Everyone wants a well-paying job and a lot to improve their careers ii am not satisfied with the sector in which I work. in order to meet the needs of one's family one has to look for a good quality job while doing low paying jobs. I think low paid jobs are a lot of trouble and can't be found at the end of the day. you need to build yourself up in such a way that you can get a good quality job. Usually those who have less skills do this type of job and then come up with a salary increase.
Many times we have seen ourselves having skills that do not apply to the jobs that people offer to us.
This way, we have to choose if we are going to go for a high salary and a job that we do not like or go for a low paid job but in a sector we love.
Another factor is the fact if you have a family. People who have kids would go for the high salary in order to deliver to their children as they are their priority.