xrobau (OP)

Activity: 99
Merit: 10
Open Source Developer, Hardware Supplier
March 13, 2014, 05:36:09 AM Last edit: July 30, 2014, 12:34:16 AM by xrobau |
Reputation Thread. So I can be reputable! So, whilst I'm classed as a 'newbie' on BCT, I'm not. I managed to lose my old security token, and it was just too much like hard work to use my old 'qldrob' account. I have many successful BTC/Fiat Trades in Gribble, and I'm a well known Open Source Developer. Proof link -> https://twitter.com/xrobau/status/444216530448809984Current Rigs available on LeaseRig: 'AusMiner' - 13TH 1 x CoinCraft HEX8A1 260GH 28 x S1 (5.6TH) 6 x S2 (6TH) 1 x DragonMiner (1TH) 2 x S3 (.8TH) Theoretical GH - 13.6TH. However, it tends to mine at around 13TH, so it's advertised and sold at that rate. 'AusMiner-2' - Leased Long Term, unavailable, sorry! 10 x S1's 'AusMiner-3' 6 x Avalon3 Blades (~2TH) - Note, not suitable for pools with large coinbases (eg, p2pool, eligius) Current Rigs available on BetaRig: Nothing at the moment! Sorry! Recently found BTC blocks: 2014-06-17 -- 101G (At difficulty 13.5G) - http://imgur.com/tAytrto 2014-07-04 -- 19.8G (At difficulty 16.8G) - http://imgur.com/WycH4cn
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
March 19, 2014, 06:57:09 AM |
hi, i rent a 480 G ,but all time it not response ,or have 240 G in the 20minute,monmoent, please check the money, i send you 0.004 btc , how can you to deal with the problem?
xrobau (OP)

Activity: 99
Merit: 10
Open Source Developer, Hardware Supplier
March 19, 2014, 11:07:43 AM Last edit: March 19, 2014, 11:42:36 PM by xrobau |
hi, i rent a 480 G ,but all time it not response ,or have 240 G in the 20minute,monmoent, please check the money, i send you 0.004 btc , how can you to deal with the problem?
Lee9527 aimed the cluster at a poor little pool that was asking for Difficulty 1 shares. Sadly, this flooded the pool, causing a Denial of Service. I had actually emailed him as soon as I noticed, but he didn't get a chance to read it until his lease was almost up. I then suggested another pool, and gave him 100% of his time again, for free. When hashing against that pool, it stepped quickly up to requesting 2k+ difficulty blocks, which worked perfectly.
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
March 24, 2014, 10:56:51 AM |
Rented AUSMINER for 3 days. 6 hours passed and so far it maintains the declared speed of 1000+Gh/s.
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
March 26, 2014, 06:25:36 AM |
28 hours and 26 minutes left, so far it only went down for 1 hour 35 minutes then recovered to 1+th/s. Also the rig provider responded well and the downtime issues were settled.
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
March 28, 2014, 07:47:47 PM |
the lease ended and test is done. so far the provider responded well on some issues and the rig maintained the declared speed and even passed that. I might rehire unless someone beats me to it.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
April 07, 2014, 02:03:21 PM |
Excellent Rental. 7.5% above advertised speed for the duration of the contract!
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
April 10, 2014, 03:11:22 AM |
Trying out your mining service.
Bought a 48 hour contract, around 90 minutes in and getting around 105% of the promised hashrate.
Do you offer any discounts for extending the contract or for repeat rents?
I will update later when I get more results.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
April 14, 2014, 09:27:16 PM |
Completed the rental a few days ago. The mining rig worked beautifully. 100% happy with his service 
April 25, 2014, 06:24:50 PM |
Rented for 1 hour to mine at p2poolserver.us, worked great  Then rented for 72 hours, was working great, very happy, steady hashrate, then after about 9 hours for some reason it stopped hashing at p2poolserver.us, I don't understand why it stopped as the other miners there are still hashing away happily. At any rate, I don't feel ripped off because I was refunded credit for the part of the contract that wasnt fullfilled, but I am sad that the contract could not finish. You are one of only a few leaser's who don't use LRP on leaserig.net which does not work on p2poolserver.us and I'd love to rent from you again.
WINGS Beta is live - List your ICO for only 5000 WINGS at https://wings.ai Over $650 Million raised by ICOs with WINGS since June 2017
April 28, 2014, 12:07:41 AM Last edit: April 28, 2014, 03:09:05 AM by PublicP2poolNode |
Very happy with your rigs, and the others I have leased the last few days to try and promote p2poolserver.us
The down times today were not because of your rigs, I decided to reduce my fees to 0.5% so I had to do a restart.
WINGS Beta is live - List your ICO for only 5000 WINGS at https://wings.ai Over $650 Million raised by ICOs with WINGS since June 2017
April 29, 2014, 04:33:04 AM |
That was odd, just saw the hashrate nearly double on the rig i leased from you, I've heard sometimes on p2pool people randomly do stuff like that, but just wanted to make sure it wasn't an accident. If it was you can just take the time off the lease.
WINGS Beta is live - List your ICO for only 5000 WINGS at https://wings.ai Over $650 Million raised by ICOs with WINGS since June 2017
xrobau (OP)

Activity: 99
Merit: 10
Open Source Developer, Hardware Supplier
April 30, 2014, 01:38:16 AM |
That was odd, just saw the hashrate nearly double on the rig i leased from you, I've heard sometimes on p2pool people randomly do stuff like that, but just wanted to make sure it wasn't an accident. If it was you can just take the time off the lease.
That was me, and it was deliberate. I was just setting up a new terahash of miners, and was testing it against my existing gateway. Consider it a gift 
April 30, 2014, 02:55:49 AM |
Your the best! Thanks!
WINGS Beta is live - List your ICO for only 5000 WINGS at https://wings.ai Over $650 Million raised by ICOs with WINGS since June 2017
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
May 19, 2014, 03:21:16 PM |
Hello AUSMINER is not mining on either pool anymore... Please take a look at it! Regards
xrobau (OP)

Activity: 99
Merit: 10
Open Source Developer, Hardware Supplier
May 19, 2014, 10:19:53 PM |
Hello AUSMINER is not mining on either pool anymore... Please take a look at it! Regards
Indeed it wasn't, the monitoring process had crashed and killed almost everything. Credited the user for 3 hours (the most that LeaseRig would let me add) and I'll hash for you for another hour when the lease ends, to make up for it.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
May 20, 2014, 04:56:51 AM |
Thanks for the super service Rob, much appreciate it! Recommended rig here! 
xrobau (OP)

Activity: 99
Merit: 10
Open Source Developer, Hardware Supplier
June 12, 2014, 01:59:20 AM |
Rented your rig for an hour but it was down for a while.
Whoops - I didn't notice this message. Sorry! Looking at the date, that was when I was having power issues. I thought I took care of anyone who leased it when it was unreliable by either crediting double, or complete refunding, their leases. You would have received an email from me to the address you have registered with leaserig explaining what went on. It may have ended up in your spam folder. If you are unsatisfied with the result of your lease, please feel free to reply, and I'll get it sorted.
July 15, 2014, 04:13:03 AM |
Rig unavailable after making payment. AusMiner-2 (SHA256 1700.00 GH/s).
xrobau (OP)

Activity: 99
Merit: 10
Open Source Developer, Hardware Supplier
July 15, 2014, 04:16:25 AM |
Rig unavailable after making payment. AusMiner-2 (SHA256 1700.00 GH/s).
I just emailed you! This appears to be a problem with LeaseRig - they've rented my rig out twice. If you want to jump into IRC (use the 'Chat' link at the top of the LeaseRig Page) I'll sort something out with you.