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Author Topic: Is FORSAGE a Ponzi scheme?  (Read 469 times)
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August 24, 2020, 07:24:07 AM

What I hate about it most is that the "cryptocurrency" term is getting damaged by getting particular association towards the words "scam" and "Ponzi schemes," which are nowhere near the truth. Cryptocurrency is a revolutionary technology and it's the bad people who tarnishes its name, not the technology.
Because cryptocurrency was being used as a medium of scamming, ponzi scheme or an fraud activities. This is why I as it is being drag always to these activities whether we like or not cryptocurrency is somehow now being called itself scam when which we know that it is not because we have this forum discussing about the problems and issues and we learned it here that cryptocurrency coule never be scam instead is just a medium of scam taking advantage of thr anonymity of the cryptocurrency feature.

It so sad that many people are doing this negatively to cryprocurrency well in fact the purpose of this system is to do a transaction while remain in anonymous to hide identity for those who do not want to identity to be revealed during the transaction. Well revealing an identity is an optional here in cryptocurrency and one can reveal identity if both parties in a certain transaction wanted to.
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August 24, 2020, 07:59:01 AM

There are some few threads that already discussing about Forsage scam.

You can take a look here:

Beware: FORSAGE another scheme (Ponzi) ponzi scheme [Warning]
Forsage could be the reason why Ethereum gas fees are ridiculously high!
(my thread)
Philippines SEC warns against crypto investment.
SEC WARNS AGAINST FORSAGE, RCashOnline and The Saint John

Forsage should stay away from Ethereum as what Vitalik said. It's just that most newbies and beginners fell for this scam easily.

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August 25, 2020, 01:19:57 AM

Because cryptocurrency was being used as a medium of scamming, ponzi scheme or an fraud activities. This is why I as it is being drag always to these activities whether we like or not cryptocurrency is somehow now being called itself scam when which we know that it is not because we have this forum discussing about the problems and issues and we learned it here that cryptocurrency coule never be scam instead is just a medium of scam taking advantage of thr anonymity of the cryptocurrency feature.
That's just what I said, literally. That's what I hate about it. It's being used for criminal activities making it look like cryptocurrencies are used only for that, and it seems like it's not legitimate. And we all should know that with cryptocurrencies, except the privacy coins, it's pseudo-anonymous.

It so sad that many people are doing this negatively to cryprocurrency well in fact the purpose of this system is to do a transaction while remain in anonymous to hide identity for those who do not want to identity to be revealed during the transaction. Well revealing an identity is an optional here in cryptocurrency and one can reveal identity if both parties in a certain transaction wanted to.
How do you even reveal an identity? LOL. It depends on what transactions you are going to do but anonymity usually is the best option for everyone, because of the privacy it has. I don't think it would be ideal to reveal your identity to someone over the internet.

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August 25, 2020, 07:37:28 AM

Is FORSAGE a Ponzi scheme? Buying ethereum to keep and buying ethereum to invest in forsage, which is better?
I am going to be a bit contrarian and literal here. Which "investment" choice is "better"...

It's important to bear in mind that modern crypto Ponzis will continue to attract participants for years, and this Forsage is only 6 months old.

Forsage is a Ponzi, certainly. But you have to understand that there are Ponzi games, schemes, and scams.

At the one end, a Ponzi "game" is a form of high risk gambling and does not hide from its nature. You put in money, and so long as there are 4 levels of players below you, you break even. More than that, and you win some money. Eventually however, people stop contributing and the Ponzi "game" falls apart, with the last 3-4 generations of players losing money.

At the far end, a Ponzi "scam" is designed from the start to steal as much money as possible for the scammers, from as many people as possible, by wholesale deception. Very few people aside from the root scammers make money, and those who do are usually only influential marks or co-conspirators whom the root scammers think will open up access to larger numbers of wealthier marks. The scammers lie about the nature of what happens to your money. OneCoin is a perfect example.

But this Forsage, which I would never put a penny into, is a Ponzi "scheme". It is "transparent" to an extent. It is obviously a Ponzi, and there is a smart contract in the blockchain that is not going anywhere no matter what happens. The rules appear to be clear, enforced, and unalterable, even by the original smary contract writer (though I have not examined it in detail, so there may be a flaw that will enable an exit scenario for the founding contract writer.

In terms of making early participants money, I think Forsage absolutely WILL do that. So long as a participant is willing to recruit others into their "downline" (or whatever it's called in Ponzis), they have a chance to make money. But know that the money gained is done so ENTIRELY at the expense of those whom they recruit, and those whom their recruits in turn recruit themselves.

The danger in a quasi-"legitimate" Ponzi "scheme" is: will you be one of the last few generations of participants who don't make money? Given that these crypto Ponzis that are obviously of the "scam" variety can continue unchecked for years, it is not unreasonable to think that this Ponzi "scheme" of only 6 months may stick around long enough that those joining now will not be the participants left holding the bag.

So, technically speaking, so long as you only put in a very small amount of the money you set aside for speculative, high-risk investing, then it might be worth the risk financially. But morally and reputationally, of course, the risk is immense. Since you have to recruit others to join in, knowing they are one level closer to going bust than you are, you are deliberately putting their money at greater risk than yours.

I would never do this, and I would consider anyone who lured others into this to be a bit high on the sociopathic spectrum and undesirable as a friend or associate. But technicallly, literally, it is definitely possible to make some money on this, since the risk for an overarching exit "scam" is not apparent, given the transparent nature of the smart contract.

Then again, you could just as easily bash in some little old lady's head and take her monthly retirement check. Very little difference, morally.
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August 25, 2020, 07:43:35 AM

I think that's a form of sema pozi, I think you need to avoid that investment. stay away before you lose money on that investment. My advice is not to get involved in suspicious investments, this will only get you caught up in the ponzi coats.
It is a Ponzi and lately, I haven't seen those people that are posting about it on social media. I'm starting to think if the forsage groups they belong have started to run and exit.
Investments like this have no difference with other Ponzi schemes that have only one goal and that is to scam investors.




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August 25, 2020, 07:51:14 AM


Forsage should stay away from Ethereum as what Vitalik said. It's just that most newbies and beginners fell for this scam easily.

That is, they are only looking for nembies who invest there and not only Ethereum, Tron is also the same, they only rely on the current trends, therefore newbies will always be interested in the promotions they offer.

Even though there have been many catches about forsage, there are still many people promoting via social media, which means they are deceived and continue to do these stupid acts.

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August 25, 2020, 08:46:27 AM

Vitalik himself already announced about Forsage and there had been several warnings about this Ponzi scheme. It's just bad that crypto is being used by several people to scam others. I've seen a lot of people promoting and inviting people to invest in Forsage. People must be aware to avoid losing money and having misconception about crypto.
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August 25, 2020, 12:49:09 PM

Is FORSAGE a Ponzi scheme? Buying ethereum to keep and buying ethereum to invest in forsage, which is better?

Forsage is 100% ponzi, I have Sen many ponzi marketers, claiming there platform is not ponzi, and end up crashing.. Same as forsage team and investors will try to convince you that it's not a ponzi. Vitalik or not, it is a ponzi scheme, and if you want to invest, be sure to invest with what you can afford to loose. Cos it's bound to crash anytime, that is if it has not crashed and except the dev is your family member.

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August 25, 2020, 12:59:58 PM


Forsage should stay away from Ethereum as what Vitalik said. It's just that most newbies and beginners fell for this scam easily.

That is, they are only looking for nembies who invest there and not only Ethereum, Tron is also the same, they only rely on the current trends, therefore newbies will always be interested in the promotions they offer.

Even though there have been many catches about forsage, there are still many people promoting via social media, which means they are deceived and continue to do these stupid acts.

I hate to see when people promoting these scam ponzis and bragging on social medias on how much they have earned already. They did not consider those who barely affords to make an investment. They tricked them and stole their funds and turned a blind eye. KARMA is all I can say when the right time will come these scammers.
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August 25, 2020, 01:25:05 PM

I hate to see when people promoting these scam ponzis and bragging on social medias on how much they have earned already. They did not consider those who barely affords to make an investment. They tricked them and stole their funds and turned a blind eye. KARMA is all I can say when the right time will come these scammers.

As a rule, those who brag about their profit on social networks do not actually invest their money in such schemes. They get their profit by attracting new participants to such a Ponzi scheme, using social networks for this purpose. Thus, their referral earnings are based on the loss of money by new investors.

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August 25, 2020, 01:31:44 PM

Is FORSAGE a Ponzi scheme? Buying ethereum to keep and buying ethereum to invest in forsage, which is better?
Stay away from all such programs and schemes, for me any investment platform that does not have a real, established, trackable and authentic business or product is nothing but a ponzi scheme. In case of forsage as well it is nothing but a mlm or matrix based program which will die away as soon as new investments and user flow will stop.

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August 25, 2020, 02:33:05 PM

I think that's a form of sema pozi, I think you need to avoid that investment. stay away before you lose money on that investment. My advice is not to get involved in suspicious investments, this will only get you caught up in the ponzi coats.
This project has already confirmed as a scam ponzi project and so many parties have already made so many awareness for the people to never try involved in any scheme that was also running by the forsage project.

People can avoid the suspicious investment when they were doing DYOR


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August 25, 2020, 03:01:51 PM

Surely forsage is a Ponzi scheme, if someone invests 0.05 eth then he will get a profit of 1400+ Eth.  Cheesy
Now we can think ourselves whether this is possible. obviously, it is not possible, it is all scammer's trap.

The scammer has only one weapon that is greed, if you greed and participate in such a scheme, you will probably be robbed.

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August 25, 2020, 10:03:42 PM

Is FORSAGE a Ponzi scheme? Buying ethereum to keep and buying ethereum to invest in forsage, which is better?
Stay away from all such programs and schemes, for me any investment platform that does not have a real, established, trackable and authentic business or product is nothing but a ponzi scheme. In case of forsage as well it is nothing but a mlm or matrix based program which will die away as soon as new investments and user flow will stop.
yes of course when no one has made a deposit it will make them destroyed and the last person to make a deposit will feel that they have lost a very large amount of their assets, the best investment is to buy and save not in that way.
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August 25, 2020, 10:06:09 PM

Is FORSAGE a Ponzi scheme? Buying ethereum to keep and buying ethereum to invest in forsage, which is better?

Buying etherum to keep is better and the best. Then trading etherum constantly each day is equally rewarding. But never buy etherum for ponzi purposes because forsage is a ponzi affair and is fraudulent.
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August 25, 2020, 10:20:06 PM

Surely forsage is a Ponzi scheme, if someone invests 0.05 eth then he will get a profit of 1400+ Eth.  Cheesy
Now we can think ourselves whether this is possible. obviously, it is not possible, it is all scammer's trap.

The scammer has only one weapon that is greed, if you greed and participate in such a scheme, you will probably be robbed.
Primary mistake on where do people fall into these kind of obvious traps.Due to greed then people do easily get fooled and made them invest.
This had been always a typical or classic way of scamming but there are still people who do fell just because they do hope nor believe that easy money do exist,without even thinking on hows that possible.
Is FORSAGE a Ponzi scheme? Buying ethereum to keep and buying ethereum to invest in forsage, which is better?
Stay away from all such programs and schemes, for me any investment platform that does not have a real, established, trackable and authentic business or product is nothing but a ponzi scheme. In case of forsage as well it is nothing but a mlm or matrix based program which will die away as soon as new investments and user flow will stop.
When time comes that no one would make out investment and the management does continue on giving out payouts then that would be
the perfect time for them to ran away.FORSAGE is indeed a ponzi scheme but there are still people who are too hard-headed and do still decide to make out investments.

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August 25, 2020, 10:30:05 PM

Is FORSAGE a Ponzi scheme? Buying ethereum to keep and buying ethereum to invest in forsage, which is better?

Buying etherum to keep is better and the best. Then trading etherum constantly each day is equally rewarding. But never buy etherum for ponzi purposes because forsage is a ponzi affair and is fraudulent.

Investing in crypto projects that are ponzi-like ought to have taught us lots of lessons. We have had several of such experiences in the past.
Their end is usually devastating.
There is no two way to it. Ponzi is scam and crypto ponzi, will exit scam at anytime.
Better not to invest than giving it a trial.
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August 25, 2020, 11:07:34 PM

I wonder why crypto investors still fall prey to scams like forsage, tronbank and the likes of money doubling schemes. These are pyramid schemes which usually end in regrets for some investors. Sometimes the team get greedy or once they hit their scam target, they close down the scheme. Stay away from forsage and similar ponzi schemes.
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August 27, 2020, 09:23:48 AM

Is FORSAGE a Ponzi scheme? Buying ethereum to keep and buying ethereum to invest in forsage, which is better?

yes, this is a ponzi scheme and eventually become a scam. It's the run-of-the-mill Ponzi scheme using Ethereum, or in the case of the earlier ones that were already busted, Bitcoin, as the 'product' they are selling.most of these people involved in propagating the program are not aware it is a Ponzi scheme and are victims as well. it’s your choice if you want to invest or not. If you’re willing to take the risk that goes with it.
Like any other blockchain-based smart contract scheme you know out there, Forsage cannot recruit the whole world. When it reaches that point where it can no longer recruit partners, then it will end its operations.

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August 27, 2020, 10:18:20 AM

I wonder why crypto investors still fall prey to scams like forsage, tronbank and the likes of money doubling schemes. These are pyramid schemes which usually end in regrets for some investors. Sometimes the team get greedy or once they hit their scam target, they close down the scheme. Stay away from forsage and similar ponzi schemes.

They are promoters and early investors and they are good at recruiting people, because they can show cars houses payment proofs which are all fake and not really coming from their earnings, some of them even had a nerve of doing photo shopped of their earnings and andthe number of people they recruited.
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