Hey guys.
Let’s do a short talk about how the share system will work.
BRT Network gives BTC address for each project. Address that we gave to Cointrapper —
This address used by the project to send profits that will be split as dividends for BRT holders.
Once the address received a minimum amount of 0.01 BTC the share system distributes it between BRT holders. It uses balances on the momentum of distribution. So it’s a good idea to hold your BRT tokens on one address and do not move to another if you plan to get dividends.
BRT Network will charge fees on each distribution. The fee depends on the amount that is going to be distributed.
< 0.03 BTC = 3%
< 0.05 BTC = 2%
< 0.2 BTC = 1.5%
< 0.5 BTC = 1%
> 0.5 BTC = 0.5%
So the more distribution is the lower fee it uses. The fee will be used to support the share system and the whole BRT ecosystem.
We have set a formula for the minimum amount that you must behold to receive dividends. This formula is super easy. As for now, we have set 10,000 parts of shares on the whole ecosystem.
Let’s check the example. Now we have 4,000 BRT in circulation. So let’s calculate the minimum BRT amount on the address you have to hold to receive dividends. 4,000 / 10,000 = 0.4 BRT. Easy, right?
Okay, but what if active tokens will grow in the future? So the minimum amount will be increased. BRT token will be used also for some other services as a payment token. So if you are not eligible to receive BRT you will be able to use it in other ways.
This formula will help the ecosystem to stay stable and remove dust amounts from holders and will pay only real investors even with real low minimal.
And yeah, first dividends have been successfully distributed to early-stage investors —
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