I'm curious why so few ppl\companies use solar panels? It's so cheap and it'lll save some resourses of our planet. So why don't we use it?
For me, it depends on your site. They said that if you're in some tropical countries or the day time is much longer, it’s a good investment to put some solar panels, but if not you know what it means because of the two types of solar panels or array is not good at quick day time countries. Also, there are some things to consider by putting or installing some solar panels; the first one is your electrical bills or sustainability. Why would you like to put some solar panels? Its because your electric bills are very high? Or your power grids can’t continuously give electricity to your home/ companies. The second thing is, where you would put or install it? Does your facility have some open or width space for the panels or no shading? The higher demand/ wattages you need, the more solar panels you also need. The last one is the return of investment you will take, you said that
it’s so cheap, but some panels is not that cheap it depends on the quality of the panel, yes you can see some cheap panels but are you sure that it’s a good or quality panel? Yes, it will save some resources of our planet and also help the mother earth, but there are so many things to consider before installing some solar panels that why or maybe that’s the reasons why some other ppl/companies don’t install solar panels.