Jr. Member
Activity: 397
Merit: 1
September 07, 2019, 11:17:03 AM |
it's about individuals, if someone doesn't have a real job instead they will take a job in the crypto world, if I personally don't have a real job and it's almost full time in the crypto world. so whatever happens in the crypto market I always enjoy it.
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Activity: 392
Merit: 13
September 07, 2019, 11:56:49 AM |
it's about individuals, if someone doesn't have a real job instead they will take a job in the crypto world, if I personally don't have a real job and it's almost full time in the crypto world. so whatever happens in the crypto market I always enjoy it.
Props to you, what even is a real job anyways? No such thing, its just people stuck in the 9-5 grind at companies that want to bring everyone else down that doesn't follow the same path.
September 07, 2019, 12:08:27 PM |
Millions of people nowadays, in here, actually looking for a job to work with and most of them are works in Bounties section, where I approximately understand that people can get easy money from it. Every day and every second thousand posts are delivered and posted. But, some of my minds want to know about your real life. Do you really enjoy your life outside this forum?
Working bounties is good. Unfortunately it is unpredictable because there is no regulations. You might get paid and you may also not get paid and nothing you can do about it. Working offline on the other hand has its positives because you can expect payment monthly or weekly as the case may be. You can can plan your spending and not rely on the mercy of good exchange prices before you can make profit like bounties
September 10, 2019, 04:26:59 AM |
Millions of people nowadays, in here, actually looking for a job to work with and most of them are works in Bounties section, where I approximately understand that people can get easy money from it. Every day and every second thousand posts are delivered and posted. But, some of my minds want to know about your real life. Do you really enjoy your life outside this forum?
Of course, we live, work and enjoy life in our real gross physical world. Cryptocurrency is our hobby and the opportunity to earn some money. We should not get too carried away with virtual worlds. This will adversely affect our psyche. We must live in our families and enjoy life in our real world.
September 10, 2019, 05:44:35 AM |
Much life to live and enjoy outside this forum. Most of the works I do here are not all day work, is it not that when you are true with your task(make post and respond to other necessary check ups),then you leave? And you must even over-enjoy your time and make excess post, what else am I waiting for , I have nice time with my family and friends. The money we make from here is not even spent on the platform but with family and friends.
September 10, 2019, 05:49:44 AM |
No, right now is not easy to earn money from the bounties because many project become scams, and that makes people's frustrating. I think we are enjoying our life with our family or friends, but I don't with others because we haven't met each other. I hope that all of us can have a better life in out there, we can have wealth, healthy, and we can enjoy life, we can share many good things with the others.
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| 10K WEEKLY RACE | | 100K MONTHLY RACE | | | ██
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Activity: 2940
Merit: 1315
Livecasino, 20% cashback, no fuss payouts.
September 10, 2019, 05:50:43 AM |
being on this forum has provided a new picture of life for me, especially in the case of cryptocurrency, I was a teacher in elementary school (my main job), before I knew nothing about crypto, and I was among those who have no ability in the world internet, since getting to know this forum has provided a lot of knowledge for me, such as building a new community and having a network with my siblings who are in various countries. speaking bounty, I think it is not a job, but an activity where we build a new community in introducing crypto in the outside world, so this is not just looking for money, but the bigger goal is to build an understanding that crypto is the currency of the future.
Well I hope you never left your elementary school job. I still have the job I always had before I "joined" crypto. I actually made the newbie mistake of following crypto too closely, but I'm glad it never affected my job (though it definitely affected my sleeping pattern in 2017). It's not a fad, that's for sure, but just like the internet was new, crypto is new. We'll all get used to it some day. Just... don't make the terrible mistake of giving up your job. Careers are so precious.
September 10, 2019, 06:04:23 AM |
I am here since early 2017 and I''m telling you I earn more on the bounty here than on my real job. but now bounty campaigns are not worth it. theres a lot of cheater and multiple account user.
September 10, 2019, 06:16:19 AM |
For me forum as hobby and valuable source of information. Yes, I participate there are many bounty companies. But I don't get dozens of them. I have a good job that brings me a good income and a personal life.

Activity: 560
Merit: 28
SAPG Pre-Sale Live on Uniswap!
September 10, 2019, 06:19:51 AM |
Millions of people nowadays, in here, actually looking for a job to work with and most of them are works in Bounties section, where I approximately understand that people can get easy money from it. Every day and every second thousand posts are delivered and posted. But, some of my minds want to know about your real life. Do you really enjoy your life outside this forum?
I hardly have the time for myself and yet i spent few hours here everyday to stay updated and read news about crypto or information about upcoming ICOs or IEOs, crypto is now a part of me and i really can't do without it these days,sometimes both my outside life and crypto get me bored and sometimes i am always excited about them
September 10, 2019, 06:37:20 AM |
Millions of people nowadays, in here, actually looking for a job to work with and most of them are works in Bounties section, where I approximately understand that people can get easy money from it. Every day and every second thousand posts are delivered and posted. But, some of my minds want to know about your real life. Do you really enjoy your life outside this forum?
Actually yes, beside bounty i am only worker in factory. Not special but sometime i am do trading, and when get profit in weekend i can take my family to do holiday, at least with trading and bounty really help me in finance. So i can make my family happier than before.
. Super Six.. | ▄█████████████▄ ████████████▀▀▀ █████████████▄ █████████▌▀████ ██████████ ▀██ ██████████▌ ▀ ████████████▄▄ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ▀██████████████ | ███████████████ █████████████▀ █████▀▀ ███▀ ▄███ ▄ ██▄▄████▌ ▄█ ████████ ████████▌ █████████ ▐█ ██████████ ▐█ ███████▀▀ ▄██ ███▀ ▄▄▄█████ ███ ▄██████████ ███████████████ | ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████▀▀▀█ ██████████ ███████████▄▄▄█ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ | ▄█████ ▄██████ ▄███████ ▄████████ ▄█████████ ▄██████████ ▄███████████ ▄████████████ ▄█████████████ ▄██████████████ ▀▀███████████ ▀▀███████ ▀▀██▀ | ▄▄██▌ ▄▄███████ █████████▀ ▄██▄▄▀▀██▀▀ ▄██████ ▄▄▄ ███████ ▄█▄ ▄ ▀██████ █ ▀█ ▀▀▀ ▄ ▀▄▄█▀ ▄▄█████▄ ▀▀▀ ▀████████ ▀█████▀ ████ ▀▀▀ █████ █████ | ▄ █▄▄ █ ▄ ▀▄██▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▄▄█████▄█▄▄ ▄ ▄███▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▄ ▄██▄███▄ ▀▀▀▀▄ ▄▄ ▄████████▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄██ ████████████▀▀ █ ▐█ ██████████████▄ ▄▄▀██▄██ ▐██████████████ ▄███ ████▀████████████▄███▀ ▀█▀ ▐█████████████▀ ▐████████████▀ ▀█████▀▀▀ █▀ | . Premier League LaLiga Serie A | . Bundesliga Ligue 1 Primeira Liga | | . ..TAKE PART.. |
Activity: 76
Merit: 0
September 10, 2019, 08:02:48 AM |
Should divide time to work and enjoy life.
September 10, 2019, 09:13:58 AM |
to be honest with you , i do this to have extra income to buy some food, for the day or so i also use this forum to be better in English which is i'm not that good you can see me typing things like others don't understand, i find myself funny sometimes because i don't understand what i'm saying after i review my post, but for me the good things about bitcointalk is that you learn something, help someone by giving them a bit of advice, its such a good feeling to help others at the end of the day you earn some respect from others by trusting you from what you have said so its not all about money but lets just everyone really needs it, i too needs that, but i don't consider this a work just a stress reliever when you need to say something so kinda good and exciting sometimes when there is a campaign and you need to be fast so that's it i hope i can hear others answer also
Full Member
Activity: 634
Merit: 118
Bounty Hunter Indonesia
September 10, 2019, 11:56:13 AM |
of course I am happy with my life outside this forum and enjoy with cryptocurrency activities that I do. I have a permanent job outside of cryptocurrency activities and get extra income from trading and as a bounty hunter in this forum. these three things make me so happy for now. but i think your question has many different answers for everyone because for something like this, everyone has a different views
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Activity: 840
Merit: 10
September 10, 2019, 12:08:59 PM |
Millions of people nowadays, in here, actually looking for a job to work with and most of them are works in Bounties section, where I approximately understand that people can get easy money from it. Every day and every second thousand posts are delivered and posted. But, some of my minds want to know about your real life. Do you really enjoy your life outside this forum?
I have a main job and make bounty as a side job. I am interested in participating in the bounty because besides getting knowledge about a project, I also get tokens from the results of the campaign that I follow and of course I enjoy my life

Activity: 700
Merit: 11
send and receive money instantly, with no hidden c
September 10, 2019, 01:30:19 PM |
of course i enjoy my real life very well. i only work in this forum when i have free time, i have other work outside of the forum and it's very fun.
working in this forum is also fun because the results are quite good, but that is only if i'm lucky to find a very good project.
Activity: 1344
Merit: 1001
September 10, 2019, 01:34:01 PM Last edit: September 11, 2019, 02:49:39 AM by mr_random |
Millions of people nowadays, in here, actually looking for a job to work with and most of them are works in Bounties section, where I approximately understand that people can get easy money from it. Every day and every second thousand posts are delivered and posted. But, some of my minds want to know about your real life. Do you really enjoy your life outside this forum?
I have a main job and make bounty as a side job. I am interested in participating in the bounty because besides getting knowledge about a project, I also get tokens from the results of the campaign that I follow and of course I enjoy my life As a part-time activity forum bounty campaigns look very attractive. Other activities should be compensated as a full-time daily job or spending time with the family. The bounty rewards are not a proper source of long term income. Long term investing is a radically different profession compared to the bounty tasks which don't ask for the risky decisions. I can take the profits from the market if I lost my confidence as an investor but the bounty hunters don't have this type of luxury.
Full Member
Activity: 954
Merit: 104
September 10, 2019, 01:45:13 PM |
Millions of people nowadays, in here, actually looking for a job to work with and most of them are works in Bounties section, where I approximately understand that people can get easy money from it. Every day and every second thousand posts are delivered and posted. But, some of my minds want to know about your real life. Do you really enjoy your life outside this forum?
Bounty campaigns are not a job, atleast not now. It is a hobby, you relax and earn some cryptocurrencies. Back to years 2016, 2017 bounty campaigns attracted so many people due to high payouts, people took it seriously as a real work.
Full Member
Activity: 983
Merit: 100
👉 | 🔥 Ultimate Launc
September 10, 2019, 03:10:15 PM |
Well in real life my self doing good so far. For me doing bounties is just a part-time to collect more money. Beside to fullfil my time i also learned a lot from cryptocurrency. But nowaday in my opinion bounties is not worth anymore if you trapped on scam project you just wasted so much time.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1000
September 10, 2019, 03:57:54 PM |
Millions of people nowadays, in here, actually looking for a job to work with and most of them are works in Bounties section, where I approximately understand that people can get easy money from it. Every day and every second thousand posts are delivered and posted. But, some of my minds want to know about your real life. Do you really enjoy your life outside this forum?
I have my own job in my real life and yes I enjoy my life outside here. Crypto is my side effort to get extra money while I won't neglect my daily job. Luckily, crypto can be done almost at anytime which I can use my spare time to do it.