So all that hand washing and OCD level surface cleaning probably didn't do much.
According to the CDC, you have less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of contracting COVID after touching a surface contaminated surface. We are now over a year into this global pandemic, and this is the guidelines. Things are constantly changing and it seems like the CDC flips its recommendation on a whim, which means the research they used to form their initial guidelines didn't seem to be so strong, as with most things.
What it did for me was got me researching things more and understanding even more technically the mechanisms by which hand cleaners can lead to health problems.
It's abundantly clear that the 'authorities' are not just trying to scare us with all their covid fear factor nonesense, but are actively and deliberately trying to harm us. I avoid any establishment which puts gunk on my hands. At the very best it is just alcohol based sanitizer that clears out the helpful bacteria which team up with one's healthy body to fight off harmful environmental pathogens. Equally likely it contains other components as well which will ultimately end up getting me to be a medical/industrial complex junkie with cancer and what-not. Maybe twice per month I go into a place which tries to spray the crap on me, and even then I usually am able to go through a motions without actually getting the stuff on me.