Activity: 2492
Merit: 7722
January 08, 2025, 09:34:42 PM |
Hvala Rikafip za još jednu dobru analizu. Dominacija novog kralja ovcijisir, i dobro sam popravili lokalnu aktivnost Koliko sam se samo piraterije i hardvera nakupovao i razmijenio po forumima, nekak više vjeruješ liku sa 100 postova nego random Njuškalo profilu.
A ni porez za to nisi platio? Vidim imaš novu slika avatara, samo nam treba još povratak Gobe je i dalje ziv te je i dalje nas najveci forum, ali je samo sjena onog od prije petnaestak godina kad je bio na svom vrhuncu. Unistila ga je debilna moderacija, tamo je lakse popiti karton/ban nego ovdje dobiti merit. Ja sam tamo bio jako aktivan od samih pocetaka sve do prije par godina (zahvaljujuci sam i cuo za bitcoin nekad 2013) a sad ostavim mozda par postova tjedno.
Mogu potvrditi ovo o moderatorima, ego, power trip ili nešto treće, ne znam.
January 09, 2025, 02:55:56 AM |
A ni porez za to nisi platio?
Sve što valja sam kasnije kupio i sad si kao zabrijavam da sam vratio nešto love developerima i producerima Vidim imaš novu slika avatara Ma ne želim više biti asociran sa Roolijem, i dalje mi se ne da joinat nikakve kampanje, pa reko idemo na stock.
January 10, 2025, 01:52:19 PM |
Hvala Rikafip za još jednu dobru analizu. Dominacija novog kralja ovcijisir, i dobro sam popravili lokalnu aktivnost Ne znam koliko cu moci pratiti tempo Pocela nova godina i sa njome presing na poslu, a time cu moci posvetiti manje vremena forumu. Kako je krenulo biti cu sretan ako budem mogao drzati minimum od 20ak postova na signature kampanjama. Koliko sam se samo piraterije i hardvera nakupovao i razmijenio po forumima, nekak više vjeruješ liku sa 100 postova nego random Njuškalo profilu.
A ni porez za to nisi platio? Vidim imaš novu slika avatara, samo nam treba još povratak Gobe je i dalje ziv te je i dalje nas najveci forum, ali je samo sjena onog od prije petnaestak godina kad je bio na svom vrhuncu. Unistila ga je debilna moderacija, tamo je lakse popiti karton/ban nego ovdje dobiti merit. Ja sam tamo bio jako aktivan od samih pocetaka sve do prije par godina (zahvaljujuci sam i cuo za bitcoin nekad 2013) a sad ostavim mozda par postova tjedno.
Mogu potvrditi ovo o moderatorima, ego, power trip ili nešto treće, ne znam. Ma joj i ovdje ima ega i power tripova, dovoljno je samo pogledati metu i sve one banove zbog plagiranja. Pa pola locala je bilo banano u jednom trenutku. Ako pogledate stare threadove ima dosta ekipe koja je zadnji puta videna 2018, 2019, kada je bio val banova. Kad se sjetim kako su Regulusa zezali zbog jednog posta muka mi dode. Zato i dan danas imam averziju od pisanja na Meti.
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Activity: 2520
Merit: 1952
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
January 10, 2025, 05:56:21 PM |
Ma joj i ovdje ima ega i power tripova
Jep, nisam mogao vjerovat to na početku. Ne krećem se uopće tamo al da je gadljivo - je. Drito ono - daj čovjeku malo moći pa će ti pokazati tko je. Ovaj forum je zapravo užasno netransparentan i neadekvatno vođen - iako priznajem da ne znam je li ovako svugdje. Ne bi se čudio da je - al ovdje su pare dodatna komponenta koja sigurno ne pomaže. Krenimo čisto od toga da forum ima hrpetinu love bez da se zna čija je, kako se koristi, što se dogodi s njom ako theymos nestane itd itd
Activity: 3542
Merit: 3625
Crypto Swap Exchange
January 10, 2025, 09:42:03 PM |
Ovaj forum je zapravo užasno netransparentan i neadekvatno vođen - iako priznajem da ne znam je li ovako svugdje. Ne bi se čudio da je - al ovdje su pare dodatna komponenta koja sigurno ne pomaže.
A vecina foruma je takva, iskreno ni ne vidim neki znacajno bolji model da ovo funkcionise. Sto se tice love ovde, jedan od retkih foruma koji sam po sebi nudi mogucnost da korisnici zarade nesto odatle, samo ucestvovanjem/pisanjem. E sad i to je donelo dodatnu dramu u meta i reputation, jer uvek neko smatra da mu je uskraceno pravo da zaradi novac. Sto se tice forumske love, necu biti iznenadjen ako zavrse kao lova iz CM kampanje.
January 10, 2025, 10:12:10 PM |
Krenimo čisto od toga da forum ima hrpetinu love bez da se zna čija je, kako se koristi, što se dogodi s njom ako theymos nestane itd itd
Sumnjam da su milijuni u igri, ovaj forum je dosta vanilla i skoro pa sve je for free, a cucla pun kufer hostinga. Jedna mid-range operacija sa CDN-om (kojeg bitcointalk ima) je oko 10k mjesečno samo na hosting, a sumnjam da ovih stotinjak ljudi koji uzmu copper membership guraju biznis naprijed, al možda sam u krivu, slobodno me ispravi. Jedini entity koji je to uspio monetizirati kak treba je koji naplacuje za svaki falus, warrior forum je pokušao sličan biznis model ugurati, ali nije išlo, barem ne tada kada sam bio aktivan po forumima, imao sam pauzu od jedno pet-šest godina.
January 10, 2025, 10:22:43 PM |
Krenimo čisto od toga da forum ima hrpetinu love bez da se zna čija je, kako se koristi, što se dogodi s njom ako theymos nestane itd itd
Sumnjam da su milijuni u igri, ovaj forum je dosta vanilla i skoro pa sve je for free, a cucla pun kufer hostinga. Jedna mid-range operacija sa CDN-om (kojeg bitcointalk ima) je oko 10k mjesečno samo na hosting, a sumnjam da ovih stotinjak ljudi koji uzmu copper membership guraju biznis naprijed, al možda sam u krivu, slobodno me ispravi. Iznenadio bi se, ako se ne varam forum u posjedu ima preko 1000 BTC, sto bi sa danasnjom cijenama bilo oko 100mil usd. Sada otkuda tolika lova, pretpostavljam od donatora jos u doba kada se za status donatora davalo 50 BTC (to u ono vrijeme nije bilo puno). Takoder na vrhu stranice je bio prostor za oglas koji je isao na aukciju svako malo (svakih nekoliko tjedana ako se ne varam) i to je ukinuto jer lova forumu nije potrebna sa trenutnim rezervama. Ma joj i ovdje ima ega i power tripova
Krenimo čisto od toga da forum ima hrpetinu love bez da se zna čija je, kako se koristi, što se dogodi s njom ako theymos nestane itd itd Jel se sjeca jos tko coinbistroa, novog softvera koji je jedna ekipa pocela pisati iz nule samo za ovaj forum. To se godinama razvija, cak je i prije par godina bilo beta testiranje, nakon toga nista. Cak sam prije par mjeseci i pitao u vezi toga u jednom threadu i dobio dosta mutan odgovor.
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January 10, 2025, 10:24:10 PM |
Iznenadio bi se, ako se ne varam forum u posjedu ima preko 1000 BTC, sto bi sa danasnjom cijenama bilo oko 100mil usd. Sada otkuda tolika lova, pretpostavljam od donatora jos u doba kada se za status donatora davalo 50 BTC (to u ono vrijeme nije bilo puno). Takoder na vrhu stranice je bio prostor za oglas koji je isao na aukciju svako malo (svakih nekoliko tjedana ako se ne varam) i to je ukinuto jer lova forumu nije potrebna sa trenutnim rezervama.
Aha, war chest je u igri, nisam znao za njega. Mislio sam da se frka odnosio na zaradu od trenutnog oglašavanja. Zanimljivo..
Activity: 3542
Merit: 3625
Crypto Swap Exchange
January 10, 2025, 10:27:10 PM |
Krenimo čisto od toga da forum ima hrpetinu love bez da se zna čija je, kako se koristi, što se dogodi s njom ako theymos nestane itd itd
Sumnjam da su milijuni u igri, ovaj forum je dosta vanilla i skoro pa sve je for free, a cucla pun kufer hostinga. Jedna mid-range operacija sa CDN-om (kojeg bitcointalk ima) je oko 10k mjesečno samo na hosting, a sumnjam da ovih stotinjak ljudi koji uzmu copper membership guraju biznis naprijed, al možda sam u krivu, slobodno me ispravi. Pre neki dan sam naleteo na kviz * koji je pokrenuo icopress o poznavanju bitcointalk foruma. Tu sam saznao da su rezerve foruma nesto preko 900 BTC, pa ne bih rekao da je bezazleno. Jos davno se prestalo sa prodajom reklama na forumu (bilo ispod prvog posta), jer je bilo previse zamorno adminima da proveravaju legalnost servisa koji su licitirali mesto. Obrazlozenje, nije bilo urgentne potrebe za tim, jer forum ima dovoljno zalihe. A i tu su bile ponude od nekoliko hiljada dolara mesecno za svaki od nekoliko slotova. * [Quiz 2025] History of Bitcoin and Bitcointalk 🚩
January 10, 2025, 10:32:17 PM |
Tu sam saznao da su rezerve foruma nesto preko 900 BTC
Stari moj...
Activity: 2520
Merit: 1952
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
January 10, 2025, 10:45:03 PM |
Da, jer su 2 walleta. Sjećam se jer je bila neka luda drama kad je lik koji je bio custodian dobio BCH airdrop i nije se smatrao dužnim to dat nazad.
To je vjerojatno BTC rezerva, stvarno ne znam što je još s BCH-om - je li prodan, maznut il i dalje stoji negdje sa strane.
Activity: 3542
Merit: 3625
Crypto Swap Exchange
January 10, 2025, 10:47:34 PM |
Tu sam saznao da su rezerve foruma nesto preko 900 BTC
Stari moj... Auh... Ne zameri, bilo je bas dosta alkoholnih trenutaka oko proteklih praznika, povremeno sam funkcionisao tek na par kilobajta
Activity: 1876
Merit: 9878
light_warrior ... 🕯️
January 11, 2025, 12:09:13 AM |
Da, jer su 2 walleta. Sjećam se jer je bila neka luda drama kad je lik koji je bio custodian dobio BCH airdrop i nije se smatrao dužnim to dat nazad.
To je vjerojatno BTC rezerva, stvarno ne znam što je još s BCH-om - je li prodan, maznut il i dalje stoji negdje sa strane.
I can’t remember where it is, but I know for sure that the signed message is somewhere in the public domain (it contains the full text of the agreement). Besides BCH there are several others. [...] OgNasty 500 0.5 2014-11-22 1Eog8UqRFLufC71rBLt2nYgfUDskgxAyVF First: I've been wondering about this for a while now, and although I don't want to point fingers, I do like transparency so here it goes: What happened to the "dividend" from airdrops based on Bitcoin holdings? shows that treasurer address 1Eog8UqRFLufC71rBLt2nYgfUDskgxAyVF joined the Byteball airdrop with 500.00051 BTC (0.0771% share): -----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- OOUIJTHWY5PANA7P2YUJX67VVN2QZYIX -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1Eog8UqRFLufC71rBLt2nYgfUDskgxAyVF HMdUJW2FnsyZVJAoXhuLuYvt2Zqgdpt5o9xGCqIQqnMVOIyrzkY2ICiwGbAfeCXOiS6SDj/UvRRr+CvIo+zTQJQ= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Verified! shows the GBYTE (now called OBYTE) received on address OOUIJTHWY5PANA7P2YUJX67VVN2QZYIX: on 09.07.2017 13:58:44, approximately 36.174 GBYTE was received. Out of this, 0.0625*500 = 31.25 GBYTE was thanks to forum funds. At the time, this was worth approximately 7 BTC. There were later airdrops too, and Stellar Lumens could have produced a similar amount based on Bitcoin holdings, but I don't think that data is publicly available.
Activity: 1876
Merit: 9878
light_warrior ... 🕯️
January 11, 2025, 12:49:59 AM |
I can’t remember where it is, but I know for sure that the signed message is somewhere in the public domain (it contains the full text of the agreement).
The same conditions should have been with OG (but the link with his name is no longer active). []-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- T19 MULTISIG CONTRACT
This is a contract between DarkStar_ ("signer") and theymos. Signer agrees to participate in a 3-of-5 multisig contract securing up to 1500 bitcoins, in return for 0.75 bitcoins per year.
Signer will generate a new Bitcoin public/private keypair for use in this contract, publish the public key, and keep the private key perpetually secret and secure (even past the end of the contract). This public key will be used in a 3-of-5 multisig Bitcoin-smart-contract.
The bitcoins covered by the contract remain owned by and in the possession of theymos. This contract does not create a separate entity, and the signers are not through this contract operating any type of custodial account. Whenever bitcoins legitimately leave the possession of the multisig contract, it can only be because of a direction from theymos, authorized either near the time of the transaction or through in-advance instructions.
In all matters involving the multisig keys, signer will follow the instructions of theymos, possibly including detailed in-advance instructions, as long as the instructions are reasonably practical to implement, legal, and any extraordinary costs are reimbursed by theymos. For example, if signer receives an authenticated instruction from theymos telling him to sign a certain partially-signed transaction as soon as possible using the standard transaction-signing algorithm, then signer must do so, and in this example there should be no extraordinary costs.
From the start, this special in-advance contingency instruction is in place: (Note that this goes beyond what would normally be a "reasonably practical" instruction.) If the signer has good reason to believe that theymos will be unable to issue any instructions under this contract for more than 1 year -- for example due to him dying, becoming long-term-indisposed, disappearing without a trace, being overdue on the yearly fee required under this contract for more than 6 months, or explicitly stating that he will be unable to issue instructions; but not simply because theymos has demonstrated a habit of not issuing instructions for a long time --, then signer will in a very public fashion work with the other multisig signers, staff, and notable users to see to the creation of a US non-profit organization with a mission similar to "In order to increase freedom in the world: Operate and/or sites similar to, work toward the long-term success of Bitcoin, and work toward more widespread decentralization and applied cryptography." If a suitable organization already exists, then a new one need not be created. Once an organization exists which 3 of 5 signers can agree has a sufficiently-matching mission statement and an organizational/management structure capable of effectively fulfilling it, then they are instructed to create and sign a Bitcoin transaction to send all of the bitcoins covered by the multisig to the organization. Signer agrees in advance to forego future yearly fees indefinitely and to forgive past unpaid fees if this contingency instruction is triggered.
This contract is terminated only if any of the below occur: 1) Theymos demands the private key from signer, and signer produces it as required. 2) Signer sends theymos his private key on his own initiative in order to exit the contract. 3) Due to the complete execution of the contingency instruction, the multisig contract covers no more bitcoins.
After the first yearly fee is paid and the contract is ongoing, non-payment of a future yearly fee does not terminate the contract or otherwise end signer's responsibilities under this contract except possibly via the contingency instruction, though signer has a right to demand payment of the fee. If signer fails to follow instructions as required by this contract, then no fee is due from that point.
Signer must use reasonable methods of securely authenticating instructions, encrypting/securing the private keys, and encrypting the private keys if they are transmitted to theymos (but in a way that theymos can decrypt, such as by encryption to his PGP public key). If any of the bitcoins protected by the multisig arrangement are lost/stolen due clearly & directly to insufficient care by signer, then signer will be responsible for these losses. Signer has a right to demand, and typically should demand, non-repudiable authentication such as a PGP signature from theymos for any instructions.
Authentication guidelines: the exact means of authentication is left somewhat vague above in order to allow for the flexible handling of weird circumstances. Usually theymos will send signers PGP-signed instructions. If these instructions involve signing a partially-signed transaction which already has theymos's multisig signature, then this is sufficient authentication unless signer has some reason to suspect a problem. If not, then signer should be skeptical -- theymos's multisig key is in cold storage, while his PGP public key (and well-known 1NXY... address) is not. If in doubt, delay, demand more proof, and make the whole thing public. theymos has been around for almost 10 years, so there's a nearly-endless amount of info about him which could be used as part of authentication if necessary. For example, you could demand a signature from his published forum cold storage addresses, have him provide old chat log excerpts, provide bank statements with forum-related expenses, publish some of's unpublished source code, etc. Do not sign any transactions if there is any reasonable doubt surrounding authentication. If worst comes to worst and it seems impossible that theymos will ever be able to be confidently authenticated, then this would warrant triggering the contingency instruction; better that than giving the BTC to a thief.
Signer's public key for the multisig: 022b94eb3a6608aef8f18620dff203833ccf601d1800e49dfe2b8dc7326706c091
Signer's Bitcoin address for receiving the first year's payment: bc1qjw4n3mu5q2hlzjca3ufkhyn7pzmw6pshruzu9f -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1DarkStrRagcDjWtsPGxkav4WG3poLXzDS G4r0hCYSqUw8wsFWzSX6u5pOegMTIjngFBxLwMN9Nh4ARWQRYHiVs7oypxub1EahZof5FbrYfLt2N+jdK5ew0kg= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Comment: theymos signature with sha256
iF4EAREIAAYFAlzbj74ACgkQxlVWk9q1kee0bQEAm6IcgYQ3Wpv2RN2guAI4eMsj zeNz48HpRM0OzHpbziAA/RoBE6JTL1G2VR/4HquSfo+qEEPUEfI/oemvmML8Mntm =P2oi -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Activity: 3542
Merit: 3625
Crypto Swap Exchange
January 11, 2025, 02:05:57 PM |
Da, jer su 2 walleta. Sjećam se jer je bila neka luda drama kad je lik koji je bio custodian dobio BCH airdrop i nije se smatrao dužnim to dat nazad.
To je vjerojatno BTC rezerva, stvarno ne znam što je još s BCH-om - je li prodan, maznut il i dalje stoji negdje sa strane.
I can’t remember where it is, but I know for sure that the signed message is somewhere in the public domain (it contains the full text of the agreement). theymos confirmed that the major forked coins were transferred to him, while for the others he considered that there was too much effort around them and they did not carry significant value. Are the remaining minor fork coins still held in escrow for the forum by OGNasty?
No, after the major coins were transferred to me, ownership of any remaining forkcoins went to OgNasty.