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Author Topic: Why exactly is Bitcoin clinging to PoW?  (Read 1885 times)
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June 29, 2021, 08:08:25 PM
Merited by PrimeNumber7 (1)

And yes Cash can be double spent,
If I give you a $10 bill for a soda, and you are holding on to it in your hands,
Then I slap you upside your head and Take the $10 back and keep the soda,
then walk down the street, and buy some candy with that $10 , I just double-spent that $10,
and the only proof I did so is that knot on your head.   Smiley

Nah.  You spent it once on some candy, and stole some soda from me.

Or, if you consider the soda transaction to be complete before you take the $10 back, then you are looking at 3 separate transactions...
Transaction 1: $10 transferred to me from you (in exchange for a soda)
Transaction 2: $10 transferred to you from me (in exchange for a bump on the head)
Transaction 3: $10 transferred to a vendor down the street (in exchange for some candy)

Either way, it's physically impossible to create an equally valid identical copy of that $10 bill (which is the specific "double spend" problem that digital goods need to deal with). That $10 bill can only exist in a single place at any moment in time.  The blockchain makes sure that the same is true of digital goods.

This is the only issue that the blockchain solves.  It doesn't prevent theft, it doesn't prevent fraud, it doesn't make people intrinsically good (or bad), it doesn't prevent or cause inflation, it doesn't determine exchange rates, etc. It just makes sure that at any moment in time, a given unit of value can only be under the control of a single individual.

Inherently true of ALL blockchain solutions, including both POW and POS, is the fact that there is some period of time between when a transaction is initiated and when the recipient of that transaction can be comfortable with the level of risk which remains that control over that value might change without their authorization.
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June 30, 2021, 02:39:55 AM

And yes Cash can be double spent,
If I give you a $10 bill for a soda, and you are holding on to it in your hands,
Then I slap you upside your head and Take the $10 back and keep the soda,
then walk down the street, and buy some candy with that $10 , I just double-spent that $10,
and the only proof I did so is that knot on your head.   Smiley
Nah.  You spent it once on some candy, and stole some soda from me.

I purchase the soda with the $10 , and then smacked you upside the head, retrieved my $10,
and spent the $10 down the street. A double spend.

You know, their really is no further point talking to any of you bitcoiner cultist.

You can't recognize that PoW is a dead end.
You can't recognize that LN is Bank 2.0 , ie an IOU system.
You can't even acknowledge what a double-spend is.
You ignore government bans as fud.
You ignore the fact every altcoin can outperform bitcoin onchain.

You bitcoiners have totally left the rails of sanity behind for your ridiculous cult like worship of a bitcoin.

So as of now,
I shall leave you to enjoy your asinine worship of a 1st generation blockchain that is inferior to all of the 3rd generation blockchain designs.

Good Luck to you,
however those that ignore reality are one day going to get reality smacked and that is going to take alot more than $10 from you.

Enjoy your Bitcoiner Cult's Delusions.    Cheesy

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June 30, 2021, 05:20:16 AM

You know, their really is no further point talking to any of you bitcoiner cultist.
You have been barking the same thing for years now through idiotic, banned accounts. But you never actually go away. Nobody needs your repetitive, stupid takes.

You are incapable of convincing people not because Bitcoin is a cult but because you don't have a valid point with these delusions about "PoS" and "3rd generation blockcahin"..

however those that ignore reality are one day going to get reality smacked and that is going to take alot more than $10 from you.
Nobody is ignoring reality here. Every single individual understands the limitations and choices for Bitcoin. They also understand the logic behind those choices. The whole community and market have taken those decisions. Just because you hate bitcoin for not being what you THINK it should be, doesn't mean the rest of us don't get it.

This also doesn't mean that Bitcoiners are being left behind in making money out of all these foundations/ corporation coins. In fact, they put money into them all the time and make it back several times over. We just know that some centralized PoS shitcoin that you think has solved the trilemma, cannot be what Bitcoin is.

PoS coins serve a different purpose than what Bitcoin does. Its morons like you who don't understand this and keep hating on bitcoin and the community for your self-therapy sessions. Stop being such a useless human being and stop repeating yourself.
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June 30, 2021, 05:40:28 AM
Merited by ABCbits (1), amishmanish (1)

The discussion here just seems to be looping and getting increasingly heated. I think people have said what they want to say on the subject.

Further threads about non-pow will get punted to the altcoin subforum for the immediate future.
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