Minerium is not just a coin, it is a cryptocurrency.
Wow! Such insight! Much knowledge! Many words!
This is why we are first focusing on an investment platform which will allow you to use Minerium to buy online.
A partnership with Amazon, Newegg and Netflix, for example.
Facepalm! Why is every shitty token thinking of partnerships with Amazon? Is this still a thing?
It's funny to see that in there
OP they stated that the pre-sale for Minerium is ongoing yet when people judge that how can they even start a pre-sale when they haven't shown any "faces, roadmap, whitepaper" of the project they directly contradicted what they have said.
So far the tests on masternodes are working great, we need to finish the roadmap now and the website before releasing the source code and start the pre-sale !
This one is funnier:
No source code, wallets arent even available on the website, too much premined.. And ICO .. really ? If it's not a scam, it's not a good project i'm sorry ...
OP, if you consider you have been scammed and lost $ open a flag against the user and ask DT members to support it.
But, the situation is a bit weird. Not every shitty project gets tagged just because they are shady....unfortunately!