In case you didn't know, the Raiden Network is Ethereum's version of Bitcoin's Lightning Network. You can send ERC-20 tokens instantly across payment channels in an off-chain manner. I came into it recently, and found it to be quite interesting. However, I was surprised that the Raiden Network only had 89 open channels which is a very low number compared to channels available on BTC's Lightning Network. Perhaps, not many people are aware of this "Layer-two" solution for Ethereum's ERC-20 tokens yet.
Without marketing/promotion, we can't expect to see a substantial growth of the Raiden Network over time. It needs mainstream adoption, or it'll fail altogether. Since Ethereum's the world's second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, it could easily bring lots of users into the Raiden Network itself. But time will tell us, whenever the Raiden Network will be a success in the long run or it'll simply be replaced by the Plasma Framework. What do you think?