Hospitals are empty, our MSM is barely getting some fear-inducing scenes from the hospitals (they are trying so hard it's getting pathetic already), doctors coming out and saying the truth about vaccines & the virus are silenced, arrested or sent to psychiatric centers.
When the pandemic was officially declared, my local shop had approximately half of their workers allegedly infected with the virus and yet they're still working in a healthy state, I haven't heard of anybody I know to be infected/dead from the virus nor did I hear from them that they have relatives/friends who have been infected/dead from it (and by "infection" I mean
infection, not "asymptomatic cases"), now it's pretty official that any death is considered a virus death and the latest figures show more than enough evidence that it's a wanted panic & lockdown,
but not for the virus itself.
I was among the first ones to get supplies for months and stay under self-isolation before the virus even reached my country and believed everything MSM said.. until they started using the same scenes from Italy in NYC reports, using mannequin resuscitation recordings to create a fake image of "the hospitals being overwhelmed" and my local news started going extremely tryhard. That's when things started getting stinky for me.
When social media starts
censoring any theory with substance and silencing everyone who comes out in public to talk about things they have discovered/researched, something doesn't smell right. It's all starting to look pretty CCP-like and I don't like it at all.
Let me give you one example: 5G. I'm not 100% saying it's the 5G causing the virus, but since this theory appeared all I have seen is the theory getting wiped off the Internet and MSM saying "No, 5G isn't causing or influencing the virus!".. so we're going to rely purely on what we're willing to believe and what we aren't? We have a lot of studies that have been done in the past decades proving the effect of EMF on human cells and bodies, yet we rely on MSM's words..
You'd probably be surprised to find out there are even documentaries out there, dated years ago, talking about WHO faking epidemics. "Conspiracy" is nowadays a word used to categorize
anything MSM does not say as if MSM isn't legally allowed in some countries to use propaganda.. the sad news is that people are too blind yet to see facts and only consider what they see on TV to be real.
You can't tell me this is a very serious situation when my local hospital is less overwhelmed than it was before the pandemic and I simply haven't heard
anyone to talk about an infected/dead relative from the virus. I have formed this new habit of asking the workers of shops I go to whether they have heard of any, and guess what: the answer has not been "yes" even once since February. Yet, if I open the TV it's all panic and hysteria.. should I believe real life or the news anchors?
What if we've been looking to stop the virus from spreading and
exactly 5G is its cause, and all these people who study it are silenced when they could come out with the perfect solution to the virus? I'm just saying, it's getting a lil' too stinky and their attempt to overreact to this situation is already getting too pathetic..
I have relatives from at least 4 different countries and they haven't heard of anyone either to be infected/dead from it, I actually hear the ambulance nowadays way less often than I used to before the pandemic.. And regarding the Romanians going to Germany for seasonal work,
the gov tried hiding it and the situation of them leaving to work in crowded airports was found by mistake..
If you put away what the authorities & news say, start thinking critically and looking for answers, you'll go down a huuuge rabbit hole - I can ensure you, and within a week you'll start questioning everything too instead of throwing any "conspiracy" to the trash without even giving it a try.
Maybe, just maybe, these "theories" have more of a substance than what you've heard so far.
But it's real, right.. let's believe what legal propaganda says and not what I witness with my own eyes..