March 29, 2020, 12:16:15 AM |
(1) America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
This article might answer your question here. (2) There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
This is a bit triggering conspiracy or theory. This virus started in December of 2019, the hospital was started to build on January 23. If they already knew the virus, they would just start making a hospital far earlier than that. Workers in there don't have enough sleep, a worker there was interviews and said they only slept 3 hours for 3 days, just imagine the sacrifice they are doing. It was further explained by @abhiseshakana though.
Sanugarid (OP)
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March 29, 2020, 03:09:21 AM |
(1) America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
This article might answer your question here.
Thanks for bringing this one (2) There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
This is a bit triggering conspiracy or theory. This virus started in December of 2019, the hospital was started to build on January 23. If they already knew the virus, they would just start making a hospital far earlier than that. Workers in there don't have enough sleep, a worker there was interviews and said they only slept 3 hours for 3 days, just imagine the sacrifice they are doing. It was further explained by @abhiseshakana though. Ok, so let's say that was really not intended and I already know what China is capable of building things. Now what are your stand on China having a 90++% recovery rate Now China is selling medicines and already sold 432 million euros to Spain. Can someone put a spotlight on this?
March 29, 2020, 05:06:33 AM |
There are so many theories coming out that China planned all this I have read that kind of article in one of my feed one theory is why only Wuhan and Hubei only on the part of China, why the other parts are not harmed while the whole world suffers, why there is almost no infection on the other part of Mainland China it seems they are good in restricting it or they already plan to restrict it only on Hubei and Wuhan.
March 29, 2020, 06:14:23 AM |
Isn't that kind of blowing it out of proportion? I mean, yea, questioning most often than not shows results. After all, answers only come out after someone questions the reason or cause, but I doubt that China would risk the population of their entire country to spread the virus around. They'd basically be doing a suicide bombing using thousands of people or something after all. Ok, so let's say that was really not intended and I already know what China is capable of building things. Now what are your stand on China having a 90++% recovery rate
Tried to look stuff up about this, I don't really know if its accurate or not but a few reports have indicated that some of those "Recovered" patients are actually just errors. Once they came back to the hospitals, they tested positive after a few more tests. The reasons were mostly about human errors, but who knows? Maybe there's more to the virus than they know of. Sides, China having that much of infection rate is attributed to the solid stand they have in terms of lockdowns and quarantines.
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March 29, 2020, 06:32:41 AM |
There are so many theories coming out that China planned all this I have read that kind of article in one of my feed one theory is why only Wuhan and Hubei only on the part of China, why the other parts are not harmed while the whole world suffers, why there is almost no infection on the other part of Mainland China it seems they are good in restricting it or they already plan to restrict it only on Hubei and Wuhan.
This is quite interesting because where everywhere else in the world it is spreading how come in some cities of China it has stopped or how are people recovered so well. Have they found the vaccine and if yes then why are they not sharing with the world? Also have they spread it purposely and why the testing was happening and what they wanted to find out by testing this virus?
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March 29, 2020, 06:43:11 AM |
I'm sure we read the same content on facebook about this conspiracy which is there are some valid reasons right now. If the virus is really by means made on purpose then they are already winning this, consider the confirmed cases on US and italy than china.
They are indeed winning this war against them but I think the most is the cost of their winning which is their people. If this virus is literally made by them then,if proven then China might be in large facing every nation's rage because of this. Biological weapon can be compared to nuclear with slow reaction but also means a thousands death. I don't think that things happen between these countries are coincident only, there must be a reason why, and that reason will be uncover for sure. Well, there so many think still unclear but I don"t think that's what really happened and in China are not telling us the real number of death and we might never know it and that's why people think only 3000+ people died and they are trying to make sense by convincing people that if it was Biological weapon why they attack their country first? they could have targeted any country. Even though so many things still remain a mystery like where this virus come suddenly? but if you do the research I think there are many way virus can come. 1) this virus made in the lab and this was an attack 2) this virus come from animals to humane and the more its spared more dangerous it become 3) this virus come by accident happen in lab which reason is behind we don't know yet but hopefully, soon we will figure it out. We can't just conclude our thought right now without any proof or evidences. But I think this is really a strategy of China to let the stock market of US to go down. This must be the way that the China will dominate the global economy because we all know that US is the competitor of China. US is a first world country and China is just second world country, but still they compete in many aspects like economy, agricultural, military and etc. If China really spread this virus intentionally then I think that its primary target is only US. Right now, US are suffering from the Covid-19 with an infected cases of almost 125,000 people while China has already a recovery of 92% with 81,000 cases and 75,000 people recovered as of now. How come that China reached that recovery state without any update to their status? It is pretty bad that the population in each country affected is decreasing.
March 29, 2020, 08:24:57 AM |
America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this? The Shanghai Composite did drop over 15%. The losses were much worse in the US because the prognosis is much worse. China is expected to make nearly full economic recovery in Q2. In contrast, the US economy is going to contract in a huge way, a 10-20% contraction or more. The market is pricing that in. There is no doubt the US was much worse prepared than China, or really any of the Asian countries that have dealt with past pandemic scares like SARS. Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy? A new type of war? What is the point of this war? To kill off the Americans who buy so many Chinese-exported goods? These conspiracy theories make no sense. There is no motive and the risks to China (due to the high infectiousness) would be too great. US really is experiencing a dropped in its stock market because of the effect of this virus. As the number of cases in US suddenly increasing, still the government doesn't implement a forced quarantine but they just implement travel ban for European and Asian countries. Donald Trump really underestimate what this virus can do to a country, it really destroy a lot of population, economy, and etc. His racist mindset put its citizen into death as he is not that scared of the virus. Although the virus starts in Wuhan, China, its stock market is still stable and the recovery is high and there's no new cases in their country. Imagine how did that happen if the virus really started from them. I think that the countries that will cause world war III are China and Us, they are competitors in many aspects and people have nothing to do with that but to suffer from the effects of their struggle.
March 29, 2020, 09:27:47 AM |
That's just speculation but the speculation has a point, why China stock market did not drop amidst of the corona virus, maybe because they controlled the news, they are confident that they can contained the virus which they were able to do so the trust of the investors are still their.
With this virus attack on big countries, I guess it will help a lot on China's economy because of the big countries, they are the one who are the most stable now. There are also speculation that this virus was created by China, it could be possible, maybe they are just playing games and this is their strategy to destroy the enemy.
March 29, 2020, 09:41:09 AM |
(1) America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
This article might answer your question here.
Thanks for bringing this one (2) There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
This is a bit triggering conspiracy or theory. This virus started in December of 2019, the hospital was started to build on January 23. If they already knew the virus, they would just start making a hospital far earlier than that. Workers in there don't have enough sleep, a worker there was interviews and said they only slept 3 hours for 3 days, just imagine the sacrifice they are doing. It was further explained by @abhiseshakana though. Ok, so let's say that was really not intended and I already know what China is capable of building things. Now what are your stand on China having a 90++% recovery rate Now China is selling medicines and already sold 432 million euros to Spain. Can someone put a spotlight on this? The corona virus comes from China to the whole world, namely covid19 disease appeared in 2019. So why did not this disease occur before? Everybody said that this virus appeared because the Chinese ate a lot of awkward meat. The Chinese did not start eating these animals recently, the Chinese had been eating these animals for centuries and some have resisted this virus. China is a more resistant country to the corona virus because this virus has not occured new. The corona virus threatens the whole world because Europe and America are unknown to this virus.
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March 29, 2020, 09:54:34 AM |
America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this? The Shanghai Composite did drop over 15%. The losses were much worse in the US because the prognosis is much worse. China is expected to make nearly full economic recovery in Q2. In contrast, the US economy is going to contract in a huge way, a 10-20% contraction or more. The market is pricing that in. There is no doubt the US was much worse prepared than China, or really any of the Asian countries that have dealt with past pandemic scares like SARS. Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy? A new type of war? What is the point of this war? To kill off the Americans who buy so many Chinese-exported goods? These conspiracy theories make no sense. There is no motive and the risks to China (due to the high infectiousness) would be too great. US really is experiencing a dropped in its stock market because of the effect of this virus. As the number of cases in US suddenly increasing, still the government doesn't implement a forced quarantine but they just implement travel ban for European and Asian countries. Donald Trump really underestimate what this virus can do to a country, it really destroy a lot of population, economy, and etc. His racist mindset put its citizen into death as he is not that scared of the virus. Although the virus starts in Wuhan, China, its stock market is still stable and the recovery is high and there's no new cases in their country. Imagine how did that happen if the virus really started from them. I think that the countries that will cause world war III are China and Us, they are competitors in many aspects and people have nothing to do with that but to suffer from the effects of their struggle. Trump downplaying the virus is a big mistake for them and look what happen now they are at the top who got affected more and a high possibilities that the number of deaths will rise up on upcoming months and worse their economy is at risk and if trump didn't find a solution to this their economy will collapsed badly. And actually I don't believe much about those conspiracy thing sorround the virus if china made this since if that is really the case it needs a investigation so that they will be punish, for now maybe its best to focus on finding the correct formula of the cure since if US and Italy will fail this is a huge breakdown on global economy.

Activity: 1358
Merit: 81
March 29, 2020, 10:16:54 AM |
It sounds strange to me that China has confirmed 81394 infected people and 74971 people have recovered from the Coronavirus. While the rest of humanity fights so that the virus does not spread in their nation. China recently celebrated that it is virus free. And the country in the worst situation is the United States because Trump did not act correctly from the beginning. Today I casually heard about this Chinese conspiracy that possibly created this Virus.
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1521
March 29, 2020, 10:51:56 AM |
US really is experiencing a dropped in its stock market because of the effect of this virus. As the number of cases in US suddenly increasing, still the government doesn't implement a forced quarantine but they just implement travel ban for European and Asian countries. They have implemented a patchwork of state and local shelter-in-place orders, self-quarantine requirements, and travel advisories. This is the difference between liberal democracies like the US and authoritarian regimes like China. In liberal countries, people are not accustomed to following emergency orders and governments are hesitant to forcibly detain people because it violates basic legal and constitutional rights. We are finally beginning to see more illiberal developments in the US. King County (Seattle) just announced they will begin forcibly detaining anyone with COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms who refuse to voluntarily isolate: https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/health/news/2020/March/28-covid.aspxPeople are now being cited and fined for holding social gatherings: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/490023-man-charged-after-new-jersey-police-break-up-coronavirus-partyStill nowhere near the measures taken in Asian countries but the authorities are clearly growing intolerant of the public's refusal to take COVID-19 seriously. If US infections continue at this rate, we will see start seeing the National Guard enforcing mandatory quarantines. Although the virus starts in Wuhan, China, its stock market is still stable and the recovery is high and there's no new cases in their country.
There are some doubts about that. https://nypost.com/2020/03/28/shipments-of-urns-in-wuhan-raise-questions-about-chinas-coronavirus-reporting/As families in the central Chinese city began picking up the cremated ashes of those who have died from the virus this week, photos began circulating on social media and local media outlets showing vast numbers of urns at Wuhan funeral homes.
China has reported 3,299 coronavirus-related deaths, with most taking place in Wuhan, the epicenter of the global pandemic. But one funeral home received two shipments of 5,000 urns over the course of two days, according to the Chinese media outlet Caixin.
March 29, 2020, 10:57:08 AM |
I also read the same story via Facebook and that is true then will say people as just been wicked for no just reason because it doesn't only affects their enemies alone it also affect their close Allies. Why were they able to control the spread to other states of their country if is not a planned something.
March 29, 2020, 11:53:25 AM |
You can now begin to think they are running the world already, they know how to do it, they know when to do it and they know to take advantage of it. Of course they are prepared for it, they could have been planing it for decades just when they learned they can cripple economies by flooding the market with their cheap products. They are also buying the stocks in US, literally they own big companies in US.
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March 29, 2020, 12:03:38 PM |
You can now begin to think they are running the world already, they know how to do it, they know when to do it and they know to take advantage of it. Of course they are prepared for it, they could have been planing it for decades just when they learned they can cripple economies by flooding the market with their cheap products. They are also buying the stocks in US, literally they own big companies in US.
Yes this scenario or thinking can be true because it is hard to think that some part of their country is not hit by the virus but of course it can also be a result of their immediate action to contain the virus in one place but if ever that the first thought is true then they are surely well prepared for it, they know how will they execute it without having unexpected damaged to their own country. Surely lots of countries economy will be shaken and will struggle to get in back to normal so while they are in this state, that country will take advantage of it like they have planned but it is only if the thought of the OP is true.
awik p
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Activity: 1526
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March 29, 2020, 12:20:10 PM |
You can now begin to think they are running the world already, they know how to do it, they know when to do it and they know to take advantage of it. Of course they are prepared for it, they could have been planing it for decades just when they learned they can cripple economies by flooding the market with their cheap products. They are also buying the stocks in US, literally they own big companies in US.
they seemed to rule the world, and as if all countries became dependent because of it, nobody knew about this plague, and of course negative accusations could not be proven, but they were swiftly faced with outbreaks in their countries, and finally the city that became the first pandemic could be reopened
March 29, 2020, 12:41:59 PM |
The corona virus comes from China to the whole world, namely covid19 disease appeared in 2019. So why did not this disease occur before? Everybody said that this virus appeared because the Chinese ate a lot of awkward meat. The Chinese did not start eating these animals recently, the Chinese had been eating these animals for centuries and some have resisted this virus. China is a more resistant country to the corona virus because this virus has not occured new. The corona virus threatens the whole world because Europe and America are unknown to this virus.
If the Chinese has the capability to resist them from this virus by eating exotic animals alive then why it existed at first?  Possibly China has better medical development compared to other countries or as other sayings, there must be something behind this 90% recovery rate.
China starts their exports of facemask all over the world so this is just because of their business profits?
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Jr. Member
Activity: 70
Merit: 4
March 29, 2020, 01:49:55 PM |
(1) America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
This article might answer your question here.
Thanks for bringing this one (2) There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
This is a bit triggering conspiracy or theory. This virus started in December of 2019, the hospital was started to build on January 23. If they already knew the virus, they would just start making a hospital far earlier than that. Workers in there don't have enough sleep, a worker there was interviews and said they only slept 3 hours for 3 days, just imagine the sacrifice they are doing. It was further explained by @abhiseshakana though. Ok, so let's say that was really not intended and I already know what China is capable of building things. Now what are your stand on China having a 90++% recovery rate Now China is selling medicines and already sold 432 million euros to Spain. Can someone put a spotlight on this? I know the number is quite big and the recovery rate in China give you dought about if it was an attack here's my point; 1) Do you think China showing real death numbers? I have talked to a friend who are from Wuhan but live in the USA he told me that in Wuhan daily 100+ people died but that time in news only telling only 700 death so I think to save their economy China hides the real number of people died from us. 2) Do you know in China from January to March 1 million people phones are off why do you think ? in this situation people should use more than they did before since all those affected area lockdowns and only thoro phones they can connect so where did those users go missing? More important how the virus spread I think if all countries didn't take there citizen back virus wouldn't be spared in the whole world.
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March 29, 2020, 01:58:14 PM |
Now China is selling medicines and already sold 432 million euros to Spain. Can someone put a spotlight on this?
Markets operate on a supply-and-demand basis, and currently there is a demand for protective masks, protective gloves and disinfectants. China has cheap labor and the capacity to produce such things at very possibly the lowest prices on the market. What is really a problem with Spain and other EU countries is that they have not taken the virus problem seriously, that they do not have industries that produce protective equipment, and that they are not self-sufficient in times of crisis.
Conspiracy theories are mere speculation, and at this point there is no evidence to suggest that the intention is to cause a pandemic to erode the world eco-economy. No matter how quickly China recovers, the fact remains that there is no economic progress for China without demand for goods and services from the rest of the world. It should also be borne in mind that everything in China needs to be viewed through the prism of their political system, and to realize that no Western democracy can be as effective as the Communist Party, and I know this because I have spent part of my life in such a system. China's response to the virus has been rapid, effective and restrained, and the results are visible today. On the other hand, the EU, and especially the UK and USA, underestimated the situation and waited too long to take decisive action. What happened at Atalanta-Valencia (Milano) game is in fact evidence of the ultimate human stupidity and greed, in time when China is warned the world, they play at full stadium in front of 40 000 people. We see the result today in Italy and Spain, and we know that San Siro was ground zero for COVID-19 in Europe.
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March 29, 2020, 02:24:53 PM |
I have watched another video not so similar about this but the topic runs same as Chinese had planned this Virus Infection.
though on that video it is an accidental that the Virus Broke in Wuhan and the situation has been covered up but the death toll that time is hundreds of thousands in 2019 alone.
anyway most of your point are Valid and it looks like Chinese really intentionally spread this Virus and look at them now?all the Flight in Hubei now are allowed except in Wuhan only is this mean they are already cleared of Infection?