Yo como muchos de ustedes tal vez se han hecho esta pregunta? que compañia va a VENDER mineros ASSIC cuando ellos pueden poner una gran GRANJA de mineros y forrarse de millones m usd $$ pues resulta que los de KNC miners eso es lo que hacen.. ponen . 50 o 200 mineros los ponen a minar bitcoin o cualquier otro SHA-256 y cuando la dificultad esta por lo cielos. venden los mineros . logico no? quien venderia la gallina de huevos de oro . cuando puedes ganar 400 bitcoins diarios,? a menos que ya los huevos/mineros no valgan como antes?
As you all know, KNCminer builds and develops mining rigs used to mine SHA256-coins and Scrypt-coins. So far so good. What you dont know is that they bought an old helicopter-hangar in northern Sweden (5.500 m2) to simply mine Bitcoins with their powerful minings-rigs. "We make three million swedish crones (466,000USD) everyday from mining Bitcoins and selling, says Sam Cole, CEO KNCminer."
My theory: KNCMiner have been mining lots of Bitcoins with their powerful rigs, dumping it on the market. When difficulty goes up they ship them to us for 9,995 dollar each. I think they are doing just the same with their new scrypt-rigs, just check litecoin difficulty:
https://bitcoinwisdom.com/litecoin/difficulty 80% harder to mine than one month ago, it is so obvious KNCMiner are mining loads of SCRYPT-currencies to dump on us. When difficulty have gone up, they will sell their used rigs to us.