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Author Topic: GameCredits [GMC/NVT] - Unofficial & Unmoderated - repost deletions here.  (Read 813 times)
blurryeyed (OP)
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June 10, 2020, 08:39:15 PM
Last edit: June 15, 2020, 11:10:21 AM by blurryeyed

Now that the scammers at NovaToken [NVT] have "taken control" of GameCredits & their accounts on the official thread there is a huge amount of censorship by the new owners of those accounts, specifically the GMC Foundation account.

Anyone who has had their post deleted from the GMC/NVT thread is welcome to re-post it here so that forum members can view & reply, there will be no censorship on this thread.

Anyone from the GMC/NVT team are welcome to post here to explain their actions, but spam/insults or trolling will not be tolerated & I'll simply lock the thread & create a self moderated one if it gets daft.

Local Rule:  The account GMC Foundation is not welcome to post here.

So, to get the ball rolling, here's one I had deleted earlier:

Here we go - We are happy to offically announce that GameCredits and the NovaToken platform have merged.

NovaToken? You must be joking. Look at the "Team" behind NovaToken & you will see a well known & proven scammer/trust abuser by the name of craslovell. Not only that, but there's a very interesting quote on the Emercoin scam thread implying that Novacoin & them were the same group back in 2017:

At first glance this is an interesting coin, but there is one thing. I hope that most of the foreign users know what is a Russian coin behind which the Russian administrator of the Garrett It has almost the same legend as Baltazar for Novacoin. Who knows, maybe it is one and the same person or close friends Smiley  

Just ask yourself, are you willing to trust your money to these people? If Yes, then Emercoin is your a severe way  Cheesy

What are you even referring to?

You deny the connection?

A little more craslovell history:

Openly trying to buy trust on BCT:

Joined the Russian scam Emercoin/Hashcoins/Hashflare/Polybius & openly promoted them:

Got caught scamming as a bounty manager:

Promoted another scam with karmashark, Helium - now abandoned:

Here he is scamming again with his Russian Emercoin crew running off with $4,384,281 after doing an ICO for Hamster (scroll down & look at the "Team", then to the end where he's trying to get his photo removed after being called out):

The list of scams involving this crew are endless, they move from one to the other, victim after victim. As for his trust abuse - I've had a link to it in my sig ever since he posted it - click it & see.

So, this scam has been taken over by another, bigger scam - but not really, because there's a good chance that they've been behind it from the beginning & are disguising it as a "merge" or "takeover" - whatever they want to call it - it's a bigger & more blatant scam now than it was before.

Same shit, different name.

As you can see, some of the members of the NVT team have been involved in a few scams & it seems they don't want users of GMC to know about it - that's tough sh*t.

Fire away.....

GameCredits Unofficial:   Funniest/stupidest shit list thread ever: - The ultimate example of trust abuse by exposed scammer craslovell...
blurryeyed (OP)
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June 10, 2020, 08:47:14 PM
Last edit: June 10, 2020, 09:05:39 PM by blurryeyed

Of course, they deleted my ANN link (twice):

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Wow. Such censorship here now - are members not allowed to ask anything anymore?

(20 posts by 10 users deleted.)

Why was this post deleted?

That's not the only one they've deleted, I've had a few deleted too - this has gone full scam.

I'll start a new unofficial thread for this shitcoin scam that will be uncensored so forum members are free to post questions & get answers.

And I did.

GameCredits Unofficial:   Funniest/stupidest shit list thread ever: - The ultimate example of trust abuse by exposed scammer craslovell...
blurryeyed (OP)
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June 13, 2020, 12:21:53 PM

It seems that one of the links I gave above regarding craslovell/GMC/NVT/EMC involvement in the $4,384,281 ICO scam for Hamster got deleted today for reasons I don't quite understand as of yet, I'm hoping mods will clarify via PM soon. In the meantime I have posted in a different format which will hopefully appease the mods & is not breaking any forum rules I'm unaware of:

The original:

GameCredits Unofficial:   Funniest/stupidest shit list thread ever: - The ultimate example of trust abuse by exposed scammer craslovell...
blurryeyed (OP)
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June 17, 2020, 06:30:44 PM
Last edit: June 17, 2020, 06:53:00 PM by blurryeyed

GMC have now opened another self-moderated thread & are still deleting posts, of course.

In the meantime, serial scammer, trust abuser & GMC/NVT CCO caslovell has been busy trying to get his dodgy history removed from BCT - but failed. Read about it in meta thread:

Here is the replacement post:

GameCredits Unofficial:   Funniest/stupidest shit list thread ever: - The ultimate example of trust abuse by exposed scammer craslovell...
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