I'll repaired my garage sound proof and water tight. I have had an electrician come round and make sure the correct cabling are used 20amp cables and new fuse board all safe. Power networks has upgrade the fuse and electricity board.
I need to punch a hole in the wall to vent the heat. I would like to fit up to 6 miners. But I would like to know if this plan would work
https://ibb.co/YcTn5gYDo I need to push all the heat (ebay 3-d printed vents) to one side which is divided in the middle. I was thinking 3 high 2 rows. With an extractor fan built into the enclosure and 8" thermally insulated ducting to the outside.
I've contacted a company who specialised in fans to suggest what extractor fan would be necessary. Think suggestions here were something that would do 4,000 CFM or 5,000cfm.
Any advice on build would be fantastic -
Would my design be over the top. Could I just do a large box with an extra fan like this