I think that Telegram's TON has to first face the regulatory power of the USA SEC before it can officially open its door for business. SEC does not like the idea of TON sold and will be for sale within the USA and in effect all of its citizens all over the world.
"The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) secured an emergency restraining order against the Telegram Group and its subsidiary TON Issuer for their $1.7 billion token sale.
The SEC announced late Friday that it filed for and received an emergency action and restraining order halting Telegram from selling or otherwise distributing its gram tokens within the U.S. The network was supposed to go live on Oct. 31."
Source here. The main problem here, according to SEC, is that Telegram did not care to register the said token sale to the USA investors. I am sure this can be a grueling case not unless there can be an agreement reached by both sides soon. We know how contentious SEC can be when it comes to sale of unregistered tokens to American investors. Let's see how things will be on this development.