Today my friend, who I referred, and I regret it got cheated at this site. I cannot recommend anybody to keep playing there.
He sent me the whole hand history and it is kind of obvious.
I mean, many people stated that "you don't play against the players that sit at 5$/10$ or higher HU tables", especially at Omaha.
Well he did and he played against the typical house player. This site clearly has accounts with backdoor access to players hole cards, 100%.
In the final hand he was called by a middle pair even though the board showed a flush, possible straight and possible full house, and the "bot" called with 1 pair, an allin for 220 big blinds, basically 600$ allin. Nobody ever would make this call.
And it also wasn't a misclick, because it too him like 90 seconds to call.
I know my friend made a bluff and got called, but in no world this call is normal behaviour, unless you know the cards your opponent is having.
Also there was setup over setup. Flop 2 5 6, my friend has 22 set and 3 4 for the flopped straight. Bot is betting pot on flop and turn , guess what the outcome was, turn 6 river 6, bot gets quads with less than 5% on the flop.
Anyway, I for myself know to NOT play with these people, I grind the lower stakes at non HU tables. This is just a warning for those who are ever tempted to play higher and see these house accounts sitting, don't even thing about playing with them, you will lose every single big pot.