May 03, 2020, 05:46:50 PM |
Spyce did IEO on Bw exchange a bot trading exchange and they have been trading there, when they had no more money, they plan for another IEO in probit coupled with bounty. I knew something was wrong. IMO was a scam from the beginning only the emotional blinded stayed with them. It was a useless model.
Yes, and the way it looks is not good, because the price of Spyce on the BW exchange will not last long and even now has experienced a dump of prices on the BW exchange and on probit, so those who follow the Spyce bounty will likely feel a loss of time.
May 03, 2020, 05:51:14 PM |
very regretted many good projects but in the end ended up being a fraud. and I think scamers always have ways and various kinds of tricks to lure the victims. apart from that we must be more vigilant before joining the project in this forum.
May 03, 2020, 06:01:21 PM |
This kind of scenario becomes the norm if you are one of those people who had been joining bounties all this time but they cannot be the reason for the Bounties to end. because since I join the bounty hunting last 2018 there is also some good project that has became successful throughout those years and there also this kind of bounties back then where they fooled people of their fake company or project but it didn't take the popularity of bounties as we can see today. we still have some good project and most of them are promoted by our trusted bounty managers.
May 03, 2020, 06:07:01 PM |
It seems that some scam projects manages to get on exchanges and pretend like everything is normal, they have good aim of exiting scam by introducing bounty campaign that will take weeks and along the way while bounty hunters are promoting the projects some investors attention will be caught, after bounty is about to end the coin or token value will now dumped, by the team
As a bounty Hunter, we create awareness for them to attract investors and they will dump on us leaving bounty hunters with nothing, it seem this is the new trick now, Spyce and Blockburn and IMO did this, no more volume, there was dumps and bounty hunters received nothing
You have no evidence for the allegation that the team from the project that made the price reduction, SPYCE, and Blockburn were not active on Twitter for March, and this slightly strengthens the allegations from the OP that the team from this project themselves dumped, but still we have no evidence. We can make this an important lesson, before joining a campaign it would be good for you to do research first, such as checking whether their social media is active, the average duration of their new posts, projects that do not make posts in one week better avoided.
May 03, 2020, 07:28:08 PM |
the bounties are slowly at the end of the line..mostly project that has bounties are scamming hunters.. its hard sometimes to move on because time and effort are invested here., they are paying hunters anymore
Review Master
May 03, 2020, 07:28:45 PM |
It's true only for those project which are just launched with the same concepts which are already exits in the crypto markets or by those people/teams who are just want to play the pump-dump events by creating fomo. But it's also true that there are a short number of good project which are doing well as a new startup and it's about 2 out of 10 projects. So, all of the bounty hunters should research first. At the beginning , i also do many projects which become scam one by the time passed. 
May 03, 2020, 08:33:48 PM |
Sadly, it is true that they only used us to achieve their goals. And it is now seen in most of the cases. After do a lot of checking & research it's difficult to understand which projects are good & which are bad.
Even with bounty campaign a lot of project are still not making softcap not to talk of making the hardcap. It is really hard because investors are no more forthcoming in investing which also make it hard for some good project to survive and fulfill their promises to the bounty hunters. It is quiet difficult to know the prospect of any campaign now
May 03, 2020, 08:43:09 PM |
Have the team not yet distributing the allocations for the bounty hunters of the SPYCE? I thought the project was really good but there is no way of knowing this also because the team doesn't also update the thread whether what is going on to the project already. It's just unfortunate that all these bounty hunting must be stopped already if all these are happening to all campaigns. I haven't seen any successful IEO for years.
Denies Distro
May 03, 2020, 08:43:36 PM |
This is not over yet, and for Blockburn and Spyce I am not surprised because they are listed on the exchange which is not good, for imo itself they are smart because they make special token utilities to fool the bounty hunter and also apply a very long locking system (a year) and can be ascertained after waiting for a year the volume of tokens that their exchange will definitely be gone and also dumps are definitely happening, this can be a lesson and don't give up because I think there are still some good listed bounty projects in future.
May 03, 2020, 09:01:16 PM |
Another topic to complain about bounties. I've already answered similar ones in a similar way.
Companies who launch scam bounties are to blame but hunters are the main reason they do it because you people will gobble up any story ad go work for anybody. They can offer you payment in unknown token saying it will get listed somewhere one day and you still accept it and keep on working.
The only way for this to stop is for you to start demanding payments in existing, listed coins and demand escrow.
May 03, 2020, 09:07:10 PM |
the bounties are slowly at the end of the line..mostly project that has bounties are scamming hunters.. its hard sometimes to move on because time and effort are invested here., they are paying hunters anymore
it looks like the bounty campaign trend has begun to shift. in the past, we could see many campaigns paying with their coins but not yet registered in the exchange. but at the moment we can see that several projects that have been registered in the exchange are conducting campaigns. some pay with BTC but most pay using their existing coins in exchange.
May 03, 2020, 10:21:39 PM |
It seems that some scam projects manages to get on exchanges and pretend like everything is normal, they have good aim of exiting scam by introducing bounty campaign that will take weeks and along the way while bounty hunters are promoting the projects some investors attention will be caught, after bounty is about to end the coin or token value will now dumped, by the team
As a bounty Hunter, we create awareness for them to attract investors and they will dump on us leaving bounty hunters with nothing, it seem this is the new trick now, Spyce and Blockburn and IMO did this, no more volume, there was dumps and bounty hunters received nothing
that's why you must do a lot of analyzation before try to join in the bounty just like when you will get your payment, how long the duration of bounty and many more. It will be a very difficult thing when you can try to deal with a complicated campaign and it's better for you to search the legit bounty.
ballerin and giroud

Activity: 868
Merit: 16
May 03, 2020, 10:27:44 PM |
You're wrong, bounty campaign still running at now and there are some projects popping up. Seem like the current situation has been prepared, can you remember 2017 ago has made a lot of bounty hunter got a lot of profit and for the developer as well? I hope you still remember it. Halving event is coming again ans this event has been considering will make cryptocurrency prices increased again and touch new all time high. Just forget the project that just have a low value because it depends on the developer, that must be prepared is find the project that has a good team and has an experience of this field.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1065 - P2E Runner Game
May 03, 2020, 10:28:38 PM |
Bounty isn't just on the projects that holding ICO and IEO. Try to look at those active platforms like the one in my signature, Hybrix.
Their tokens aren't traded in the market today but already years in development. I decided to join because they were able to follow their plan and upgrade into something much better. Might be a risk as I don't know when it will be listed but compare to other bounty programs here, this is worth taking a shot.
Not just it, the platform itself is already live and can be used. A decentralized wallet and not just focus on their token.
But in general, there is still a legit company there. Unlike before that every bounty is hype so need to research, it's time now to put some time analyzing the project.
May 03, 2020, 10:37:37 PM |
Everyone is aware of the latest market situation and the lockdown, so expecting the same results from the bounty campaigns will be naivish act. There was a profitable year when both team and bounty hunters made good money but now the CEOs fire the devs because of the insufficient funds. Profit chasers group of bounty hunters have to be careful in the bad market performance days because the result will be surprising in terms of bounty distribution. Frozen airdrops and delayed distribution will not get fixed until the alt season.
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HACKSAW G A M I N G | ▄▀▀▀▄ ▄▄▀▀███▄▄██▄▄ ▄█▀████████▄▀▀██▄ ▄▀▀▀▀▀▄█▄███████▐███▄ ██▀█████▄▀█▀▀▀▀███▀▀▐▌ █▄█▄██▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀██▄██▐▌ ▐▀▀▄▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀█▀████▀ ▀█▀ ▐▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▀ ▄▀██▄ █ ▄██████████▄ ▄██▄ ▐▌▀▀██████████████████ ▐▌ ▐ ▀▌ ▀ ▀██▀█▄█ ▀▄▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀█▄▄▀▀ ▀▀▄▄█▀▀█▄▄▄▄█▀▀ | | | | ....OVER $2,000,000!.... ALREADY GIVEN AWAY IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS | │ | . ....PLAY NOW.... | |

Activity: 854
Merit: 10
May 03, 2020, 10:40:24 PM |
You're wrong, bounty campaign still running at now and there are some projects popping up. Seem like the current situation has been prepared, can you remember 2017 ago has made a lot of bounty hunter got a lot of profit and for the developer as well? I hope you still remember it. Halving event is coming again ans this event has been considering will make cryptocurrency prices increased again and touch new all time high. Just forget the project that just have a low value because it depends on the developer, that must be prepared is find the project that has a good team and has an experience of this field.
That was in 2017, the thing seems to be different now. In fact, there are only few projects that now bring profit to bounty hunters. Bounty hunting now seems to be a lucky game. Even with your research, you cannot be too sure you will get meaningful reward. Also, there are some projects that ordinarily are good, but when it comes to rewarding bounty hunters, it's a flop.

Activity: 921
Merit: 10
May 03, 2020, 10:57:15 PM |
This is commonplace when a project team tricks its bounty hunters. There is nothing surprising. A very small part of the projects is ready to pay and that is why bounty companies are becoming obsolete.
May 03, 2020, 11:01:51 PM |
It seems that some scam projects manages to get on exchanges and pretend like everything is normal,~~
I don't know, I'm quite doubtful about recent trends. Many are vague, it could be that the project is good but because of the crisis and unfavourable market conditions, the development is not as expected. This has an impact on the bounty campaign, it could be an extended campaign, distribution and listing postponed, and other consequences that make the campaign full of drama. Blockburn, the bounty team promises distribution in the next three months. If it is obeyed then it doesn't matter, but if it is extended again it will be very disappointing. Though this project was initially very promising and seemed fine, that is why many were interested. IMO, I feel full of tricks, and it turns out that the rewards distributed must be used to buy IEO on their platform, and that too is locked, it takes one year to open all, LOL. SPYCE, what's wrong? the product is good, I think when the market is conducive and the crisis is over there will be a good movement At present, it is very difficult to find a bounty campaign that is truly legit. My advice, so as not to get too hurt, lower your expectations, understand it's all full of risks. Be an educated bounty hunter.
Jr. Member
Activity: 714
Merit: 3
May 03, 2020, 11:23:21 PM |
This is commonplace when a project team tricks its bounty hunters. There is nothing surprising. A very small part of the projects is ready to pay and that is why bounty companies are becoming obsolete.
you mean they are becoming outdated? Well, it is as if that is true because things are not like it used to be. The value placed on the bounty is gradually reducing and many do not see it as something serious again. We, bounty hunters, need to come up with same voice and together chose what we should promote. in fact, rewards should be escrowed for there to be a lasting solution.

Activity: 383
Merit: 10
May 03, 2020, 11:33:05 PM |
I have not been surprised because since 2018. I have felt there is a slight difference in the campaigns of many projects that are scam and do not pay up to a very massive allocation reduction, 2017-2018 a lot of allocations have been dissipated for bounties, and from 2018 until now the reduction has continued happened and now many projects are only allocating <$ 100 K and if there is more I will bet they will definitely do a cut, but if the bounty ends I have no problem because there is no way the crypto bounty campaign will last forever.