I know I'm gonna regret this but...
Dear cryptohunter,
Let us - and I don't mean just me and you but anyone interested - have this open debate that you want so much. On one condition: it is to be conducted in ONE non-self-modded thread in Reputation (or Meta if you can keep it entirely about forum matters but since you often want to discuss personalities I'd say Reputation is more appropriate). If you can keep it in one thread only and not post outside of it for the duration of said debate, including any of your alts, I promise I will read your every post and respond to the best of my abilities, and I hope others will join too. I hope you'll take this offer and help keep this forum clean. Thank you in advance.
I’ll agree to take part under a couple of conditions,
1, one point per post this will allow me to refute the point and move on to the next without having to take 2 shits and have 3 pisses as it takes so long to read cryptocunts repetitive nonsense. One point, one paragraph and no tangents Into Lauda or anyone else whilst you debate with me
2 the full post is to be quoted and either refuted with evidence or accepted, none of this FACTS/BULL that you normally post, I will require evidence.
Are these points accepted by you or whichever alter ego your fucked up brain is talking through that day?