Bagaimana mungkin di Q3 2020 harga shitcoin bisa menembus $1 tanpa adanya kejelasan dari team dan whitepaprer

menurut saya ini targetnya udah berlebihan banget.
Ente juga gak quote bagaimana mereka berpatner.
Tampak sebuah Ironi di sini,
Shitcoin juga kalau dilihat di websitenya berpatner dengan :
1. microsoft
2. google
3. warren buffet
4. Craig Wright, dan
6. Sudah tentu bohong dong.
itu hannya angan2 mereka aj gan gk mungkin jga kan proyek yg gk jelas bsa mencapai $1 di Q3 2020 siapa juga coba yg akan membeli coin mereka
dan memangnya keuntungan apa yg mereka berikan sampai mereka yakin bsa mencapai $1
baca ini gan,
Why should I invest in ShitCoin?
You probably shouldn't.
What are the goals of ShitCoin?
To provide whales, traders, and early adopters a pure shitconin experience. Whales will be given preferential treatment such as early private discounted sales, insider information from dev team etc.. To generate wealth for the dev team, whales, and a lucky few. Maybe you!(But probably not)
Okay, I'm on board what can I do to join the ShitCoin revolution?
First, you can join us on reddit, twitter, telegram, discord, or contribute to our github.
Wow, I am really impressed. How can I join the ShitCoin team?
Just respond to this thread with your requested position. Let us know how you can make the SHIT worse. You will probably be accepted.
Mereka [dev/team] gak menyuruh kita beli neh coin.