We are glad to announce Simple Pos Pool as our new Trusted partner
:rocket: SPP is a Stake and shared masternode platform - <https://simplepospool.com>
CTD announcement on SPP - <https://blog.simplepospool.com/simple-pos-pool-listed-cryptotrading-coin/>
What makes SPP different? - <https://blog.simplepospool.com/what-makes-simple-pos-pool-different>
What does Simple Pos Pool offer:
- Start with no limitations or barriers.
- Staking pools - no shares nor slots. All your balance outside a masternode will stake if the coin has PoS.
- Masternode pools - choose a masternode of your choice and acquire your slots.
- Instant rewards - no waiting for the first rewards or masternode filling. If the masternode has an active status it means it's already rewarding. Follow the rewards on our discord.
- Withdrawals - no coins locked for days and waiting for replacement.
- Flexible management - you can deposit more coins and acquire even more masternode slots.
- Low fees and transparent fees - 3% on PoS stakes and 5% on masternode rewards. For a masternode with a monthly expected return below 100$ we have an addition of 1.99$ hosting fee.
- Fees paid in the same coin you're staking or masternode you're in.
- Earn without concerns: we take care of the wallet issues.
Visit us:
web: <https://simplepospool.com>
blog: <https://blog.simplepospool.com>
https://discord.gg/ubZFAPrtwitter: <https://twitter.com/simplepospool>
telegram: <https://t.me/sppann>