In a continent like africa with a very underdeveloped and analog systems, practicing social distancing and self isolation is next to impossible. They have very underdeveloped transport systems, underdeveloped markets and the most serious of them all, people that are not well informed and civilized to deal and handle the realities of the virus.
One the one side this is true, but because the health system is not as developed as in the western world, the people in Africa need to look after themselfs much more. They can't rely on the government to fix everything for them. Another thing is people in Africa have to deal with more illnesses and viruses than in other places. We can just look back a few years to the Ebola outbreak and how terrible it was for the people. They really needed international help to contain the outbreak. So I think people in Africa listen more to doctors giving advice on how to deal with corona, than people in the developed world. Just look at all the recent riots happening due to curfews and lockdowns.