Any update on the situation?
Yes, this group buy is now officially closed. It is Friday night on the east coast of the USA and I've fucking had it with Bitmain and their lack of a response.
To put it into more perspective, the price on these little suckers has not changed in weeks per the official pricing. This means that the 13.9 price is the same as when S1 units were over 1
BTC as now when they're under .9
BTC (and sold out). The 13.9 price is the same as when they sold the S2 units at what is now 8.03
BTC a pop.
Quick comparison. MOQ of U2+ is 1TH @ 13.9
BTC. S2 unit is 1TH @ 8.03
BTC. To quote Chris Brinkley from
Up All Night - "You do the math!" To pay almost 6
BTC more when their S2 units are currently starting to filter into the market while we're hours away from a ~23% diff increase to over 6bil is just fucking idiocy at this point, so even if they reply back tomorrow that they can take orders, to purchase at this price would just be asinine, especially after the complete and total lack of a response despite multiple attempts at contacting them.
I'll be happy to save the list of folks who replied in case they are going to be offering another USB unit, at which point we can evaluate if it is worth it to drum up another group buy.
For ease, if everyone who PM'd me their txid and has not received a refund could quote that last txid message back to me with an address for your refund it would be awesome. Otherwise I'll send out PM's tomorrow to anyone who doesn't catch the thread with this info.
If you are in the US and looking, it looks like ssinc has some available, although miro may be snatching some up., I'll be around the forum and will definitely contact everyone if they release another USB unit. Personally, I can't run any of the 1TH+ machines due to a unique power setup in my rental, so I'm square out of mining if not for USB's and Gridseeds.