When you try to order a card, you need to provide your name/adress. You can't really provide a bogus ID, because when you will use it, some shops may find the transaction suspicious (since the name of the card doesn't match the name of the customer) and so block it.
That can happen if you are ordering some items that should be delivered to your home address, but I don't think anyone would ask for your ID to check if your name is real and legal or nor.
Other physical CoinDebit cards I know worked without any name and with them you could purchase food in restaurants, groceries and snacks in shops, fuel in gas station, etc.
The physical cards require KYC.
OK, thank you for clarification about this.
I hoped there could be some workaround for physical cards without strict kyc, maybe with lower limits or some other limitations.
That being said, we did some refunds to people that discovered that they can't use the virtual cards for what they wanted to use them. Just might take some time and convincing as this is a manual process.
I don't how often are refunds happening with FCF cards, but doing all this manually can be problematic.