WORK PHASE ENDED PROOF OF SLACK PHASE NOW ON-GOING [ANN] Econocalypse (SLACK) : DobbsCoin v2.0 - (QUARK POW/POS+[MN]) MISSED OUT ON PoW Phase? MINE BOB and TRADE FOR SLACK G I V E M E S L A C K, O R G I V E M E F O O D, O R K I L L M E | S L A C K Yeap.. It's a THING • GET (SLACK) April, 1/2019 | Proof-of-Work/Proof-of-Stake w/M A S T E R N O D E S
| | 
Econocalypse (SLACK) : DobbsCoin v2.0 - (QUARK POW/POS+[MN]) | 
Last PoW block: 13013 Block reward (PoW) : 50 coins Block reward (PoS): 10 coins Target timespan: 2 minutes Re-Target spacing: 2 minutes Coin supply: Unlimited Coinbase maturity: 30 blocks Transaction confirms: 15 blocks Masternode reward: 50% Masternode COST: 10,000 coins Masternode confirms: 300
Transaction confirmation: Confirmation a transaction requires. Coinbase maturity: Confirmations required b4 spent.
| This IS NOT A Replacement for (BOB), but a concurrent coin. People will forever be able to mine (BOB), and trade (BOB), even GET (SLACK) with "BOB"..: SOURCE & WALLETS :.GITHUB DOBBSCOIN (SLACK) ECONOCALYPSE SOURCE: PRE-BUILT LINUX & WINDOWS WALLETS:

| | | |  | 
DobbsCoin v2.0 - Econocalypse (QUARK POW/POS+[MN]) • 13013 PoW Blocks - Each "worth" 50 coins • One every 2 Minutes is 720 Blocks in a Day.. • 13013 x 50 (PoW Reward) = 650,000 PoW Coins • 13013 Blocks / 720 min\day = ~18 Days of PoW • 650,000 PoW coins would secure ~65 Masternodes
Pre-Mine TOTAL 22,000,000 SLACK 1,000,000 Coins to be used to make it RAIN SLACK • Donations for MasterNode Setup • Coin Services
Remaining Pre-Mine of 21,000,000 Used to Exchange for (BOB)
The only way to get MORE Slack is through "Bob".
IN SHORT: ONLY during the VERY FIRST (18) Days; will be 13013 PoW Blocks be solved (one every two minutes on average). Each block will produce a reward of 50 SLACK: At the end of the PoW period: 650,650 Original SLACK will exist.
Proof of Work (PoW) : DEFINITION of Proof of Work (PoW)- In Proof of Work (PoW) mechanism, computers in the network (miners) work to solve a cryptographic puzzle repetitively consisting of the mathematical function (hash). PoW is regarded as energy inefficient ..not "environmentally friendly". The first computer or network of computers (i.e., a mining pool) that found a hash with the specific properties are rewarded SLACK roughly every 2 minutes. This is proof that they have done the necessary work to verify all transactions in a block as valid and is allowed to add a 'block' to the blockchain ledger shared by all.
- DobbsCoin v2.0 - Econocalypse (SLACK) will Start ''GO PUBLIC' and hashing (PoW) blocks at Midnight April 1st, 2019, and continue hashing (PoW) until Block 13013 and producing a total of 650,000 units of pure unadulterated 'Something for Nothing' (SLACK), at which time it *SHOULD* switch over to Proof of Stake (PoS) blocks for all Eternity.
Proof of Stake (PoS) : DEFINITION of Proof of Stake (PoS)- The Proof of Stake (PoS) concept states that a person can mine or validate block transactions according to how many coins he or she holds. This means that the more Bitcoin or altcoin owned by a miner, the more mining power he or she has. PoS replace miners with validators where they will lock up some of their coins as stake (deposit). A group of validators takes turns proposing and voting on the next block, and the weight of each validator’s vote depends on the size of its stake. When the validators discover a block which they think can be added to the blockchain, they will validate it by placing a bet on it. The validators will get a reward proportionate to their bets. Anyone who holds the blockchain’s base cryptocurrency can become a validator by sending a special type of transaction to lock up their fund.
Master Node [MN] : DEFINITION of Master Node Master nodes are full nodes that incentivize node operators to perform the core consensus functions of running a blockchain. The increasing cost and technical complexities involved in running a full node computer on a blockchain network often lead to a decline in the number of full nodes, as it's not very profitable. Mining pools usually take up most of the resources through their mining activities. This reduction in full nodes impacts the efficient working of a blockchain, as it may lead to longer transaction processing times and network congestion. Master nodes attempt to solve the problem by acting as full nodes, and their operators are financially rewarded, similar to miners in a proof-of-work system. They operate on a collateral-based system to ensure that they provide genuine services as a backbone to the blockchain network, and hence are also known as “bonded validator systems.”  Dobbscoin is the Officially Approved crypto-currency of the Church of the SubGenius, a TWENTY+ Year old UFO 'parody religion' that targets many better-known belief systems. The Church of the SubGenius teaches a complex belief system that focuses on the clip-art Deity, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, and shines the light upon a Global Conspiracy to steal your Slack ..of course, what 'religion' would be complete without some UFO's, tons of SEX and a grand Armageddon scenario. More: Wikipedia"BOB" Dobbs in the Media- The Church of the SubGenius has been featured in: Time Magazine(1), Playboy, WIRED, Rolling Stone, and preformed hundreds of successful Live Night Club Shows. "BOB" even has Nationally Distributed Video ARISE (Polygram). Not to mention "BOB" is endorsed by most major Counterculture Heroes and Subculture artists.
- The Band 'SUBLIME' (2), shipped a 23 track '40 OZ OUNCES TO FREEDOM' CD through Skunk Records - with a Dobbshead on it. (see below)
- The Band 'DEVO' (3) is SubGenius as fuck! (see below)
- Negativland: You may have never heard of Negativland, but you've probably heard clips of their stuff as bumper music on late night programs such as Ground Zero w/Clyde Lewis.
Famous SubGenii include: - Robert Anton Wilson(4): "Pope BOB" was an ordained minister in the Church of the SubGenius, wrote for and was featured in the Three Fisted Tales of "BOB" book, and also featured "BOB" in The Illumanatus Trilogy; one of the many books he authored himself.
- Patrick Volkerding(5) of Slackware Linux: 'Slackware' -duh
- Timothy Leary,
- Ken Kesey,
- PeeWee Herman (click for image),
- Wierd Al,
- R. Crumb (Subculture Comics: Fritz the Cat/WEIRDO), drew & wrote for "BOB".
- Penn Jillette of Penn and Teller IS a PAID Minister/Member of The Church of the SubGenius.
- Jello Biafra to name just a few
The Church of the SubGenius even has three weekly Syndicated Radio Shows, in 15 Markets. WCSB Cleveland, WREK Atlanta & KPFA Berkeley, Ca, as well as countless of minor broadcast networks. The Atari - ST (6)At the time the Atari ST started shipping, a limited set of GEM fonts were included within the ROMs. These fonts featured the standard 8x8 pixel graphical character set for the ST (the main in-ROM "font" for GEM, and text-mode TOS operations in color modes) and contain a recognizable facsimile of the face of J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, (the figurehead of the Church of the SubGenius). DobbsCoin is about Slack. It's about FIGHTING The Conspiracy, and it's about getting BACK what THEY Stole away; and if we just so happen to 'Survive The Great Cataclysms Through UFO Transport, while taking control through liberated weirdness by tapping our secret 'Abnormality Potential. ..then FUCK YES, we'll have TWO. ( BOB) & ( SLACK). (1): Voted FRAUD of the Century (1990-2000) by Time Magazine!! ( more) (2): SUBLIME Shipped a Limited edition '40 OZ OUNCES TO FREEDOM' CD with a Dobbshead on it. ( link1) ( link2) ( link3). (3): Devo actively embraced the Church of the SubGenius in concert (source: Wikipedia). Mark Mothersbaugh of DEVO produced the audio for The Bobacatto, and you can watch him HERE speaking on The Conspiracy, the life-changing power of "BOB" and Slack. (source: ARISE The SubGenius Movie : Polygram Video). (4): Wilson also joined the Church of the SubGenius, who referred to him as Pope Bob. He contributed to their literature, including the book Three-Fisted Tales of "Bob", and shared a stage with their founder, Rev. Ivan Stang on several occasions Winterstar-01 & Austin, TX. Wilson also founded the Guns and Dope Party, and its corresponding Burning Man theme camp. See also: Historia Discordia(5): Patrick Volkerding, the software engineer known as the founder and maintainer of Slackware Linux distro, is a SubGenius. The use of the word Slack in "Slackware" is a homage to J. R. "Bob" Dobbs: " I'll admit that it was SubGenius inspired. In fact, back in the 2.0 through 3.0 days we used to print a dobbshead on each CD." -Patrick Volkerding. (6)Atari ST: Atari ST BASIC had a dobbshead easter egg ( image). Avoid False Prophets & Cultivate appropriate Slack. ETERNAL SALVATION OR TRIPLE YOUR MONEY BACK       The Graven Image of 'Bob' Dobbs' Face is a registered trademark of The SubGenius Foundation, Inc. GET RIGHT WITH "BOB" - http://www.subgenius.com BROUGHT TO YOU BY FUCKING :. 
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
March 20, 2019, 05:56:40 PM Last edit: May 20, 2019, 08:33:35 PM by dobbscoin |
[ANN] (SLACK) : DobbsCoin v2.0 - Econocalypse (QUARK POW/POS+[MN]) G I V E M E S L A C K, O R G I V E M E F O O D, O R K I L L M E
Use the following instructions to mine a block
- Open your wallet, and make sure your wallet is connected with a node.
Your wallet is connected when you see the Dobbshead icon in the lower right corner of your wallet. The message “No block source available” will disappear once you are connected. - Go to Tools.
- Click Debug console.
This is the console where you will execute all commands. To mine on all available CPU cores, type: If you want to use a specific number of CPU cores, instead of -1, type the number of cores. To stop mining type setgenerate false and hit Enter. You can type the following command to see the status of generation. It may take about +/- 10 minutes to mine your first block, depending on your computer hardware.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
March 22, 2019, 05:37:51 AM Last edit: May 20, 2019, 08:35:20 PM by dobbscoin |
[ANN] (SLACK) : DobbsCoin v2.0 - Econocalypse (QUARK POW/POS+[MN]) G I V E M E S L A C K, O R G I V E M E F O O D, O R K I L L M E
How do I compile a wallet for Windows?
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config bsdmainutils curl git g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 sudo update-alternatives --config x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ SELECT ZERO git clone econocalypse-source cd depends chmod 744 config.guess chmod 744 config.sub make HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 cd .. chmod 744 ./ ./ CONFIG_SITE=$PWD/depends/x86_64-w64-mingw32/share/ ./configure --prefix=/ chmod 744 share/ chmod 744 src/leveldb/build_detect_platform make
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
March 28, 2019, 09:13:35 PM Last edit: May 20, 2019, 08:34:55 PM by dobbscoin |
[ANN] (SLACK) : DobbsCoin v2.0 - Econocalypse (QUARK POW/POS+[MN]) G I V E M E S L A C K, O R G I V E M E F O O D, O R K I L L M E
Use the following instructions to setup a masternode. Make sure that you have the following requirements. - The required amount of SLACK to setup the masternode. (10,000) - A wallet to store your coins. - A server or VPS. The instructions are split into three (3) sections. ===='////,===='////,===='////,===='////,==== Setup the control wallet (Part 1 of 2)Open your wallet and wait until the wallet has downloaded the complete blockchain.Go to “ Tools”. Click “ Debug console”. This is the console where you will execute all commands. Create a masternode private key. masternode genkeyExample output: 75eqvNfaEfkd3YTwQ3hMwyxL2BgNSrqHDgWc6jbUh4Gdtnro2Wo Show your collateral address. getaccountaddress "masternode1"Example output: Nad4xtgdwf7c5y45ruy5MWtVY43zYMCvvaKeep note of the masternode private key and the collateral address. ===='////,===='////,===='////,===='////,==== Setup the VPSUpdate your VPS machine: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgradeMake sure to have installed the required dependencies. sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils python3 libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-all-dev libboost-program-options-dev sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler unzip software-properties-common
To install Berkeley DB from source code. wget unzip cd db-4.8.30 cd build_unix/ ../dist/configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-cxx make sudo make installInstall the coins daemon and tools. Create the coins config file. mkdir $HOME/.econocalypse nano $HOME/.econocalypse/econocalypse.conf Paste then edit the following lines in econocalypse.conf ############# START rpcuser=rpc_dobbscoin pcpassword=kuw05sqio7bcm8zPraBob7xws1lw6xpd1qf33 rpcallowip=
listen=1 server=1 daemon=1 maxconnections=64
masternode=1 masternodeprivkey=REPLACE_WITH_MASTERNODE_PRIVATE_KEY # stuff from 'masternode genkey'externalip=REPLACE_WITH_EXTERNAL_IP_OF_VPS############# ENDStart your node with the following command. ./examplecoind &===='////,===='////,===='////,===='////,==== Setup the control wallet (Part 2 of 2)Transfer the required amount of coins to the “collateral address” that which you created using the command “getaccountaddress masternode1". Wait until the transaction has the required masternode confirmations (300).Go to Tools. Click Debug console. Enter the following command. masternode outputsExample output[ { "txhash": "429a5caf40178d6911ab71e61d6952a6cec8710405d8dc912d8e8a760a2ba24c", "outputidx": 1 } ]Go to “ Tools”. Click “ Open Masternode Configuration File”. Modify the following line and paste it into notepad. masternode1 75eqvNfaEfkd3YTwQ3hMwyxL2BgNSrqHDgWc6jbUh4Gdtnro2Wo 429a5caf40178d6911ab71e61d6952a6cec8710405d8dc912d8e8a760a2ba24c 1masternode - Alias for your masternode. - External IP of your VPS.
xxxx - Replace with P2P port of your coin.
75eqvNfaEfkd3YTwQ3hMwyxL2BgNSrqHDgWc6jbUh4Gdtnro2Wo - Masternode private key from the command “masternode genkey”.
429a5caf40178d6911ab71e61d6952a6cec8710405d8dc912d8e8a760a2ba24c - Value “txhash” from the command “masternode outputs”.
1 - Value “outputidx” from the command “masternode outputs”.Save the file and close editor. Shutdown your wallet and re-open your wallet. Go to “ Settings”. Click “ Unlock Wallet”, If it was encrypted. Enter your wallet passphrase and unlock your wallet. Go to “ Tools”. Click “ Debug console”. Start your masternode using the command. startmasternode alias false masternode1It will take +/- 30 minutes to activate your masternode.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
March 31, 2019, 02:01:36 AM Last edit: May 20, 2019, 08:34:27 PM by dobbscoin |
IRC: Simply join #Dobbscoin on FREENODE and use a REGISTERED NICK to interact with the TipBob /msg TipBob ADDRESS to get an address to send your BOB to.. /msg TipBob TIP BtcBob (amount) Then leave me a MEMOSERV message including the SLACK address you with the SLACk to be sent. /ms send btcbob (Supersecretwalletaddress) /quit You may stop reading forever
BitCoinTalk: Do something similar.. but using the forums private message functions to get in touch with me.
April 01, 2019, 06:40:28 AM Last edit: April 01, 2019, 07:05:20 AM by manfred87 |
anything to consider when solomining? securecoin works for me, SLACK not.. there are still zero masternodes.. econocalypse-cli getblocktemplate { "capabilities": [ "proposal" ], "version": 4, "previousblockhash": "00000000a5e24f04e515349eab1580cbeb150ec143f2a24a5ea742121ba37b02", "transactions": [ ], "coinbaseaux": { "flags": "" }, "coinbasevalue": 5000000000, "longpollid": "00000000a5e24f04e515349eab1580cbeb150ec143f2a24a5ea742121ba37b02161", "target": "0000000148490000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "mintime": 1554099999, "mutable": [ "time", "transactions", "prevblock" ], "noncerange": "00000000ffffffff", "curtime": 1554100503, "bits": "1d014849", "height": 162, "votes": [ ], "payee": "", "payee_amount": "", "masternode_payments": true, "enforce_masternode_payments": true }
/econocalypse-cli getinfo { "version": 1000000, "protocolversion": 70914, "walletversion": 61000, "balance": 0.00000000, "zerocoinbalance": 0.00000000, "blocks": 166, "timeoffset": 0, "connections": 3, "proxy": "", "difficulty": 0.8501984899198256, "testnet": false, "moneysupply": 22008250.00000000, "zSLACKsupply": { "1": 0.00000000, "5": 0.00000000, "10": 0.00000000, "50": 0.00000000, "100": 0.00000000, "500": 0.00000000, "1000": 0.00000000, "5000": 0.00000000, "total": 0.00000000 }, "keypoololdest": 1554099674, "keypoolsize": 1001, "paytxfee": 0.00000000, "relayfee": 0.00010000, "staking status": "Staking Not Active", "errors": "" }
I can not create blocks: {"result":"bad-txnmrklroot","error":null,"id":510}

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
April 01, 2019, 03:20:18 PM Last edit: April 15, 2019, 12:16:14 AM by EndCiv |
anything to consider when solomining? securecoin works for me, SLACK not.. there are still zero masternodes..
I can not create blocks:
Coins only been LIVE for 10hrs.. MASTERNODE "costs" 10k SLACK then there's the masternode confirms.. which is 300 blocks.. I think it's ONLY on block 420 currently, so Once someone gets 10k SLACK and holds it for 300 blocks they can start a masternode, if they have a dedicated server or a VPS to get one going. I think we've got a little while still to get out of the woods. Do you have a VPS/Dedicated server and are you an Ordained member of the Church of the SubGenius? I think they're giving out mad Slack for folks who's Right w/"BOB" on the freenode #dobbscoin irc channel. People are hashing blocks tho.. I can see, I CAN SEE!!
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 01, 2019, 07:10:32 PM |
I am mining and plan on running a masternode when I get to 10k

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
April 02, 2019, 12:52:43 AM Last edit: April 15, 2019, 12:16:21 AM by EndCiv |
I mean, it's not that thats NOT a good deal. it is. (0.02 BTC) It truly is.. but I think it kinda goes against the whole idea of SOMETHING FOR NOTHING.Slack means something different to everyone. If you have to ask, you can never know. Slack is doing as little as possible, yet mysteriously benefiting at the same time. It's a kind of direct perception, unfettered by 'so-called common sense. Slack is not exactly laziness, but a kind of 'active sloth'. True Slack is "Something for Nothing".. Everyone is born with Original Slack, but the Conspiracy has most of that now. Praise "BOB" or KILL HIM
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
April 02, 2019, 02:26:20 PM |
So, what exactly is zSLACK? I see these micro transactions of usually 0.01 SLACK to a zSLACK balance. Is this part of the PoS?
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 02, 2019, 02:56:37 PM Last edit: April 13, 2019, 09:45:15 PM by mprep |
So, what exactly is zSLACK? I see these micro transactions of usually 0.01 SLACK to a zSLACK balance. Is this part of the PoS?
I wondered that too.
Never gonna get enough for a masternode. Got 2 computers running and can?t get much. I want to run a masternode and have access to service that runs masternodes (VPS and the setup). I hate irc. No offense.
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
April 02, 2019, 04:44:38 PM |
Anybody been able to successfully run the linux-qt wallet? If so, what distro and version are you using?
I've tried it on three different machines running Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 & 18.10 and all have problems with libboost libraries. The all of the machines run other wallets (like bitcoin, litecoin and the original Dobbscoin) just fine. The installed libboost libraries are 1.6.5 and 1.6.7 but Dobbscoin 2.0 is demanding 1.6.2.
i installed the requested 1.6.2 libraries on one machine, but it did not solve the problem.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 02, 2019, 05:51:09 PM Last edit: April 13, 2019, 09:45:28 PM by mprep |
Anybody been able to successfully run the linux-qt wallet? If so, what distro and version are you using?
I've tried it on three different machines running Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 & 18.10 and all have problems with libboost libraries. The all of the machines run other wallets (like bitcoin, litecoin and the original Dobbscoin) just fine. The installed libboost libraries are 1.6.5 and 1.6.7 but Dobbscoin 2.0 is demanding 1.6.2.
i installed the requested 1.6.2 libraries on one machine, but it did not solve the problem.
You building your own or using the pre-compiled? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let's seeee. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 9.8 (stretch) Release: 9.8 Codename: stretch Using: dpkg -s libboost-dev | grep 'Version' Version: Didn't realize I had old libboost, just followed the spitup from How do I compile a wallet for Windows? and from How do I compile a daemon for linux? shit not backwards compatible in the libboost-world? I'll upgrade if i can and see..
zSlack is zerocoin protocol uses Zerocoin based RSA accumulators to conceal the original transaction. Each time coins are spent, they are effectively newly-minted coins with no associated history and complete fungibility. It's all essentially PIVZ' upgrades to the orig. Zerocoin method. If your wallet is auto creating zSlack, check in the Settings | Options, and check to ensure that the Enable zSlack automint is not checked; or leave it if you wish. I haven't tried to use it yet, so no feedback on that, here from me as of now. I'll try and see. So, what exactly is zSLACK? I see these microtransactions of usually 0.01 SLACK to a zSLACK balance. Is this part of the PoS?
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
April 02, 2019, 07:18:13 PM |
Anybody been able to successfully run the linux-qt wallet? If so, what distro and version are you using?
I've tried it on three different machines running Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 & 18.10 and all have problems with libboost libraries. The all of the machines run other wallets (like bitcoin, litecoin and the original Dobbscoin) just fine. The installed libboost libraries are 1.6.5 and 1.6.7 but Dobbscoin 2.0 is demanding 1.6.2.
i installed the requested 1.6.2 libraries on one machine, but it did not solve the problem.
You building your own or using the pre-compiled? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let's seeee. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 9.8 (stretch) Release: 9.8 Codename: stretch Using: dpkg -s libboost-dev | grep 'Version' Version: Didn't realize I had old libboost, just followed the spitup from How do I compile a wallet for Windows? and from How do I compile a daemon for linux? shit not backwards compatible in the libboost-world? I'll upgrade if i can and see.. Mostly tried the pre-compiled, although I tried the build on the 18.04 machine without any success. If I get a chance, I'll try Debian 9.8 in VirtualBox. While using the Google, I found that this issue is fairly common for Linux crypto wallets. None of the suggested fixes have worked yet I'll keep at it, as I want to support the project. I'm still mining BOB on (with an AntRouter R-1 woohoo) where, believe it or not, it seems to have come back from the dead.
April 02, 2019, 07:58:18 PM |
Anybody been able to successfully run the linux-qt wallet? If so, what distro and version are you using?
I've tried it on three different machines running Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 & 18.10 and all have problems with libboost libraries. The all of the machines run other wallets (like bitcoin, litecoin and the original Dobbscoin) just fine. The installed libboost libraries are 1.6.5 and 1.6.7 but Dobbscoin 2.0 is demanding 1.6.2.
i installed the requested 1.6.2 libraries on one machine, but it did not solve the problem.
You building your own or using the pre-compiled? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let's seeee. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 9.8 (stretch) Release: 9.8 Codename: stretch Using: dpkg -s libboost-dev | grep 'Version' Version: Didn't realize I had old libboost, just followed the spitup from How do I compile a wallet for Windows? and from How do I compile a daemon for linux? shit not backwards compatible in the libboost-world? I'll upgrade if i can and see.. Mostly tried the pre-compiled, although I tried the build on the 18.04 machine without any success. If I get a chance, I'll try Debian 9.8 in VirtualBox. While using the Google, I found that this issue is fairly common for Linux crypto wallets. None of the suggested fixes have worked yet I'll keep at it, as I want to support the project. I'm still mining BOB on (with an AntRouter R-1 woohoo) where, believe it or not, it seems to have come back from the dead. I compiled from source this morning on Mint 19.1 - works fine, mostly. seems to be having some issue syncing, however it does recognize my masternode properly, which the pre-built windows version seems to be a having a problem with. One thing I notice on both the Windows and Linux versions is I have only the single, initial transaction of 10,000 SLACK, but it shows 20,000. 10,000 Locked, 10,000 available. That should not be happening
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 02, 2019, 09:01:25 PM |
I can’t PM back till tomorrow. Out of messages. I will respond but I do wanna do a masternode
Address SS41DEW8Mb8o6vwJaZPjtRDskKME7HH6Mf
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
April 02, 2019, 10:24:29 PM |
Okay, I installed Debian 9.8 into a VirtualBox VM and with a little tinkering the qt linux wallet is running. Something about Ubuntu that the wallet doesn't like.
We'll see how it does. I've mined three blocks running the Windows wallet using PlayOnLinux on a 5 year-old Dell i7 laptop, so I can't complain.
BTW... any chance of a ARM Raspberry pi friendly version in the future? You could make an image with a working wallet installed, so that people could literally flash their microSD card, boot the Pi and start mining immediately.
Activity: 89
Merit: 0
April 03, 2019, 06:05:53 AM |
Masternode status: "ACTIVE" not "ENABLED" - any ideas why? XD
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
April 03, 2019, 08:49:43 AM |
I have set up explorer based on iquidus code. It has been set on cheap VPS and therefore it will be hold for eternity. It is not finished yet. Currently masternode tab doesn't show anything, i will check this in my free time. However it's almost fully functional. the BOB
April 04, 2019, 03:42:59 PM |
Masternode status: "ACTIVE" not "ENABLED" - any ideas why? XD
Goto your host client and goto the MN tab and click the button at the bottom that says 'Start Alias' or 'Start All'
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 04, 2019, 06:30:14 PM |
On masternode setup got to where I had to get the outputs from the debug console. It returned nothing. Transaction had reached 300 confirmations. Server guy told me to resend the transaction. Do this sound right or is something else maybe the issue
April 04, 2019, 07:05:03 PM |
On masternode setup got to where I had to get the outputs from the debug console. It returned nothing. Transaction had reached 300 confirmations. Server guy told me to resend the transaction. Do this sound right or is something else maybe the issue
the latest events indicate, that the team is working on improving the system. all the errors, that will occur will be suppressed by the server. so, I think, everything will be fine. I see this order in this project. they will actually find the appropriate solution.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 04, 2019, 07:16:08 PM Last edit: April 13, 2019, 09:45:44 PM by mprep |
Masternode status: "ACTIVE" not "ENABLED" - any ideas why? XD
Once I got my masternode setup properly .. i went into 'MASTERNODE' in windows client and clicked the 'Start All' and it looked like it was enabled.. but nothing was happening, so I went to bed. When I woke up it has started receiving masternode rewards. Haven't had a lot of experience with it other than that, but the best thing I can say is.. keep at it, be patient. When it gets annoying, wander off and come back later to see if anything has changed.
w00t. Thank you for your WORK. SLAAAAAACK: f6ebec708072ff8034c9d09dbd953e986cbd5a4c6ab6daaefe2fac56d0efc8c3

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
April 04, 2019, 09:06:39 PM Last edit: April 15, 2019, 12:16:06 AM by EndCiv |
Would EVERYONE please mint 4 zSLACK Careful not to mint a shit ton of zSLACK as who knows what the fuck it'll do.
Mine all say: "needs 1 more mints added to the network" ..then i found this: 'Yes, you simply need to wait for additional zPiv mints of that denomination on the network; there is nothing more that you need to do.' on a PIVX help page.. So it seems like there's just not alot of single zSLACk enough out there to confirm the ones I made. ..maybe if you all make 4 single 1 zSLACk mabobbers, it'll juice it up.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 04, 2019, 09:16:12 PM Last edit: April 13, 2019, 09:45:55 PM by mprep |
Would EVERYONE please mint 4 zSLACK Careful not to mint a shit ton of zSLACK as who knows what the fuck it'll do.
Mine all say: "needs 1 more mints added to the network" ..then i found this: 'Yes, you simply need to wait for additional zPiv mints of that denomination on the network; there is nothing more that you need to do.' on a PIVX help page.. So it seems like there's just not alot of single zSLACk enough out there to confirm the ones I made. ..maybe if you all make 4 single 1 zSLACk mabobbers, it'll juice it up.
I got like 269 of them already. Turned it back on for ya
Slack discord. Sorry last nights got deleted. I had an issue. Join this one. Slack people I will make you admins
Activity: 89
Merit: 0
April 05, 2019, 07:16:41 AM |
Would EVERYONE please mint 4 zSLACK Careful not to mint a shit ton of zSLACK as who knows what the fuck it'll do.
Mine all say: "needs 1 more mints added to the network" ..then i found this: 'Yes, you simply need to wait for additional zPiv mints of that denomination on the network; there is nothing more that you need to do.' on a PIVX help page.. So it seems like there's just not alot of single zSLACk enough out there to confirm the ones I made. ..maybe if you all make 4 single 1 zSLACk mabobbers, it'll juice it up.
I got like 269 of them already. Turned it back on for ya I have got 1842 XD zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzSlack
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 05, 2019, 11:32:54 AM |
I got 869 now of the ZSlack
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 06, 2019, 01:02:19 AM |
I got 869 now of the ZSlack
Cool, careful. No one knows when it will become available. I've also got a lot and it's all marked immature.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 06, 2019, 02:23:49 AM Last edit: April 13, 2019, 09:46:08 PM by mprep |
Masternode up and running
I got 869 now of the ZSlack
Cool, careful. No one knows when it will become available. I've also got a lot and it's all marked immature. All mine marked immature too
April 06, 2019, 02:12:51 PM |
After I started my MN the balance on the OVERVIEW page shows +20000 SLACK more than I had prior to starting the MN and that balance isn't reflected in coin control, for instance it shows on the OVERVIEW page that there is 20000 SLACK locked when in reality only 10000 SLACK is locked. I think Grimnir posted he had same issue above in another post. My available balance below should only read 5638.79 SLACK. I considered resyncing / repair options but don't wanna do nothin' while something is happenin'. lol  
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 06, 2019, 05:39:43 PM |
After I started my MN the balance on the OVERVIEW page shows +20000 SLACK more than I had prior to starting the MN and that balance isn't reflected in coin control, for instance it shows on the OVERVIEW page that there is 20000 SLACK locked when in reality only 10000 SLACK is locked. I think Grimnir posted he had same issue above in another post. My available balance below should only read 5638.79 SLACK. I considered resyncing / repair options but don't wanna do nothin' while something is happenin'. lol the same for me
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
April 07, 2019, 11:16:58 AM |
there is probably bug in the qt wallet, it shows wrong balance. In the text client everything is ok. I am little bit worried about zerocoin protocol. zCoins not maturing, maybe we should wait for POS activation..
April 07, 2019, 09:40:57 PM |
there is probably bug in the qt wallet, it shows wrong balance. In the text client everything is ok. I am little bit worried about zerocoin protocol. zCoins not maturing, maybe we should wait for POS activation..
If I recall the zSLACK (zerocoins) don't start maturing until after POS begins.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
April 08, 2019, 01:40:32 AM |
So, what exactly is zSLACK? I see these micro transactions of usually 0.01 SLACK to a zSLACK balance. Is this part of the PoS?
I wondered that too. I found this about zpiv that helps explain zslack. Basically it's what enables the privacy features of the coin. So if you want your transactions to be private you need to be minting zslack. If not you can turn it off: ( Automatic zPIV minting and zPIV backup requirements Modified on: Thu, 22 Nov, 2018 at 10:53 AM What is the automint? As of PIVX Core v3.0 your wallet will automatically mint about 10% of your balance to zPIV. If your wallet is encrypted, this will happen once you send a transaction or unlock the wallet (even for staking and anonymization only). You can configure the automint to any percentage 0 to 100% or disable it using the link at the bottom of this article. Why does PIVX Core Wallet automint zPIV? PIVX’s Zerocoin Protocol works by automatically “mixing” zPIV of the same denomination together, making zPIV transactions virtually impossible to trace. The PIVX Core Wallet automatically mints 10% of users’ unlocked PIVX balances into zPIV, which ensures there are enough zPIV denominations available to mix and make Zerocoin Protocol effective regardless of manual zPIV minting volume. What are the backup requirements for zPIV? Beginning with PIVX Core v3.1, PIVX uses an innovative system called dzPIV, which provides a one-time seed backup for your zPIV. Please follow this guide to backup your zPIV seed. This means that you don't need to make a new backup after every zPIV mint, but periodic wallet.dat backups are still a good idea. It is still important to keep all of your wallet.dat files because your normal piv are still stored in there and the seed does not cover them. Never delete any wallet.dat files.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 08, 2019, 04:34:57 AM |
So, what exactly is zSLACK? I see these micro transactions of usually 0.01 SLACK to a zSLACK balance. Is this part of the PoS?
I wondered that too. I found this about zpiv that helps explain zslack. Basically it's what enables the privacy features of the coin. So if you want your transactions to be private you need to be minting zslack. If not you can turn it off: ( But does anyone actually have any that's matured, and spendable?
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
April 10, 2019, 01:01:49 AM |
Hey Subgenii and DobbsCoin enthusiasts,
I had a DobbsCoin qt wallet back a couple years ago or so. It worked pretty good, but then I had a computer error and lost it (I know, I should have backed up the wallet.dat - live and learn). Makes me wonder how much crypto is out there "lost" - quite a bit, I imagine...
Anyway, I got the old qt wallet working again and synched (v 0.10.1). Is this older version the one to use at present? I don't think the new wallet is ready?
Fun fact: The number of members in the (very quiet) DobbsCoin reddit group is currently 23 - pretty mystical number! If you found this info. useful, I'd appreciate a donation of DobbsCoin, as I'm starting from scratch, and the faucet and SPINGAME are both down, so please PM me if you can help. Thank you, generous ones...and PraBob!
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 11, 2019, 01:10:32 PM Last edit: April 13, 2019, 09:46:22 PM by mprep |
Good MorningCurrent Networkhps: 568.26 MH/s Current Difficulty: 15.89856432125089 Current Block: 7249Just over half way thru PoW WLLETBUILDERS are looking into and should soon be working on correcting the double listed LOCKED balance issue.
Yea, this coin is completely different. SLACK is currently a proof of work coin that will become a proofof stake coin in another eight or so days. SLACk also has masternodes, so there'll still be lots of new SLACK created every day for folks who either maintain a SLACK balance or have locked up 10,000 SLACk in what's called a masternode. We still LOVE "BOB" 'course, it is still in quasi-development.. a new BOB waller could come out any week now (probably not though) and I'll certainly trade you SLACK for "BOB" for SLACK any day. If you have a VPS or a static IP, I'll even give you a shit ton of BOTh just for the fuck of it, because who gives a shit anyhow. Glad to have re-found you. You're always welcome on FREENODE in #SLACK Hey Subgenii and DobbsCoin enthusiasts,
I had a DobbsCoin qt wallet back a couple years ago or so. It worked pretty good, but then I had a computer error and lost it (I know, I should have backed up the wallet.dat - live and learn). Makes me wonder how much crypto is out there "lost" - quite a bit, I imagine...
Anyway, I got the old qt wallet working again and synched (v 0.10.1). Is this older version the one to use at present? I don't think the new wallet is ready?
Fun fact: The number of members in the (very quiet) DobbsCoin reddit group is currently 23 - pretty mystical number! If you found this info. useful, I'd appreciate a donation of DobbsCoin, as I'm starting from scratch, and the faucet and SPINGAME are both down, so please PM me if you can help. Thank you, generous ones...and PraBob!
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
April 12, 2019, 06:29:22 AM |
what day will end POW?
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
April 12, 2019, 03:42:36 PM |
If you've had some trouble getting econocalypse to build from source on Ubuntu Server 18.04.2, these steps worked for me. I can confirm that the qt wallet works under Xubuntu 18.04.2 in a virtual box using these steps. This may work for Debian 9.7 or 9.8, Ubuntu Server 18.10, and any of the gui flavors of Ubuntu 18.04.2 or 18.10. At this time they do not work with Ubuntu 19.04. Use at your own risk. 1] Update and upgrade your OS. Reboot if necessary. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade 2] Install the required dependencies to build the daemon and cli: sudo apt-get install git build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils python3 libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-all-dev libboost-program-options-dev libzmq3-dev unzip 3] Install these packages to build the qt wallet. Optional miniupnpc here as well:
sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev 4] For the BerkeleyDB 4.8 package, I followed these instructions to install them from the bitcoin team:
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev 5] This part is copied and pasted from the econocalypse daemon build instructions Clone the source from git: git clone cd econocalypse-source chmod 744 share/ chmod 744 src/leveldb/build_detect_platform chmod 744 Skip to 6b if you also want to build the qt wallet 6a] Build the daemon + cli for Ubuntu Server 18.04.2. Requires at least 2gb of RAM. See suggested tweak that worked on a VPS with 1gb of RAM.
./ ./configure --with-unsupported-ssl --without-gui make 6b] If building with a qt wallet, execute these commands:
./ ./configure --with-unsupported-ssl make If you have less than 2gb of RAM, use this option with ./configure. Make sure you add --with-unsupported-ssl, and --without-gui if you need to. Make sure there is a space between the last " and the --. Got it? 
./configure CXXFLAGS="--param ggc-min-expand=1 --param ggc-min-heapsize=32768" Now hopefully congratulations are in order after a successful completion of make. Enjoy some frop or your favorite beverage. The compiled files will end up in ~/econocalypse-source/src and ~/econocalypse-source/src/qt. I like to make a directory in my home and then copy the compiled files to the directory I made.
cd ~ mkdir econocalypse cd econocalypse-source/src cp econocalypsed $HOME/econocalypse cp econocalypse-cli $HOME/econocalypse If you also built the qt wallet:
cd ~/econocalypse-source/src/qt cp econocalypse-qt $HOME/econocalypse Now go to the new directory:
cd ~/econocalypse If running from a VPS, execute the daemon:Skip if you are running the qt wallet ./econocalypsed -daemon -discover -listen -server You may now use ./econocalypse-cli help to find the neat and keen commands to check the wallet. Follow the official guide for setting up a masternode. If running the qt wallet in X, execute in a terminal:
./econocalypse-qt And now "Bob"'s your uncle.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 13, 2019, 02:41:28 AM Last edit: April 13, 2019, 09:46:36 PM by mprep |
what day will end POW?
Mmmmmmm It started on 3/31.19 and runs for 13013 blocks, Current Block: 8310, so a little over half way. So, like...another 10 days - or so.. RU Mining? RU any good at anything? Like, can you make web pages? Do you iRC? There's TONS of SLACk available. YOU CAN MINE BOB - or Trade for it on NOVA, if you can trade on NOVA. BOB TRADE IT FOR SLACK too. VERY IMPRESSIVE until you try to figure out what the fuck he's talking about. It's NOT just me, right?

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
April 13, 2019, 05:05:33 AM Last edit: April 27, 2019, 03:45:14 AM by EndCiv Merited by cryptodollar (4) |
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
April 13, 2019, 08:37:37 PM |
Thanks much. I may check out FREENODE/#SLACK - I think my IRC skills are still sharp after all these years, let's see: a/s/l? (That's one for the old timers...) I do see potential for these coins within the Subgenius community, as well as much Slack and fun, of course. Have you thought of an integration with Dobbstown? Maybe members could use the coins to trade there, win them in contests, etc? Also could be used at real world Devivals and such, maybe? Or to pay membership fees, buy books, and things on the Subgenius site (and on the Pleasure Saucers, of course)? Though, I've not heard Stang's ideas on these things (probably likes the "green" paper money better at this point, and who can blame him when it looks closer to frop), maybe you are privy to his opinions? Or maybe I'm just a Slack dreamer... PraBob! Yea, this coin is completely different. SLACK is currently a proof of work coin that will become a proofof stake coin in another eight or so days. SLACk also has masternodes, so there'll still be lots of new SLACK created every day for folks who either maintain a SLACK balance or have locked up 10,000 SLACk in what's called a masternode. We still LOVE "BOB" 'course, it is still in quasi-development.. a new BOB waller could come out any week now (probably not though) and I'll certainly trade you SLACK for "BOB" for SLACK any day. If you have a VPS or a static IP, I'll even give you a shit ton of BOTh just for the fuck of it, because who gives a shit anyhow. Glad to have re-found you. You're always welcome on FREENODE in #SLACK
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 14, 2019, 02:21:28 AM Last edit: April 20, 2019, 12:08:12 AM by mprep |
Thanks much. I do see potential for these coins within the Subgenius community, as well as much Slack and fun, of course. Have you thought of an integration with Dobbstown? Maybe members could use the coins to trade there, win them in contests, etc? Also could be used at real world Devivals and such, maybe? Or to pay membership fees, buy books, and things on the Subgenius site (and on the Pleasure Saucers, of course)? Though, I've not heard Stang's ideas on these things (probably likes the "green" paper money better at this point ~ ...
Hmmm Yea, Stang & the Gang's been real cool about letting us use the whole meme and such as a base for our educational process, and we did once host a shopping cart which accepted "BOB" Dobbscoin as payment for several things ..membership packages we'd purchased in bulk and re-sold for (BOB), pamphlet 1 & 2 and the like; but it took Philo's input to even get the "church" to look at the project, and as far as accepting crypto by the "Church" goes.. there's not many in the 'in-crowd' who seem to even understand the importance to an alternative to the federal reserve note.. not to mention that NONE of the paper wallets or private keys shared/sent to a handfuk of Heiarachy have been touched.. so I assume that they've either been stored away for the end-times, lost and or destoyed.. I don't know really as the overall acceptance of bitcoin, crypto or Dobbscoin within official message boards (scrubgenius) seems to always be met with distrust, scorn, vitriol or in the least blank stares - Except for a very small handful of "active church chat" folks.. BUT.. Believe you me.. MAKE DOBBSCOIN WORTH paying attention to and no doubt someone will.
Hey: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ECONOCALYPSE DISCORD? Can't keep going away.. duh doy. DISCORD: I made a new one and will try and bump privileges when people connect.

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
April 14, 2019, 10:47:18 PM Last edit: April 15, 2019, 12:14:14 AM by EndCiv |
Is this a BUG?
When I launch the wallet.. it loads as normal.. Everything eventually synchs up. But when I click on SETTINGS, then OPTIONS, iT LOCKS UP THE WALLET.
It's like it opens into an invisible space and won't let me do anything until I close it, but of course - I can't because I can't see it anywhere.
Is ANYONE else having this issue?
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
April 15, 2019, 07:07:27 AM |
I am unable to join Your discord, can You post invitation link one more time?
I have qt wallet compiled in linux, i don't have this BUG.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 15, 2019, 12:09:41 PM |
doh- am unable to join Your discord, can You post invitation link one more time?
I have qt wallet compiled in linux, i don't have this BUG.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
April 18, 2019, 02:22:20 PM |
It appears that in order for them to mature there have to be a specific number of zSLACK minted after yours. Just like with normal block rewards, they don't mature until more are created. So if everyone has their zSLACK automint turned off and no more is being created, then they won't mature. At least that's the way I'm understanding it. Are we going to have to do anything to stake our SLACK when it switches to POS tomorrow? Is a wallet upgrade going to be needed? Are we going to have to type anything into the console to stake?
April 18, 2019, 02:29:01 PM |
Please explain this thing: Quark pow/PoS technology what does it mean? I have never heard about this one.

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
April 19, 2019, 02:02:41 AM |
QUARK Algorithm that starts out as a Proof of Work coin for 13013 blocks.. then switches to Proof of Stake, offering "interest" on the number of coins idle/staked in the wallet.. like a SLACK savings account. It also allows you ..rewards you even, to setup a MASTERNODE.. where your one computer will stay online 24/7, acting as a full node with a complete block chain - always synched to the other masternodes.. which, since there's no longer any "WORK" being done, helps ensure/secure the block chain from 51% attack, 'er someshit. Please explain this thing: Quark pow/PoS technology what does it mean? I have never heard about this one.
Have you got a shell/VPS or a box with a static IP? It fairly important when operating a masternode, but just leaving the wallet running, with a balance - will still earn staking interest, once the Proof of Work period is over.. Current Networkhps: 273.75 MH/s - Current Difficulty: 10.02629540738758 - Current Block: 12396 PRV. MSG me here, once your wallet is synched up and let's have some fun. OPEN OFFER - RSVP. LAST PoW Block is #13013. Won't be long.
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
April 19, 2019, 10:53:05 AM |
If you've had some trouble getting econocalypse to build from source on Ubuntu Server 18.04.2, these steps worked for me. I can confirm that the qt wallet works under Xubuntu 18.04.2 in a virtual box using these steps. This may work for Debian 9.7 or 9.8, Ubuntu Server 18.10, and any of the gui flavors of Ubuntu 18.04.2 or 18.10. At this time they do not work with Ubuntu 19.04. Use at your own risk.
This worked like a charm for me with Ubuntu Mate 16.04 & 18.04. thank you!
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
April 19, 2019, 11:38:26 AM |
This worked like a charm for me with Ubuntu Mate 16.04 & 18.04. thank you!
No problem. I was just having a hell of time of it, and I thought, "I should write this down in case it actually works." Some of the info I cribbed from the litecoin source compile instructions. When configure ran with no errors I knew I was cooking with gas. When make finished with no errors I knew that gas was propane.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
April 19, 2019, 11:59:47 PM |
So, am I the only one that seems to be stuck on block 13012? And if so, what do I need to do?
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 20, 2019, 12:13:38 AM |
So, am I the only one that seems to be stuck on block 13012? And if so, what do I need to do?
Nope, everyone is stranded on 13012 currently.. The NEXT block *would* have been the END of PoW  Please leave things as they are. =p Welcome to WalletBuilders Support. Our support is closed from April 13 to April 20.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 20, 2019, 02:55:39 AM |
I had put the original discord server up and 3 days ago it was gone from my account. I created the server but somehow someone must have reported it and discord took it down. And the mods here keep deletall my posts
April 20, 2019, 07:51:29 AM Last edit: April 21, 2019, 02:07:18 AM by mprep |
So, am I the only one that seems to be stuck on block 13012? And if so, what do I need to do?
Nope, everyone is stranded on 13012 currently.. The NEXT block *would* have been the END of PoW  Please leave things as they are. =p Welcome to WalletBuilders Support. Our support is closed from April 13 to April 20. I've actually advanced to block 13013 and was able to restart MN (wallet crashed at block 13012 and needed restarted, however I wasn't able to restart the MN after restarting due to error that wallet needed to sync. After it advanced to block 13013 i was able to restart the MN).  { "version": 1000000, "protocolversion": 70914, "walletversion": 61000, "zerocoinbalance": 0.00000000, "blocks": 13013, "timeoffset": -1, "connections": 8, "proxy": "", "difficulty": 6.027633696338321, "testnet": false, "moneysupply": 22650523.68628995, "zSLACKsupply": { "1": 3026.00000000, "5": 9675.00000000, "10": 19310.00000000, "50": 1500.00000000, "100": 4500.00000000, "500": 3500.00000000, "1000": 8000.00000000, "5000": 70000.00000000, "total": 119511.00000000 }, "keypoololdest": 1554529965, "keypoolsize": 1001, "unlocked_until": 0, "paytxfee": 0.00000000, "relayfee": 0.00010000, "staking status": "Staking Active", "errors": "" }
I only show one peer at block 13013 with me. All other peers are still at 13012... "id": 20, "addr": "[2a00:6d40:72:9764::1001]:13013", "addrlocal": "[2607:fcc8:f2c4:e200:5caf:1693:e48b:7dcb]:57168", "services": "0000000000000005", "lastsend": 1555746860, "lastrecv": 1555746861, "bytessent": 11149, "bytesrecv": 9399, "conntime": 1555744819, "timeoffset": -1, "pingtime": 0.126585, "version": 70914, "subver": "/Econocalypse Core:1.0.0/", "inbound": false, "startingheight": 13013, "banscore": 1, "synced_headers": -1, "synced_blocks": -1, "inflight": [ ], "whitelisted": false

Activity: 133
Merit: 10
April 20, 2019, 08:16:57 AM |
addnode= addnode= addnode= Theses are my VPS staking nodes. They have 13013 height and staking active, but only few coins ! So that blockchain can not restart. So that try to charge a desktop wallet using a lot of coins, delete peers.dat and add this node list in econocalypse.conf. To try to unlock the chain. I think POW is finished but POS mining is hanged. Only few nodes have 13013 height and stacking active so that POS phase cannot start! The blockchain cannot restart in this condition!
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 20, 2019, 12:44:43 PM |
addnode= addnode= addnode= Theses are my VPS staking nodes. They have 13013 height and staking active, but only few coins ! So that blockchain can not restart. So that try to charge a desktop wallet using a lot of coins, delete peers.dat and add this node list in econocalypse.conf. To try to unlock the chain. I think POW is finished but POS mining is hanged. Only few nodes have 13013 height and stacking active so that POS phase cannot start! The blockchain cannot restart in this condition!
I have done this with my wallet

Activity: 133
Merit: 10
April 20, 2019, 01:03:17 PM Last edit: April 20, 2019, 01:31:55 PM by Luci0gabsan |
I zeroed the block chain, erased addnode from .conf e tried to resync ... now the height is 13010 in VPS node . The same in the desktop but height is 13008. I think that blockchain has forked at 13010-1312 and trying to resync drop some blocks. And chains is returned back to POW side and none is mining. What a big mess ... we need devs!
EDIT :I restarted two desktop wallets zer0ing the chain, and saving the wallet e restart mining ...
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 20, 2019, 01:42:40 PM |
Basic Ticket Information Ticket Status: Open Department: Support Create Date: 04/20/2019 8:41 AM User Information Name: Btcbob Email: dobbscoin@gmail.comBtcBob posted 04/20/2019 8:41 AM 50+ peers on my seed nodes, 12 masternodes at end of PoW.. Last PoW block was supposed to be 13013 All but 2 peers STUCK at 13012.. One peer reports being stuck at 13013 and reports another peer with him. Seed wallets node1 & node2 are on 13012, but show a handful of peers on 13013 addnode [2a00:6d40:72:9764::1001]:13013 add addnode add addnode add addnode add Still showing 13 masternodes - still stuck 0n last block WELCOME BACK

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
April 20, 2019, 02:35:41 PM |
<skammie> on the btc site he says he zeroed his blockchain, erased his addnode lines, tried to resync, and got stuck at block 13010 <EndCiv> !info <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 190.69 MH/s - Current Difficulty: 6.010483351204446 - Current Block: 13012 <skammie> !info <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 42.54 MH/s - Current Difficulty: 6.027633696338321 - Current Block: 13013 <skammie> whoa <EndCiv> !info <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 42.54 MH/s - Current Difficulty: 6.027633696338321 - Current Block: 13013 <EndCiv> maybe high DIFF zero hash <EndCiv> long block in PoS

Activity: 133
Merit: 10
April 20, 2019, 03:40:39 PM Last edit: April 21, 2019, 02:07:39 AM by mprep |
./econocalypse-cli getmininginfo { "blocks": 13013, "currentblocksize": 1000, "currentblocktx": 0, "difficulty": 6.027633696338321, "errors": "", "genproclimit": -1, "networkhashps": 42538741, "pooledtx": 0, "testnet": false, "chain": "main", "generate": false, "hashespersec": 0 } ./econocalypse-cli getstakingstatus { "validtime": true, "haveconnections": true, "walletunlocked": true, "mintablecoins": true, "enoughcoins": true, "mnsync": true, "staking status": true }
my node seems to ok ... to stake!
This on my desktop wallet ... Stato: 1/unconfirmed Data: 20/04/2019 16:25 Source: Generated Credit: 50.00000000 SLACK Net amount: +50.00000000 SLACK Transaction ID: 0d4972f6633907a3a1c2d38bc7fcfc399b062f2a5bf356b8a69a192512f0a72f Output index: 0
Generated coins must mature 31 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to "not accepted" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.
I've found the #13013 block ... but chain seems still hanged ... I think there are many chain forks near 1301x block ...
April 20, 2019, 04:02:00 PM |
My wallet was in staking status but I closed it to add the above nodes and restarted it, now says staking not active again.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 20, 2019, 04:10:49 PM |
My master node is back online
April 20, 2019, 04:24:22 PM |
My master node is back online
Mine as well..

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
April 20, 2019, 06:22:01 PM Last edit: April 20, 2019, 06:43:12 PM by EndCiv |
I've found the #13013 block THE 13013 BLOCK (sci-fi sounds)!! Does its reward have its own address? Prolly, since it's a PoW block reward. You should dump the privkey for that one and store it offline in it's pristine unmolested form for all eternity, so it isn't spent until X-Day. I bet it'll open the portal at the end of time and no doubt magically enhance your sexual prowess. Blessed are thee Interesting sidebar: I added this to my conf connect= connect= and removed server=1 and listen=1 er anything that might make it look for other nodes besides those two, cos they were both on 13013, then spawned the windows wallet from command line, then also spawned the -cli.exe wallet.. and did the getinfo.. and it seemed to be synched at 13013.. so then I killed it, opened up the QT wallet and it was also at 13013 - but masternodes still not enabled yet. -YET.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
April 20, 2019, 08:45:18 PM |
My master node is back online
Mine as well.. Has either of you been able to get past 13013? If so can I have an IP address to sync to?
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 20, 2019, 09:25:33 PM |
My master node is back online
Mine as well.. Has either of you been able to get past 13013? If so can I have an IP address to sync to? Nope 👎 stuck on 13013
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 21, 2019, 04:10:54 AM |
So now my Masternode is down. StAking says off and still Stuck on 13013 😭
Jr. Member
Activity: 98
Merit: 2
April 22, 2019, 07:04:58 AM |
hi guys, we received a coin listing application at Nova Exchange, please reply to our email at so that we can proceed with the listing.

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
April 22, 2019, 02:06:50 PM |
hi guys, we received a coin listing application at Nova Exchange, please reply to our email at so that we can proceed with the listing. Ha. That is funny. How much for BLOCK 13013? The BLOCK to end ALL BLOCKS. I can't even trade on NOVA. fuck all.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 22, 2019, 05:13:17 PM |
[12:08] <BtcBob> HOLY FUCK [12:08] <BtcBob> i just recieved a transaction [12:08] <BtcBob> 13014 [12:09] <BtcBob> !info [12:09] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 11.20 MH/s - Current Difficulty: 0.01411812911253658 - Current Block: 13018 Masternode STARTED again... 12:11:06  [ { "rank": 1, "network": "ipv4", "txhash": "8965b5a64d67383d74d78f29a7a048c07624b0c00cd2915f1a8534d095f1600b", "outidx": 0, "status": "ENABLED", "addr": "Shf4U4VHPAbKW5GzW52xUqdY4yG4jkJtNk", "version": 70914, "lastseen": 1555952819, "activetime": 1779716, "lastpaid": 0 }, { "rank": 2, "network": "ipv4", "txhash": "49b312a1ba01a088b256bf8d6cc94f8cf0257967cf3619156a482409a7d2d334", "outidx": 0, "status": "ENABLED", "addr": "SbNt4SYduoTZti6uRepJYtn9GC9UJ7Q523", "version": 70914, "lastseen": 1555952486, "activetime": 1220976, "lastpaid": 0 }, { "rank": 3, "network": "ipv6", "txhash": "6afcf92fab0ba9faba2c8aa1dac6d3aa693d04a086b1aa1a640ef28b204c0dd2", "outidx": 1, "status": "ENABLED", "addr": "SgcRsBeEpzJ9osX1wuKxJzWu5YfvUvdTqV", "version": 70914, "lastseen": 1555952926, "activetime": 165382, "lastpaid": 0 }, { "rank": 0, "network": "ipv4", "txhash": "905f9abf2f2fadcd666a8860ece88a88b91077bf43ef31df103888698d722275", "outidx": 1, "status": "ACTIVE", "addr": "SeTn3wb36Xjyq6SUh9hjagvRwqijaHpHZU", "version": 70914, "lastseen": 1555953020, "activetime": 0, "lastpaid": 0 } ]
Slackless MASSES.. Ye of little Faith
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 22, 2019, 06:09:02 PM Last edit: April 22, 2019, 09:33:38 PM by dobbscoin |
[12:09] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 11.20 MH/s - Current Difficulty: 0.01411812911253658 - Current Block: 13018 [12:37] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 646.81 MH/s - Current Difficulty: 7.711825179212911 - Current Block: 13176 [12:47] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 2.86 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 35.89783311543951 - Current Block: 13217 [12:49] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 3.21 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 38.66211302075412 - Current Block: 13221 [13:00] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 5.70 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 75.26945785402796 - Current Block: 13246 [13:08] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 6.60 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 89.43705220061412 - Current Block: 13257 [13:43] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 12.12 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 210.0849006987403 - Current Block: 13310 [16:06] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 26.76 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 397.07841234527 - Current Block: 13463
Why so much hash in PoS?
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 22, 2019, 06:22:03 PM |
zSLACK Matured.. But can YOU spend it? I tried to send some to Prints at his SLACK address..  And the wallet CRASHED

Activity: 133
Merit: 10
April 22, 2019, 07:44:17 PM |
The PINK conspiracy stops Econocalypse ... LOL it's true!

Activity: 133
Merit: 10
April 22, 2019, 07:55:06 PM |
zSLACK Matured.. But can YOU spend it?
I tried to send some to Prints at his SLACK address..
And the wallet CRASHED
I don't know why but windows wallet is crashing while spending ...
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 22, 2019, 08:10:53 PM |
Correct.. I wonder if there's any corelation between zSLACK % and STAKE reward.. Or even if we need to make zSLACK anylonger.. Disable and see. Still, will write WALLET BUILDERS for assistance. zSLACK Matured.. But can YOU spend it?
I tried to send some to Prints at his SLACK address..
And the wallet CRASHED
I don't know why but windows wallet is crashing while spending ...
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
April 22, 2019, 10:21:43 PM Last edit: April 23, 2019, 01:20:10 AM by bhunter1976 |
So I was finally able to sync past 13013 and start staking! Yay! But...I thought staking rewards were supposed to be 50 coins like mining. My stakes have been 5 coins, although I'm getting one every 10 mins...
And it's cool that slack might be listed on Nova, but what are the chances of getting listed on an exchange that US citizens can use?
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 23, 2019, 02:33:06 AM |
So I was finally able to sync past 13013 and start staking! Yay! But...I thought staking rewards were supposed to be 50 coins like mining. My stakes have been 5 coins, although I'm getting one every 10 mins...
Yea, that was a flub,. It's actually 10, but 50% of it goes to the masternode, and 50% of it goes to a stake-holder. I think that's how it shakes out. And it's cool that slack might be listed on Nova, but what are the chances of getting listed on an exchange that US citizens can use?
I hear ya.. NOVA wants 0.2 BTC for the listing .. and because they won't serve U.S. "Persons", It's unlikely anyone will pony-up. Besides.. SLACK is a 'niche coin.. the private settlement instrument of a UFO Sex Cult.. so who would want to sell them anyhow -rite? If the OVERPOP want's SLACK, they'll have to SCRYPT MINE BOB & OTC that shit. But to the point.. BOB was listed on Bittrex & Cryptopia for a while. Cryptopia just added it because they're fucking like that -Praise "Bob" and Bittrex was more because one of "THEM" was a SubGenius' and back then they were adding anything they thought would sell.. the problem with BOB then was that there was just not enough for the OverPop Ponzi shitcoin shills to get, so there was no profit to be made suckering pinkboys out fo their BitCoin.. and only the TRULY WORTHY got'any. If you want it listed YOU have to MAKE IT HAPPEN. Find people, talk to folks. create fan-fare and make some noise!! As for me.. I'm just here to play and will forever trade 1 for 1.. back and forth for the asking. PRIVATE MESSAGE ME HERE TO TRADE BOB for SLACK & PLEASE GIVE ME KUDOS AFTER THE EXCHANGE TO IMPROVE MY REP. -Praise "BOB"
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 23, 2019, 12:15:29 PM |
patrykw[] Today at 4:43 AMHi guys, do You know that the premine is staking? If You don't disable staking on premine wallet you will kill this coin. BtcBob Today at 6:58 AMOh, snap. Will shutting down the premine wallet do? Done, but just now. That wallet is the one that locks up when Options is chosen from the drop down menu. I'll move it to a new wallet that's encrypted, after breaking it into a handfull of address' - print out the keys and bring them back up as people want to sell back BOB. We've exchanged just a little over 150k BOB. None the less, that wallet's ben shut down as of now. Thanks for the heads up. [12:09] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 11.20 MH/s - Current Difficulty: 0.01411812911253658 - Current Block: 13018 [12:37] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 646.81 MH/s - Current Difficulty: 7.711825179212911 - Current Block: 13176 [12:47] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 2.86 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 35.89783311543951 - Current Block: 13217 [12:49] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 3.21 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 38.66211302075412 - Current Block: 13221 [13:00] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 5.70 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 75.26945785402796 - Current Block: 13246 [13:08] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 6.60 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 89.43705220061412 - Current Block: 13257 [13:43] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 12.12 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 210.0849006987403 - Current Block: 13310 [16:06] <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 26.76 GH/s - Current Difficulty: 397.07841234527 - Current Block: 13463
BtcBobToday at 7:07 AMFuuuuck <Econo-Bot> Current Networkhps: 4.87 TH/s - Current Difficulty: 91177.19477762445 - Current Block: 14452 patrykw[]Today at 7:08 AMyap, network might be really slow in the next few hours
April 23, 2019, 02:08:10 PM |
QUARK Algorithm that starts out as a Proof of Work coin for 13013 blocks.. then switches to Proof of Stake, offering "interest" on the number of coins idle/staked in the wallet.. like a SLACK savings account. It also allows you ..rewards you even, to setup a MASTERNODE.. where your one computer will stay online 24/7, acting as a full node with a complete block chain - always synched to the other masternodes.. which, since there's no longer any "WORK" being done, helps ensure/secure the block chain from 51% attack, 'er someshit. Please explain this thing: Quark pow/PoS technology what does it mean? I have never heard about this one.
Have you got a shell/VPS or a box with a static IP? It fairly important when operating a masternode, but just leaving the wallet running, with a balance - will still earn staking interest, once the Proof of Work period is over.. Current Networkhps: 273.75 MH/s - Current Difficulty: 10.02629540738758 - Current Block: 12396 PRV. MSG me here, once your wallet is synched up and let's have some fun. OPEN OFFER - RSVP. LAST PoW Block is #13013. Won't be long. Sorry, I do not understand your reply. Probably it will be good to explain in a easier words.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 24, 2019, 05:33:48 AM |
IRC: Simply join #Dobbscoin on FREENODE and use a REGISTERED NICK to interact with the TipBob /msg TipBob ADDRESS to get an address to send your BOB to.. /msg TipBob TIP BtcBob (amount) Then leave me a MEMOSERV message including the SLACK address you with the SLACk to be sent. /ms send btcbob (Supersecretwalletaddress)
/quit You may stop reading forever
BitCoinTalk: Do something similar.. but using the forums private message functions to get in touch with me.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 27, 2019, 01:18:25 PM |
THINGS I WANT FOR SLACK: - custom wallet address creator 20k SLACK
- a faucet 20k SLACK +faucet slush fund
- must be somewhat capcha/protected from abuse. - a paper wallet creator 20k SLACK
- a spingame 30k SLACK
- Something FUN that gets people USING SLACK
If you make us a game, and it requires a reserve fund, it'll be funded. If it requires hosting or a proper hostname. it'll be provided. If you run a masternode, you can probably do any number of things. We had all these things for "BOB" at one time. IMPORTANT SHIT TO FIX: - WORKING zSLACK transactions
- Proper math on the QT Overview Balances

Activity: 148
Merit: 20
April 27, 2019, 02:02:27 PM |
Again this silly lad and his equivocal ramblings... Here we go. Go and wash your mug first cause there's some foamy substance looking like adult lather stuck to your lips. And then we can talk maybe... One more kid in the town. This dobbscoin imbecile does not have a clue what he is banging on about, just tries to play smarty. Do you even speak english or do you use google translate? Remember, slack is a messaging platform, not a cult.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
April 27, 2019, 10:55:00 PM Last edit: April 30, 2019, 12:30:31 AM by dobbscoin |
bLaH bLah BlAh. Remember, slack is a messaging platform, not a cult.
---------------------------------------- |@@@@@@@^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^@@@@@@@@| |@@@@@@^ ~^ @ @@ @ @ @ I ~^@@@@@@| A mesaging platform??, False Slack by most accounts. |@@@@@ ~ ~~ ~I @@@@@| Sounds like TheConspiracy speaking to us, PINK Boy. |@@@@' ' _,w@< @@@@| |@@@@ @@@@@@@@w___,w@@@@@@@@ @ @@@| (SLACK) is TRUE SLACK - 'Something for Nothing' |@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I @@@| |@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*@[ i @@@| No doubt, Slack is different things to different people. |@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[][ | ]@@@| The Slack that can be described is not true Slack. |@@@@ ~_,,_ ~@@@@@@@~ ____~ @ @@@| Because, by definition, it is indefinable. |@@@@ _~ , , `@@@~ _ _`@ ]L J@@@| |@@@@ , @@w@ww+ @@@ww``,,@w@ ][ @@@@| This here.. this is a piece of crap worthless shitcoin |@@@@, @@@@www@@@ @@@@@@@ww@@@@@[ @@@@| created by WalletBuilders - Praise "BOB" |@@@@@_|| @@@@@@P' @@P@@@@@@@@@@@[|c@@@@| |@@@@@@w| '@@P~ P]@@@-~, ~Y@@^'],@@@@@@| The Church of the SubGenius is a religious organization, |@@@@@@@[ _ _J@@Tk ]]@@@@@@| often seen as a "parody religion", that satirizes religion, |@@@@@@@@,@ @@, c,,,,,,,y ,w@@[ ,@@@@@@@| conspiracy theories, UFOs, and popular culture. |@@@@@@@@@ i @w ====--_@@@@@ @@@@@@@@| |@@@@@@@@@@`,P~ _ ~^^^^Y@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@| To the SubGenius.. Slack is a unique, seemingly magical system |@@@@^^=^@@^ ^' ,ww,w@@@@@ _@@@@@@@@@@| innate ability to effortlessly achieve ones goals. |@@@_xJ~ ~ , @@@@@@@P~_@@@@@@@@@@@@| |@@ @, ,@@@,_____ _,J@@@@@@@@@@@@@| It's NOT EVEN Money - THIS OUR HOLY LEDGER |@@L `' ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| THE WORLD ENDS TOMORROW MOTHERFUCKERS |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| AND YOU MAY EVEN DIE ---------------------------------------- BOB & SLACK are our Project coins. They have b33n doKtored up by as many very talented weirdos from the crypto space as they have complete retards, and they're still broke. . Nothing to fear brah; This is NOT the traditional investment Ponzischeme most normals are looking for.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
April 28, 2019, 02:46:59 PM |
Again this silly lad and his equivocal ramblings... Here we go. Go and wash your mug first cause there's some foamy substance looking like adult lather stuck to your lips. And then we can talk maybe... One more kid in the town. This dobbscoin imbecile does not have a clue what he is banging on about, just tries to play smarty. Do you even speak english or do you use google translate? Remember, slack is a messaging platform, not a cult.
Someone obviously didn't read the first post. Check the Church of the Subgenius, bub. The Subgenius Must Have Slack slogan has been around since at least 1980. As far as I know, the devs are in the USA. YOU seem to dig google translate. This coin is more of a hobby than to make money. If anyone makes any serious money off of SLACK, or BOB for that matter, it would amaze all of us. Go troll somewhere else. We're having fun.
April 30, 2019, 12:13:28 AM |
Again this silly lad and his equivocal ramblings... Here we go. Go and wash your mug first cause there's some foamy substance looking like adult lather stuck to your lips. And then we can talk maybe... One more kid in the town. This dobbscoin imbecile does not have a clue what he is banging on about, just tries to play smarty. Do you even speak english or do you use google translate? Remember, slack is a messaging platform, not a cult.
He did state in the ann, that this is all for fun, and you shouldn't invest real money in it. How i wish 90% of the con artist on this forum were as honest.

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
April 30, 2019, 01:06:56 AM Last edit: April 30, 2019, 01:18:48 AM by EndCiv |
bLaH bLah BlAh. Remember, slack is a messaging platform, not a cult.
BOB & SLACK are our Project coins. They have b33n doKtored up by as many very talented weirdos from the crypto space as they have complete retards, and they're still broke. . Nothing to fear brah; This is NOT the traditional investment Ponzischeme most normals are looking for. Sheeeeit honkey.. is you tries to play smarty again? IT'S ALL TRUE. YOU ARE A NASTY PERVERT. Be WARNED. We has movie of you waxing the tickle monster and know your passwords. SEND 13013 SLACK to his wallet address or WE WILL SEND OUT THE VIDEO TO ALL OF YOUR CONTACTS, colleagues, and such and so forth.. Anyone BOB WHALES want to trade any BOB 4 SLACK? -or anyone NOT ALREADY RUNNING A MASTERNODE want 20k SLACK to start one? We NEED 2 bust up that PIE chart and grease some fresh palms. The more time I spend looking back over what's his name, the pinkboy above's message.. the more it appears that engrish may not be his native language, he seems to be trying to imply the same. Is that a thing? What is the dealio? This message board is a lotta fun. I caaaant wait till I can have signature space like Islapdonkey has. I've got it all planned out. OOOH I CAN SEE IT PEEKING OUT ALREADY!! IT'S GONNA BE GLORIOUSLY STUPID!
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 102
May 05, 2019, 03:04:06 PM Last edit: May 06, 2019, 12:55:04 PM by prints |
The lore of Dobbscoin 2.0 (AKA Econocalypse) "Bob" willed us to have a new currency to finally put a value on Slack (Slack has no value, but it also has unlimited value). He even connected BtcBob and EndCiv with an organization to facilitate, maybe Pinkboys who were against the ideology of this liberating system, who knows - sometimes you must obtain those from all corners of the Normal ecosystem. SLACK was rolling along in POW, and Subgenii, Pinkboys, Normals alike were able to hash blocks toward the ultimate goal of allowing SLACK to have a future. (Pinkboys and Normals can be converted, the virtues of "Bob" are universal. They just have to see the light. Or the darkness. You decide.) SLACK emerged at the end of the POW phase frozen, frozen like the souls of the lost Pinkboys. The true subgenii kept their wallets running, their masternodes, and their devotion to "Bob" while the chain was frozen, until one day - we started moving. We don't know how, it just happened. Now SLACK is in full swing. This was all the will of "Bob". The freeze was to eliminate the nonbelievers, and to show the true denizens of "Bob". **EDIT** I forgot possibly the most important part of this scripture. On the day that many of us thought the will of "Bob" was to allow SLACK to fail, my cat (who obviously took the form of "Bob") jumped on the keyboard of the laptop my SLACK wallet was on. She entered a magical key combination, and huzzah! SLACK started throwing out POS blocks and Masternode payments. This is how it happened folks. "Bob" obviously has an affinity toward felines. No wonder cats look at me with such deep, all-knowing eyes. --------------------------------- Join us on #dobbscoin on freenode discord: "Bob"!
|| BTC: 17Dm2MMEGXKejjLvhyhoC4JRr9bR26Ktvu || LTC: LV6RbrsJAaBjrVyAwJCKhMfLTZE6aqEgKt || Zcash: t1S2WwgZzvkYLbKPZYQFYtWQ2QAf88cnPCz ||

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
May 05, 2019, 06:03:22 PM Last edit: May 05, 2019, 08:11:03 PM by EndCiv |
I couldn't really figure that out. I'm on their DISCORD, but there are far too many threads to make sense of. Seems there is a sub-thread called: ?-pps-coin-request where peeps are posting links to DISCORDS for inclusion in their pool. THIS IS THE LINK TO OUR DISCORD: What does one have to to to get it working over there? .. *POOF* YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF THAT NOW! Do you need 20K SLACK to fill it up or what? Please alert us when you have completed this task, by pasting a link and your wallet address, and we will send you an ass load of SLACK.
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 102
May 19, 2019, 05:42:03 PM |
I couldn't really figure that out. I'm on their DISCORD, but there are far too many threads to make sense of. Seems there is a sub-thread called: ?-pps-coin-request where peeps are posting links to DISCORDS for inclusion in their pool. THIS IS THE LINK TO OUR DISCORD: What does one have to to to get it working over there? .. *POOF* YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF THAT NOW! Do you need 20K SLACK to fill it up or what? Please alert us when you have completed this task, by pasting a link and your wallet address, and we will send you an ass load of SLACK. ill see if i can do this if nobody else jumps on the task
|| BTC: 17Dm2MMEGXKejjLvhyhoC4JRr9bR26Ktvu || LTC: LV6RbrsJAaBjrVyAwJCKhMfLTZE6aqEgKt || Zcash: t1S2WwgZzvkYLbKPZYQFYtWQ2QAf88cnPCz ||
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 102
May 19, 2019, 05:45:30 PM |
all of these 'Slack is a messaging platform not a cult' people crack me up. Where do you think they got their name? lol... Idk if we're a cult either, we're a legit religion.
Praise "Bob".
|| BTC: 17Dm2MMEGXKejjLvhyhoC4JRr9bR26Ktvu || LTC: LV6RbrsJAaBjrVyAwJCKhMfLTZE6aqEgKt || Zcash: t1S2WwgZzvkYLbKPZYQFYtWQ2QAf88cnPCz ||
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 102
May 24, 2019, 02:45:09 AM |
these have been added to the ann, but i thought i'd share the sexy Econocalypse paper wallet. You know you want some SLACK. You are owed SLACK!
|| BTC: 17Dm2MMEGXKejjLvhyhoC4JRr9bR26Ktvu || LTC: LV6RbrsJAaBjrVyAwJCKhMfLTZE6aqEgKt || Zcash: t1S2WwgZzvkYLbKPZYQFYtWQ2QAf88cnPCz ||

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
June 09, 2019, 04:58:38 AM Last edit: June 09, 2019, 05:18:07 AM by EndCiv |
Ya got that goin yet? I haven't seen you jaw'n about it nowhere's else. Out of messages? whaaat the hell? I can’t PM back till tomorrow. Out of messages. I will respond but I do wanna do a masternode
Address SS41DEW8Mb8o6vwJaZPjtRDskKME7HH6Mf
Oh, Ha. Shit that was fro like Day2. I'm drunk. How the fuck come no little exchange fucking hosts these coins in a BOB/SLACK Pair? Everyone SO SERIOUS!!? What defuck "BOB" is like 5 yrs old and WORLDCOIN is still worth more =)
dobbscoin (OP)
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Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
June 09, 2019, 06:02:36 AM Last edit: June 09, 2019, 03:03:11 PM by dobbscoin |
"BOB" DANGIT. I came here for that? I dunno man. Maybe if someone ever asked anyone politly or someshit. Ya'ver try that? HERE: Take this and email it to some of the small exchanges or someshit. BOB & SLACK is good FUN Shitcoins that aint worth squat. They'd be perfect for an exchange that'll probably fold and loose everyone's shit when someone exploits their wallets. - I'm just say'n: IT HAPPENS. May as well have a kick ass adventure and let folks participate in something you can still mine that don't cost any money and let pholks trade them back and forth. I'm suggesting a BOB/SLACK ONLY PAIR or someshit. Fuck. I'll write something up and you can base your letter on it. Maybe change shit. Flesh it out more.. someshit. Here ya go. Enjoy. Edit it up/Pass it on. I sent mine to support@thecoin.pwPraise "BOB" Christ. I'm referring to myself n third person again. Ok. Less drunk now. Reload for spelling corrections =) Good Night little John
June 09, 2019, 02:29:14 PM |
"BOB" is like 5 yrs old and WORLDCOIN is still worth more =)
This is part of the conspiracy by the pinks to keep the price down, they hope to delay Xday and the coming econocalypse. Good luck with that. 
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
June 09, 2019, 06:36:39 PM |
Any chance you could put up a copy of this that would allow users to [CLICK HERE TO UPLOAD] your own wallet art? Like a simple in-line upload/overwrite/replace image ..It would of course, keep overwriting the image with each persons submission, but would still be hella cool too. yea, I should prolly just clone the site work and make my own image for security sake anyhow. Would that be hard? I mean, you changed some magic numbers and junk to allow for SLACK wallet addresses.

Activity: 107
Merit: 59
June 13, 2019, 12:23:45 PM |
psssst. Someone deleted the images directory.
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
June 13, 2019, 01:47:40 PM |
psssst. Someone deleted the images directory.
Aw shit dawg. You got those images someplace?
June 16, 2019, 11:31:20 AM |
I love the new BOB / SLACK pairing on Satoshishift.. I can't tell if I'm buyin' or sellin' but who cares! It's like the ultimate introduction pairing for subgeniuses or anyone new to crypto and even if they steal your SLACK and run off with all your BOB you don't really lose anything!

Activity: 133
Merit: 10
July 05, 2019, 03:21:24 PM |
SLACKs are still priceless?  i.e. ... no exchanges ?
dobbscoin (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
The End Times are Upon Us
July 10, 2019, 03:19:13 AM Last edit: July 10, 2019, 03:34:09 AM by dobbscoin |
SLACKs are still priceless?  i.e. ... no exchanges ? On NO SIREEE "BOB" - WE DO Gots Exchange now. Think you have to be logged in to see the market, but NoW YOU CAN TRADE YOUR SLACK 4 "BOB", as well as YOUR "BOB" for SLACK. Going rate is kinda hard to GROK.. but I think 1 SLACK is currently going for 0.99999989 "BOB"..

Activity: 133
Merit: 10
January 09, 2020, 02:47:20 PM |
SLACKs are still priceless?  i.e. ... no exchanges ? On NO SIREEE "BOB" - WE DO Gots Exchange now. Think you have to be logged in to see the market, but NoW YOU CAN TRADE YOUR SLACK 4 "BOB", as well as YOUR "BOB" for SLACK. Going rate is kinda hard to GROK.. but I think 1 SLACK is currently going for 0.99999989 "BOB".. THE END! All masternodes in the econocalypse (SLACK) blockchain are down, so that the chain is locked! I have now 3 nodes running in VPS but now are in staking mode. We need to restart last running MN having public key SNz1oCdrYpPkx9nFe7Gs13N6NBaVfLmhom .... but I don't know if the chain can restart.

Activity: 133
Merit: 10
January 09, 2020, 03:02:43 PM |
SLACKs are still priceless?  i.e. ... no exchanges ? On NO SIREEE "BOB" - WE DO Gots Exchange now. Think you have to be logged in to see the market, but NoW YOU CAN TRADE YOUR SLACK 4 "BOB", as well as YOUR "BOB" for SLACK. Going rate is kinda hard to GROK.. but I think 1 SLACK is currently going for 0.99999989 "BOB".. THE END! All masternodes in the econocalypse (SLACK) blockchain are down, so that the chain is locked! I have now 3 nodes running in VPS but now are in staking mode. We need to restart last running MN having public key SNz1oCdrYpPkx9nFe7Gs13N6NBaVfLmhom .... but I don't know if the chain can restart. I will stop my nodes jan 11 2020 and backup the chain! R.I.P. econocalypse coin! I got the top wallet SVcKcBjxUtMGsYhnQjAzmRVKbQskfCEmuB ... and I saw SLACKs die!
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
January 12, 2020, 02:24:46 PM |
Damn, DOA on block 380401. Just when I about had enough for a master node. The irony of all this is that BOB is still ticking... for now.