Project update
EtherBone Buy Back Liquidity Pool Buy 1m ETHBN tokens
17% 4 week Lock
13% 3 week
9% 2 week
5% 1 week
Buy 500,000 ETHBN tokens
12% for 4 week Lock
9% for 3 week
5% for 2 week
3% for 1 week
✅ Transparent pool funding using Etherscan reporting 👈 👈
✅ exchange token trades with zero fees 💡 💡 💡
✅ Pumping ETHBN 24h liquidity 🚀 ✅ K line 📈
✅ token price growth 💰 💦
✅ bonus funding explosion 💥
✅ Pool members group 🔒
✅ Voting rights 🔑
✅ Buy using USDT or ETH 💰📈 💪
🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇬🇧
Thomas CFO
staking and investment questions
Ksenia COO
staking and investment questions
Twitter Airdrop CampaignLike, Comment and Retweet pinned message on Twitter
Airdrop Rules 👇
Starts 16 September at 12 p.m GMT +2
Close 23 September at 12 p.m GMT +2
👉 Get paid ETHBN on your DogData wallet 💰
1. 👉 •Register on and verify your email
2. 👉 • Follow DogData on Twitter , Like, Comment and Retweet pinned message everyday from September, 16 to September, 23 (the pinned message will be updated everyday at 11 a.m GMT +2)
3. 👉 • Everyday send a screenshot of retweet and ID on Twitter to BoneDrop chat 👈👈
4. 👉 • Get paid ETHBN on your DogData wallet after ending BoneDrop 💰
The task is valid from September, 16 to September, 23! ⏰
👉A reward of 500 ETHBN is awarded to those participants who regularly fulfilled the BoneDrop conditions 👈
🚨Please use this format when you send your data for getting reward:🚨
Date: DD/MM/YY
example@email.ruTwitter: @example
+ screenshot of retweet