I'd guess it'd be a topic to consider, but it'd probably be just a passing thought, or at least, I'd want them to concentrate on the increasingly growing global debt of the world. BTC could pop out as an opinion, but it isn't really a solution available right now. As for world wide adoption, sure I'd like it to happen, but it isn't possible with the current state of volatility as an issue.
As a result, conferences can be helpful.
You must read the details of this Convention to make a complete understanding of the strategy of forming it.
In the short term, it is possible that the agreement on WEF Davos does not have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency. But in WEF Davos 2020, it produced a CBDC policy-maker tool kits. Some countries such as Bahrain and Thailand will soon be testing the tool kits produced by WEF as soon as possible.
This is a good foothold because with each central bank of each country trying out these toolkits, central bank officials can open their eyes (introduce and familiarize) other state officials about blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. From this initial footing, in the future cryptocurrency can make a leap forward in its development. If state officials are aware and understand about cryptocurrency, it is hoped that there is an umbrella protecting cryptocurrency in each country.
This is a significant step because in its implementation CBDC policymakers can conduct joint experiments and launches with other central banks, international organizations, governments, private banks and world monetary organizations such as the IMF, BIS, Inter American Development Bank.