Short Story:
His username: Axez D. Nyde Telegram : @donza411
Profile:;u=37197Topic (and a few others): Bitcoin
Amount lost about $11 ($9.89 + fees)
His BTC address: 1PmGzhNJoWueprHk1pkCkaZUyDHG8XxQGM
Hash: 36d76ba92d370e868a86da6ffb58c713d4c2ff6934b2001bf8083880b5effcc2
FLAG CREATED:;flag=610Another guy claimed to have been scammed by him earlier
but I have some doubt about that since no further proof was posted: happened (long story):
It was obvious this guy was a scammer since it was a bought or hacked account last used in 2011 (other than 2 posts in 2017) in so I figured I'd invest $10 (actually $11 inc fees) to prove it (I KNEW I WOULD BE SCAMMED, didn't care) just so I wouldn't feel bad flagging him. I've done this before just for the entertainment factor. I don't care about the money just want to get him tagged for what he is. He is also an ALT of MADMANAMAZON aka (banned) YoutubeTV. Identical M.O. I chose the Kielbasi Kumerov handle on Telegram since I just had Kielbasi for dinner.
I told him I only had $10 to spend. After 2 days of "negotiating" telling me he only had purchase minimum of $35 he finally decided he might as well get what he can and since I was only willing to lose $10 he offered me a $25 Nike card for $10. All I had in my "spare change" wallet was $11 so I told him that after fees best he could get was around $9.89 and of course he agreed. Immediately after I told him he gave me
his BTC address of 1PmGzhNJoWueprHk1pkCkaZUyDHG8XxQGM it was sent and I provided
hash 36d76ba92d370e868a86da6ffb58c713d4c2ff6934b2001bf8083880b5effcc2 Immediately after I told him I sent funds he told me "his partner" no longer had the $25 card and would I accept $50 card (he wanted more money obviously) or he would send me a refund (HAHAHA).
I said send me a refund and at that exact point he deleted the entire telegram chat. So I went back to him and asked him what happened. Best I got were the screens that follow. Of course he claims he never spoke to me and I was chatting with an imposter just like the other guy he claimed was dealing with an imposter in an earlier thread.
Here are screen prints after he deleted the original telegram chat: