I don't see any correlative connection between them, crypto trading will not be affected by coronavirus because we are on digital. There's probably a high chance if that has come from the stock market and it is physically involved. I don't see any valid reason if Crypto trading will affect the world epidemic today. Stay at home and you will be safe from that virus.
I imagine so similarly because it is an online procedure. There is no possibility to effect Covid-19 here. The ups and downs of the market may be expected to something. Heretofore it is not permanent, anything can transpire, but not for the Covid-19.
I my opinion, it can affect crypto trading. Staying more at home or even sometimes, staying at home almost all the time, people start thinking what to do to make money. They Google a lot, and stay online. As the internet has a bunch of information about crypto, many guys can try to get involved in it.