Barterlly is an automatic escrow service for fast & secure OTC trades
->Note: Barterlly is currently in beta!<-
WHAT IS BARTERLLY AND WHAT PROBLEM DOES IT SOLVE?Barterlly is an over the counter (OTC) cryptocurrency swap service that allows direct trading without human escrow. Let's say that Alice has 800 Ravencoin (RVN) and Bob has 450 EnJin (ENJ erc20) and they want to swap them, how can they proceed? They don't know each other. Neither can't risk to send first. There are many stories of people getting scammed while trading privately. They will have to find someone with an excellent reputation who will act as escrow. This is an inconvenient procedure that takes time, risk and high fees. Barterlly offers a fast and simple alternative: Alice can setup a private trade of 800 RVN <-> 450 ENJ and send the link to Bob. Once both sides have deposited their coins, Barterlly makes the swap (or refunds if anything goes wrong).
HOW DOES IT WORK?Barterlly uses an automated escrow technology to create blockchain addresses on the fly and check / transfer funds automatically allowing users to swap coins in a safe way without having to trust anyone else than the platform.
WHAT COINS ARE SUPPORTED? Bitcoin and most Bitcoin-based coins, Komodo and Komodo assetchains, Ethereum and Erc20 (soon). Many more coins will be added in due time. An updated list will be available soon.
HOW TO SETUP A SWAP?After registration you can setup a swap by filling a form with the type and amount of coins to be traded, the refund and receiving addresses. Then send the private link to your counterparty. He will have to complete his part and then both of you can proceed to deposit the coins. (Note: in current implementation both parties need to send the
exact amount required, even in separate transactions. Sending coins in excess will stuck the swap and you need to delete, wait for refund and start over).
WHAT IS A PUBLIC OFFER? In alternative you can use Barterlly to setup
public offers that anyone can search and accept. You don't need to deposit the coins in advance and the offer automatically expires after ~48 hours if no one takes it.
AFTER SENDING HOW MANY CONFIRMATIONS ARE NECESSARY?That depends on the specific coin: Komodo and other blockchains using dPoW are fully confirmed after 1 notarization, for all other coins (that don't support dPoW) fixed values are set.
HOW LONG DOES A REFUND TAKE Barterlly's engine handles refunding automatically, within 36 hours at the latest. In case of delay please contact support.
DOES IT SUPPORT ANONYMOUS TRANSACTIONS? Barterlly supports the private addresses used by privacy coins such as KMD, ZEC, PIVX, ARRR. You can enable this option by clicking the checkbox when accepting or publishing a swap.
HOW MUCH IS THE FEE?Barterlly charges a 1% fee on both sides of the trade
ARE KYC/AML REQUIRED?No kyc/aml is required for daily trading amounts below 10k Usd
WHY SHOULD I USE BARTERLLY RATHER THAN THE OTC DESK OF IMPORTANT EXCHANGES?Only with Barterlly you can trade privately with a specific counterparty. Moreover OTC desks require a minimum trading value of many thousands USD. Barterlly on the opposite is built for small swaps and itwill support smallcap coins.
HOW TO REQUEST A COIN LISTING?Please fill the following form with the coin informations: TO CONTACT SUPPORT?For any help, suggestion or request please fill the contact form in your account, under the Help&Support tab
ABOUT BARTERLLYBarterlly was created in order to stop people from being scammed in OTC trades. Barterlly's office is based in France and registered as a simplified joint stock company number 849 387 915. You can read the history of this project on Medium: