Finally I found some time to come here and reply to these shameless accusations.
But before let me comment few reactions so far:
I don't understand, if you've had payments reversed from time to time, why did you keep taking the risk to trade with him? Because he was paying you back? #followthemoney

Besides the fact that PayPal may decide to close your account due to the number of disputes you've received, you knew such a situation could happen at anytime
didn't you agree to receive a refund of $300? If it is then it's too late to complain dude, it should have been done before he sent $300
Good question asked. As far as I remember, this was the second time this happened. If I'm a scammer like he is saying, he should have stopped to work with me by that time.
I was reviewing few of our early chats, we have been probably 1year+ working together, and almost daily communication through Telegram , in the past sometimes in skype.
For those who know Paypal, they know that Paypal is sometimes incalculable. Based on some activities on your account, they can decide any time to close your account and even at their own refund payments and mark it as "unauthorized" even if they were. It's not easy to deal with this company for sure.
This guy is BTC seller, he was selling me BTC and in exchange I was giving PAYPAL. Due to the high volume he was requesting, I was giving him sometimes funds from my other customers (customers that I had previously verified) and it was not a secret. He knew about that. Of course, he will decline this now.
Not just that, he was sometimes giving me bank accounts where my customers could pay and withdraw to his bank accounts, charging me some fees. And of course, he won't tell that

(I come back to this topic shortly).
It doesn't look like the OP was dealing with Naster but with some third party. Not sure what's the connection there. Was Naster the recipient of the bitcoins in exchange for those PayPal funds? If so then Naster should pay back the full $725 ("someone else scammed me" is not a valid excuse).
You posted only one screenshot, but you didnt post the screenshot where we decided that I should refund 300 USD to your account what I did. I didnt send you paypal, one customer sent you (and you allowed that!) and he scammed us.
We came to this agreement for following reason: one customer sent many small payments to his account. Few days later, these payments have been reversed by PAYPAL. Trying one more time to solve together this issue, I asked him if he already withdrew the money before this happened. Short story, he moved out already a part and part was left. We agreed that I should get back his paypal account to positive to fix this issue. What I did few days later.
The guy who scammed had sent me around 7-8k paypal balance, almost all has been reversed and I was in short of funds by that time. So it took me few days to send the payment of 300 USD (screenshots following). Normally I have some preventing measures for this by checking few things in accounts of customers, unfortunately these days I had a such overload of work and I missed few checks and this caused me this high loss. And of course, this is not the reason, we just made an arrangement for this case and as always I fulfilled my part.
It could have said "NO, I just dont want you to pay me 300 USD etc.." and I'm very sure I would have fixed the issue with him. Other were affected by this incident and so far nobody complaining here. It should mean what it means.
I don't understand, if you've had payments reversed from time to time, why did you keep taking the risk to trade with him? Because he was paying you back? #followthemoney

Besides the fact that PayPal may decide to close your account due to the number of disputes you've received, you knew such a situation could happen at anytime
didn't you agree to receive a refund of $300? If it is then it's too late to complain dude, it should have been done before he sent $300
Yes, in the end he paid me back the money he disputed and also playing as victim crying he got scammed, so i gave him another chance to proof his paypal is clean, but not this time
I am not complaining about the money at this stage, I get it he is not going to pay me back, and I dont care about that money anymore, but people should be aware Naster is selling dirty paypal
Please help me to report him
Very funny

so his only goal here is to "defraud" my reputation for nothing. Good luck with that Mr Busy1234!
Why did you wait so long to comment on what happened, too, dealing in thousands of dollars with someone who "payments got disputed" before is a dangerous sign, why did you continue to deal with all this the negative signs?
And the last part that I did not understand is how you confirmed it was "dirty paypal fund"?
In general, Sorry for your loss and I support that dealing with this user is dangerous, especially since he mentioned the story of dealing with a third party.
Thanks for this comment. Why did he wait so long? I will come back to this shortly.
If this guy dealed with me 1 year+, it can't be a bad sign. But of course, you are free to have your own mind of this.
Well I don't know what went behind the scenes with you guys , but did you at any point informed busy124 that the funds are coming in from a 3d party and there's a risk that the money might be disputed ? Did he agree to this ? Cause I'm quite sure no one would really agree in this conditions .
But anyway , waiting to see more relevant proofs , conversations etc.
Mr busy1234 is a Trader. He knew that he were getting also payments from my customers. That wasnt a secret. And I know that he worked also with similar guys.
For example, some of my customers were selling on ebay and used the bank accounts provided by Mr Busy1234 and he was controlling the main emails of these accounts. There are many things I could post here, but I m not interested to get this guy into trouble. As these informationcould lead to his person there in China. Therefore to protect his privacy, I won't post too much screenshots here. But I reserve the right to do it.
In this case, I made my part of the arrangement and I will give him nothing more.
The OP posted a few screenshots that show you telling them to defraud PayPal. You paid back only $300 of disputed $725. Both solid reasons for red trust.
You keep repeating yourself. Who said "go and defraud PayPal?" Do you know he was working? Then let me tell you: he gets Paypal funds on his paypal account (he was giving me several accounts to be loaded every day with around 300-400 USD each). Once he had the money, he was simply withdrawing to his multiple bank accounts. Therefore, when this happened, I asked him if he had already moved out the funds so I can see what to do next to fix this ASAP. Just don't sit on one single argument - that you didn't even properly understand - to judge me. Seems you are more excited by your red trust than anything else. If so, Here you go, enjoy you Power to give red trust then.
ok enough. Back to the topic with few screenshots.
We have been in communication almost daily and this since 1 year+ through Telegram (direct chat + our working group) + Skype in the past. If I have to review all these conversations, probably I wouldnt be done within 1 week.
So I reviewed quickly few things and took few screenshots. Also as said, I will not post any information that could lead back to Mr busy as we exchanged also such information.
1. Mr Busy informed about the incident.
a)He asked if this payment was from my own account, as he knows that my customers send him also. So I replied. And see the reaction after my response. If it was really new to him, he would have started complaining at that point with things like "Why did you let your customer send to me? etc etc"
b) my first reaction was to ask here if he moved out the funds already. Some are happy to call this "defraud paypal".
So you are making guess based on my reaction now not solid proof? I was pissed off by that dispute, you are sending from third party again after so many warnings not to and you promised so many times you wont. If I knew it is from your client why would I even ask if payment is from your account?2. said, he was providing me also bank accounts to be used with some paypal accounts, where he was controlling the email accounts. So after this incident, he wanted me to remove the last account that was still in use. I was receiving there ads payment from a customer. Again he was aware.
By the way, I saw where he was saying that I dont have money. This guy was putting me pressure to send him more and more paypal and for more fees because "bank is asking more money". Therefore I had to reduce the volume, I have many other btc sellers with competitive rates. Not just that, he was very discourteous. Thus, I reduced a lot the traffic to him. I still have good volume of sales but I m not here for that discussion.
This paypal salvador belong to Naster was registered by him months ago, and I dont have access to it, I only provided bank account to withdraw money, and a email to receive notification when he make transfer, all ID, phone number, VPS or SSN are belong to Naster, so this proves our agreement: clean FnF payment from his own account transfer to my paypal or to my bank.
he sent me data and screenshot to proof Salvador is his paypal used to collect his ads payments I was saying, he was managing also the ebay funds of some customers with his accounts.
Again, this business paypal Felix belong to Naster, I dont have access to it, he uses his own paypal account to receive money from ebay then transfer to me
They were time where I had enough paypal funds for him, and he couldnt accept the payments because of issues with his bank accounts.
See this discussion:
Do you want me to get on this? at that time my paypal and bank account was limited by your dispute
Here we had already concluded that I will pay just the 300 USD so we close this incident.
Finally I paid this was my last communication with him since.
Did I accept it? I wanted you to pay me 725 in full, but you will only pay me 300 and you didnt have enough paypal money at that time, it took you 4 days to come up with $300, I was waiting for you to pay the rest for 2 weeks7.
Here an old discussion we had about 2 of my own accounts (because he is saying I never did IPTV or whatever) is this about? when did I say you never did IPTV? In fact I said you promised paypal money is coming from your shop (IPTV, freight ticket ads)8.
Here I found an old discussion from the 24th July 2019 about a payment made by a russian customer who was running a legit business:
this proves my point again, our agreement was clean paypal payment send as FnF from your own account, but you kept breaking that terms, I was furious I wanted to refund that dirty money but my paypal was already limited, so I send you warning if you do it again there will be penalty in our rate, and you apologized and promised wont happen again
Here again: repeat this was my last communication with him since.I m very surprised that after few weeks passed, he who was having almost daily communication with me, just comes here to start with accusations. What is his real motivation finally? May be a good way (really good?) to attract some paypal customers using my name over his newbie account. Why not

))) but in my opinion the wrong way to do it.
Anyway good luck with your new sales.
Did you forget I have a 2 years account from localbitcoins, with 100% positive feedback?I hope I provided enough information to the community and the mods needed to close this case ASAP.
Thank you everyone!