If you have doubts investing a lending platform through a coin, you should not risk money on it as it's really a high risk, of course anything in crypto is high risk so you need to be careful. I found a good one ,which is Binance lending program which I think more safer since Binance is the leading exchange with a good reputation, however they only guarantee 15% interest per annum which is too low compared to what we can possibly make investing in a lending platform.
source :
https://www.coindesk.com/binance-launches-crypto-lending-with-up-to-15-annualized-interestThis is much better than those scammy shit altcoins with have guaranteed a huge return that's why they vanish just like a bubble in just a short span of time.
Just always remember, much higher guarantee returns, the risk is higher also.
This lending platform of Binance seems like good and much better than traditional banks out there.
BUT,There are still possibilities that your money you in Binance will be lost also, since you don't have any private keys holding your coins there.
Your cryptocurrencies are still on the hand of Binance, that's why there are still risks and possiblity Binance will vanish even how reputable they are, they are still an centralized exchange.