When we are investing in altcoin here is a huge chance of risk compared to Bitcoin, that's why everybody suggests us to invest in Bitcoin instead of altcoins. People who invested 1000$ when the price of Bitcoin was around 3200$, now their profit will be around 7200$.
How did you calculate that?
Bitcoin made x3 from that level. So the net profit is $ 2,000 (a little more but not important).
Perhaps you mixed something up when switching from natural numbers to percentages and vice versa.
Maybe she's sleepy, if calculated indeed net profit earned about $2000, because that invested only $1000, maybe you want to say $10000? Obviously if you invest $10000, you can now have a profit of $7000 more
I think this is not a typo, namely a mistake. The person who invested $ 10,000 in bitcoin at a price of $ 3200 now has a net profit of about 20,000. This is very different from 7,000.
But in any case, individual segments are not proof of anything. For comparison, we need to take more extensive statistical indicators.