It's definitely better to let everyone explore the website. Even if it does not increase the number of registered users, I think it will make your site more known. Certainly, some people may resign before checking the website if they are forced to register.
and @UserU, @Maus0728, @mm2543363580, @Twinkledoe, @btc78, @mak013... suggested me that I shouldn't force users to register, that's why now on the homepage you can see, a shiny-new button 'Play as Guest'.
If i forget password how i will recover it? Or how i can defend my account from stealing? I don`t ready to play right now, but after several updates - it can be possible.
With great privacy comes great responsibility. Exactly same thing will happen as you would forget your recovery pharse to your wallet (except that probably it would be possible to work something out with me in dm, but better not forget the password).
And your account can't be stolen unless you give password to somebody.
That would be nice so we can see what's inside your gambling site. And since this site is newly-launched, I assume you have enough bankroll for those who will possibly win their games. I hope the OP understands why some people will only test for small funds at first.
Sure! The site is community funded, and the bankroll is visible at top of the page, and can be increased whenever somebody invest in the site. If you try to place a bet that site wouldn't be able to pay, it will simply throw an error.