As a member of Beam Foundation ... lets try to clear some things

Beams ecosystem relies on a multitude of fingerprintable applications which identify their users to the central authority. Cumulatively this reveals enough information to paint a very complete picture of not only who these users are, but what other crypto their systems contain, along with a bunch of personal metadata. Their claim to mathematical privacy is a great distraction to their nefarious reality.
Sry for being skeptic here, but - can you give a single example about data collected by Beam team? If you create a desktop wallet you just run the software and the only data you need to insert is a password to protect your own wallet. Not more, no personal data collected. And as you can see in the source codes of Beam also for transactions there are no real metadata collected on top of what is needed to do the transaction. So please give examples for your claim. Note that stuff like KYC on exchange does not really count, cause every serious exchange needs to do that in case they want to allow trading with fiat currencies - and for Beam you even can trade to other crypto by just using the atomic swaps in the Wallet without giving any KYC data to anyone.
Tho one thing that may support your theory though is how paranoid Beam and its people are about hiding the fact that they are an Israeli company.
Well - do you know where all the other developers of other projects are sitting? I mean ... for Beam the Team is quite well known, there is a quite complete list on the website - and even with real names. It is easy to google them and find out where people are sitting. It is true, that the Beam "HQ" is located in Tel Aviv, but team overall coming from many countries - we got the UK, Belarus, Singapore, Germany and others in the list as well.
Either way, I think Beam is scam because they collect 20% mining tax, then dump it driving the price down daily, but tell their peeps to HODL

Ahm wait. Where is to promises to HODL? No, the Beam is not being hodl - well unless single individuals decide to do. If you analyze the file in github which does the tax-transactions you will see that there is not one big wallet getting it all. Instead the core developers wallets, investors wallets and also the foundation wallet are hard coded into the source code. Especially for the developers: that is their salary - they can hodl if they want, but are free to spend when ever they like or need - e.g. to pay their daily expenses. I only can tell you about the foundation wallet though (getting 2.5% and so is the biggest single wallet). Here the situation is like "keeping some buffer" for unforeseen situations, but generally the money is spend. To fund stuff like hackatons, or ambassador events or ... well ... to fund overall we get an ecosystem for the Coin. It was never said the money will be hodl only - and to be honest that would be stupid! We need to develop an ecosystem to survive - as any crypto does. And that costs money. Also ... from side of an investor: would you like a currency where you do known one person holding a high % of the supply? That could drop a huge bomb every day? We rather aim for having the situation to say "well, that is it, funds are depleted, we are out" once the tax ends. Because then the funds are in circulation and no one needs to be afraid there could be a big drop later on. We are not XRP or stuff like that ^^