I've been reluctant to respond to this thread because I'm biased. I like elmanchez, I think he's a good kid. He and I have had regular communications on Telegram for several months now, and I'd like to think that I've gotten some insight into his personality. I trust he'll do the right thing.
I do have something to add though; I don't believe that @AceBig is elmanchez. Last week, before he deleted his Telegram account, elmanchez told me he had been scammed by Telegram user @Cexius. I checked the username to see if I had any history with it, but nothing came up. However, I did notice his peculiar bio:
Piano, Crypto, Piano...
I didn't take a screenshot of @Cexius' profile page, and that username doesn't bring up any results on Telegram anymore, so you'll have to take my word for it. Interestingly enough, the bio for @AceBig has the same text, leading me to believe that @Cexius and @AceBig are one and the same.