what is an eid ? sorry to ask this coz i didnt know this term yet but i believe you arent talking about the halving right since this post was only made recently and halving was already over . depends if what is this eid all about , if it was related to btc then people wont sell btc but they will prolly buy more btc . if its an altcoin event then they may sell thier btc and buy more alts . but for me , its not a wise move to sell your existing coin just to buy other coin for preparation because your other coin can perfrorm more better in the future .
Eid is a muslim festival which was also called a Ramadan. I'm not sure what signifies it, but they will be fasting for a week I guess?
Honestly, I don't see any relevance to this event with the Bitcoin price. For sure, they won't be using cryptocurrency as a currency to celebrate their event. This is about religion not a computer science event. AFAIK, muslim countries hasn't engaged in cryptocurrency like the UK, USA,ang China did.
They've already engage but on minimal aspect yet we know on how rich these countries specially on UAE or middle east ones.Same as you said i dont really see the relevance
on considering the aspect that it would give out significant impact on price if we do base up on Eid or another related things.Religion has nothing to do with investment even
if we do talk about traditional or into this crypto, its not really that connected at all.Come to think even that halving event didnt put that much traction.How much more
into this one?