^^^ You can only read the same baloney so many times. The internal links link to the same thing. However, it's easy to write all that stuff. But who is going to believe it if the Chinese say it? They do what the Communists tell them to do.

but there are thousands of reports from around the world all showing the same thing.
its funny how you are now trying to deny the reports 'coz china wrote it'
you are really trying too hard to scrape the bottom of the barrel of excuses to avoid reading something
so in just 45 seconds of searching we have
korea -
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7036342/america -
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7239045/there are many many more. do your research
things have moved on passed the first couple months of 2020 myths of kaufman.
science can actually identify sars-cov-2 so well that they can see when it mutates and creates new strains.
so well infact that they can spot how its similar/diffrerent to more common varients that been around for decades. so well that they can then monitor these strains as they spread through people and see where the track and trace shows where it spreads to,
EG the african and uk 'new strains'
they can even see the zoonotic effect (transfer between different species)
In a way, it is kinda funny... that there are bunches of reports from around the world trying to show that there there is such a thing as a SARS-CoV-2 virus. The funny part is that none of them exist as conclusive evidence for several reasons:
1. Nobody seems to be able to come up with the in-process, notebook-like, record of isolation being done;
2. Nobody seems to be able to find where any government or people have taken any reports to court, and there has been clear, unquestionable verification by adjudication;
3. Of course, #1 and #2 can't be done because there is no clear, verifiable evidence that viruses are what the medical says they are;
4. There is evidence coming out of Microsphere Nanoscope studies that the whole operation of viruses is so complex, that there might be any number of explanations about viruses and illness, and that viruses might simply be exosomes that have escaped from the body as messengers to warn others about malnutrition.
The thing that isn't funny is that the medical has taken advantage of the ignorance of people to do the, "plop, plop, fizz, fizz, [supposedly] cured with one belch," thing. So the people have been tricked into forgetting God, and place their trust in doctors.