why do you want to make your own token yourself? what do you want mate? I hope you don't become a scammer !,
a good crypto currency is one that has good fundamentals too, if tokens are made just for fun then I hope you don't make them,
it's a shame that many people can make their own tokens easily
Maybe he just wants to learn about how to make the token, not to build like other professional developers, because the purpose of creating a new token is to make a lot of profit by running a concept that can be useful for many people in the crypto space.
almost anyone can create their own token. and it should never be made to be abused.
we can see how token generation with ethereum and BSC networks is also very cheap. You can see on some social media today that many people post their own tokens with unclear names. such tokens would have no value if there was no clear product. hopefully, no one will be fooled if someone is deliberately looking to profit from it.