I had (or optimistically, still have) Bitcoins in Mt. Gox. I signed up when they were the only exchange, and that's where a lot of my investment stayed. This is my reaction to the situation.
Mt. Gox Erupting(I also considered calling it "Fuck You, Mt. Gox - The Musical.")
What a great idea: start up a Bitcoin exchange
You've got one for trading cards, I'm sure it's pretty much the same
With security about as good as putting all our money in a closet in a cardboard box
And I'm the sucker who sat right down and signed up on Mt. Gox
Now there's yet another bug in your half-assed trading engine and the prices start to slide
And the wheels are just spinning cause the system's in a loop and I guess we're all along for the ride
The API is crashing and I wish that I could cash in but the whole damn thing is locked up
So let the pressure keep building until we can watch Mt. Gox erupt
Keep up the great PR campaign, you sure know how to communicate
The only thing you've ever had to say about anything was always too little too late
We're done being strung along it's time to show your hand and give up the bluff
Now we all know the cards you aren't holding we're gonna watch Mt. Gox erupt
But isn't it fun to watch Mt. Gox erupting
Finally self-destructing
She's gonna blow
And even though it's our money burning
At that price we're earning
One hell of a show
Blame DOS attacks and hackers for your bad business practices you aren't fooling anyone
The only service anybody wants from you any more is a complete withdrawal of funds
If you'd have fixed your shit six months ago you would've been six months behind
You had your chance to be number one now you can go stand with Ripple at the back of the line
Are you talking to your lawyer? Are you talking to your priest? Should I be talking to the FBI?
If there's a heaven somewhere for great CEOs it sure as hell ain't where Karpeles will go when he dies
We've all seen the smoke and we've all heard the rumble, now the whole thing is blowing up
And even with the lava raining down on me I'm gonna laugh my ass off as Mt. Gox erupts