I am continuing to explore the early bitcoin blockchain using blk00000.dat covering 2009-01-03 to 2011-04-24 time period.
- 1) extracted 119,965 coinbase transactions from blk00000.dat each mining 50 bitcoins using a single output address (only 73 had multiple so I ignored them for these calculations) using pyblockchain's BlockchainFileReader
Ok, stupid question... You are saying you are looking at 119,965 Coinbase transactions (covering 2009-01-03 to 2011-04-24) but Coinbase was only established in July 2011.

Coinbase has it's own internal database, so I reckon you are not looking at that, but rather data provided by them from the Bitcoin
BTC Blockchain for that period?
Can you post a link to your source data please?
Thanks for taking the time to read the thread!
Do you mean Coinbase the company founded in June 2012? If so I was confused about the same thing.
Coinbase, the company, was named after a bitcoin coinbase transaction:
The coinbase is the content of the 'input' of a generation transaction. While regular transactions use the 'inputs' section to refer to their parent transaction outputs, a generation transaction has no parent, and creates new coins from nothing.
The coinbase can contain any arbitrary data. The genesis block famously contains the dated title of a newspaper article in The Times:
The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks
Here is the genesis coinbase block transaction for example:
https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33bI got my data from extracting these coinbase transactions out of a copy of the first bitcoin blockchain data file (blk00000.dat)
Well, it shows you... we are never too old to learn something new.

Thank you for clearing this up... and yea, I was referring to the company, called Coinbase.

Also thank you for the source data, it gives me something new to explore and something new to learn. Just a side note, I have several coin on Paper wallets ...that are stored for many years now... so that does not mean that they are lost, because there are no movement. (I did not even extract the forked coins from these wallets, because I do not want to risk it)