Did anyone else notice this, or was it just me?
Ok cool... Now we can get back on topic of the OP..
37 minutes later...
MRKLYE is around?
Weren't you the guy that made all those crazy penis drawings I saw a long time ago? That shit was crazy.. Link?
Yeah, I kinda changed my mind..
I was very interested in the OP, but he never got down to the meat and potatoes of the subject (naming names of suspected agents), and meanwhile this alt attacked me elsewhere with some hebrew lectures, and then we correctly deduced that it was Nullius, then I noticed the
rare appearance of MRKYLE, who I enjoyed reading for the comedy years ago, and decided I might as well tromp his thread with some OT, which amazingly hasn't even been deleted yet..
So fork Nullius (pun intended[get it? .. alt]), and let's chat about how MRKYKE is going to pay back his debts by selling penis drawings, and possibly doing some more stunts??
Right now I would love a great drawing, with said classic penises, of a human centipede, in the shape of an infinitychan logo, including, nully, owly, tman, and lauda.. But I am too much of a
jew to cough up whatever an "mBTC" is to have it done..
If he would like to include BAC I suggest him as the creator in the trenchcoat, with a raging boner ofcourse..
Maybe he will do it for me for free as a vouch since I have shilled him so well here thus far..
If he does it physically on paper, it may even auction well...