If the deposit and withdrawal was not enabled,then how the transaction was possible here.It mean the site is under maintenance.Since the op mentioned the multi player soon,it mean it was under maintenance.When the website is fully resolved,it’s easy to use for the long run.
This is strange, I don't know if the programming at the Bloxkchain level is directly associated with the deposit plus the withdrawal and a transfer if it is something else, maybe the reception of funds if it is activated for an internal trade or exchange? there are many times that casinos leave all deposits enabled and leave withdrawals blocked, which seems to me to be in very bad taste, because they want to control withdrawals through manual withdrawals, in this case that case does not appear, but I think that the programming there is strange, I don't know if the dev saw that option coming, that in some way it can turn out to be a vulnerability and that they should correct it.