
Activity: 1176
Merit: 14
July 05, 2021, 10:00:37 PM Last edit: September 08, 2021, 08:16:04 AM by BTCITA187 |
Congratulations! The WFC tokens distribution has been done! Check your status in the Master Spreadsheet. Look at the number of stakes earned, conversion rates, and tokens in the Final Spreadsheet. Note: some participants provided the wrong login emails. To get tokens they need to register on, then contact Bounty Manager by sending personal messages and provide correct login emails. ----

Web | Telegram | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook | Trade | LinkedIn |
Already listed on more listings are coming.. What's the World Family Coin (WFC)?
World Family Coin (WFC) is a decentralized donations platform.
REWARDBounty pool is 2,000,000 WFC tokens. Hunters are able to get both: WFC tokens after the distribution and ETH, USDC, TKP at any moment before distribution.★ WFC payment terms ★ 2M WFC tokens will be divided according to the stakes accumulated among eligible participants. Bounty participants will be paid out with WFC tokens to their Tokpie accounts on Sep 05, 2021.
★ ETHEREUM (ETH), USDC and TKP payment terms ★ Get money immediately - no need to wait for bounty distribution!
Every participant has a great possibility to get ETH, USDC and TKP by selling (if want) any amount of WFC bounty stakes on Tokpie exchange before Sep 05, 2021. You can sell stakes even before earning them! For example, if you plan to earn 1 signature stake per week for 8 weeks then you can sell all 8 stakes at once even now, before stakes earning & appearing on the bounty spreadsheet.
CHECK STAKES PRICES and Learn how it works
Note: anyone can buy/sell any bounty stakes on TOKPIE exchange . Any questions about bounty stakes trading ask here Tokpie chat. Bounty DurationThe bounty will be running 8 weeks: Start: Jul 05, 2021 End: Aug 29, 2021KYC: NOBounty categories and allocation Bitcointalk Signature: 70% Altcoinstalks Signature: 10% Twitter: 10% Facebook: 10%
Terms and Rules1. All Participants need to join World Family Coin telegram.
2. All participants must follow the World Family Coin Twitter Page and retweet the pinned (or the most recent) post.
3. Ask your bounty-related questions ONLY in the World Family Coin Bounty Group. 4. Please note that any offensive or inappropriate behavior will lead to immediate disqualification from the campaign.
5. Using multiple accounts, cheating, and spamming are not allowed. You will be disqualified from the bounty program immediately and all of your accounts will be banned permanently.
6. The bounty manager and the team reserve the right to make changes to the conditions at any time.
7. The bounty manager is only responsible for managing bounty campaigns and bounty pool distribution.
8. KYC is not required for the bounty campaign.
9. Users with Bitcointalk/Altcoinstalks Red/negative trust can not participate in that bounty.
Proof Of Registration Format (send only 1 time):
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: Telegram Username: Participated Campaigns:
Week 1 (Jul 05 - Jul 11)
Week 2 (Jul 12 - Jul 18)
Week 3 (Jul 19 - Jul 25)
Week 4 (Jul 26 - Aug 01)
Week 5 (Aug 02 - Aug 08)
Week 6 (Aug 09 - Aug 15) Week 7 (Aug 16 - Aug 22) Week 8 (Aug 23 - Aug 29) Questions/complaints/final checking (Aug 30 - Sep 04) Distribution (Sep 05, 2021)
23:59 UTC (London time) last day of the scheduled week is the end of the week
 You can get stakes for liking & retweetingWorld Family Coin tweets
Terms:➤ Follow the official World Family Coin Twitter page; ➤ Your account must have at least 300 followers, and has to be public; ➤ ⚡Your account must have not more than 40 retweets per day! ➤ Use hashtags: $WFC #WorldFamilyCoin #cryptocurrency #token #platform ➤ You must like the post which you are going to retweet; ➤ If you don't participate more than 2 weeks after registration you will be disqualified; ➤ Twitter account must be original. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted. Joining multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found to be using multi accounts, will be disqualified!!! PLEASE NOTE Your account must be older than half a year. The nickname mustn’t contain such words as “ICO”, “bounty”, “bounty hunter”, “cryptocurrency” and so on. The avatar must not contain the logo of other campaigns, adult content, and so on. Otherwise, you will be disqualified.The number of stakes depends on the amount of Twitter followers and number of likes and retweets you make: 300-3000 followers: [number of likes + number of retweets] = number of bounty stakes for the counted period 3001+ followers: [number of likes + number of retweets] x 2 = number of bounty stakes for the counted periodHow to join:➤ Join World Family Coin Telegram ➤ Join Channel for bounty stakes trading ➤ Join Group for bounty stakes trading ➤ Join World Family Coin Bounty support group ➤ Make Reporting posts EVERY WEEK due to the Schedule
Link to your #Proof of Authentication:
WEEK 1 Bitcointalk username: Your Twitter account url: Repost URL: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
➤ To sign up follow the link: SUBMIT THIS FORM ONLY ONCE★ Spreadsheet (Twitter) ★
23:59 UTC (London time) last day of the scheduled week is the end of the week
You can get stakes for Joining, liking, and sharing on World Family Coin Facebook
Terms:➤ Follow the official World Family Coin Facebook page; ➤ Your account must have at least 300 followers/friends, and has to be public; ➤ Only week-to-week retweets will be counted. ➤ Only 1 share per day will be counted (you can do max 5 shares per week) ➤ Use hashtags: #WFC #WorldFamilyCoin #cryptocurrency #token #platform ➤ You must like the post which you are going to share; ➤ If you don't participate more than 2 weeks after registration you will be disqualified; ➤ Facebook account must be original. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted. Joining multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found to be using multi accounts, will be disqualified!!! PLEASE NOTE Your account must be older than half a year. The nickname mustn’t contain such words as “ICO”, “bounty”, “bounty hunter”, “cryptocurrency” and so on. The avatar must not contain the logo of other campaigns, adults content, and so on. Otherwise, you will be disqualified.The number of stakes depends on the amount of Facebook followers/friends: 300-3000 followers: 1 stakes per week 3001+ followers: 2 stakes per weekHow to join:➤ Join World Family Coin Telegram ➤ Join Channel for bounty stakes trading ➤ Join Group for bounty stakes trading ➤ Join World Family Coin Bounty support group ➤ Make Reporting posts EVERY WEEK due to the Schedule
Link to your #Proof of Authentication:
WEEK 1 Bitcointalk username: Your Facebook account url: Share URL: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
➤ To sign up follow the link: SUBMIT THIS FORM ONLY ONCE★ Spreadsheet (Facebook) ★
23:59 UTC (London time) last day of the scheduled week is the end of the week
 You get stakes for wearing the Bitcointalk / Altcoinstalks signature and avatar. All other forums are not accepted!
Rewards for Bitcointalk: Copper Member - Jr. Member: not accepted! Member: 1 stake per week Full Member: 1.5 stakes per week Senior Member: 3 stakes per week Hero Member: 4 stakes per week Legendary: 5 stakes per week Rewards for Altcoinstalks: Copper Member - Jr. Member: not accepted! Member: 1 stake per week Full Member: 1.5 stakes per week Senior Member: 3 stakes per week Hero Member: 4 stakes per week Legendary: 5 stakes per week Rules : 1. Find signatures and avatar. You must set avatar if your Bitcointalk/Altcoinstalks rank is Full Member or higher and can't change avatar during the campaign. 2. You need to make at least 5 constructive posts each week. Minimum symbols in one post: 75 3. Multiple signatures are not allowed. 4. Spammers and multi-accounts will be banned and disqualified. 5. Users with negative trust are not accepted. Receiving negative trust or ban during your participation in our campaign will result in you being disqualified from our campaign receiving nothing. 6. You must wear a signature until the end of the campaign. 7. We track activity only in these Bitcointalk boards: 1.0, 74.0, 77.0, 86.0, 87.0, 6.0, 37.0, 14.0, 40.0, 41.0, 42.0, 76.0, 81.0, 4.0, 12.0, 7.0, 57.0, 5.0, 51.0, 52.0, 53.0, 56.0, 65.0, 78.0, 73.0, 84.0, 85.0, 8.0, 83.0, 129.0, 67.0, 159.0, 240.0, 160.0, 199.0, 161.0, 197.0, 198.0, 238.0, 224.0 Local boards dedicated to Alternate cryptocurrencies are also allowed. For Altcoinstalks all boards are allowed. How to join: ➤ Join World Family Coin Telegram channel ➤ Join Channel for bounty stakes trading ➤ Join Group for bounty stakes trading ➤ Join World Family Coin Bounty support group ➤ No need to make weekly Reporting posts ➤ To sign up Bitcointalk Signature category, follow the link: ➤ To sign up Altcoinstalks Signature category, follow the link:
 Stakes will be updated 3 times in the spreadsheet during the campaign. NOT EVERY WEEK

Activity: 1176
Merit: 14
July 05, 2021, 10:01:06 PM Last edit: July 27, 2021, 07:30:29 AM by BTCITA187 |
Avatar (required only for Full Member or higher):

Legendary and Hero
[center][table][tr][td][/td][td][url=][font=arial black][size=22pt][glow=#38237B,2,300][color=#38237B].[color=#fff][color=#FF0000]WFC[/color][size=10pt] [/size][color=#FF0000][/color][size=10pt] [/size][color=#FF0000][/color][size=10pt] [/size][color=#FF0000][/color][size=10pt] [/size][color=#FF0000][/color][size=10pt] [/size][size=10pt] [/size][size=35pt][sup][size=8pt][/size][/sup][/size][/color][color=#38237B][font=arial black][b].......[size=6pt][sup][font=montserrat,arial black][size=15pt][color=#fff][color=#fbe398]World Family Coin[/color][/size][/sup][/size].......[size=4pt][sup][size=18pt][glow=#A1D7FC,2,300][color=#A1D7FC]....[size=8pt][sup][size=12pt][glow=#A1D7FC,2,300][color=#2A44B6][font=montserrat,arial black]JOIN NOW[/size][/sup][/size]....[/color][/glow][/size][/sup][/size][/font][size=9pt].[/size][/glow][/size][/font][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table][/center] Sr. Member
[center][table][tr][td][/td][td][url=][font=arial black][size=22pt][color=#0af][color=#FF0000]WFC[/color][size=10pt] [/size][color=#FF0000][/color][size=10pt] [/size][color=#FF0000][/color][size=10pt] [/size][color=#FF0000][/color][size=10pt] [/size][color=#FFAE14][/color][size=10pt] [/size][size=10pt] [/size][size=35pt][sup][size=8pt][/size][/sup][/size][/color][color=transparent][font=arial black].......[size=5pt][sup][font=montserrat,arial black][size=15pt][color=#38237B][b] [color=#FFAE14]World Family Coin[/color][/size][/sup][/size].......[font=Verdana][color=#A1D7FC][[/font][size=4pt][sup][size=18pt][color=transparent]...[size=3pt][sup][size=12pt][color=#2A44B6][font=montserrat,arial black][b]JOIN NOW[/size][/sup][/size]...[/color][/size][/sup][/size][font=Verdana][color=#A1D7FC]][/font][/font][/size][/font][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table][/center] Full Member
[center][font=montserrat,arial black][url=][color=#bba2ca][b][u] [color=#0af][color=#f61d1d]World Family Coin[/color] [color=#FFAE14][/color][color=#FFAE14][/color] [/u][/color] [color=#FF0000][b] WFC [color=#57AFFB][/color][/color] [color=#A1D7FC][ [color=#2A44B6][b]J O I N N O W[/color] ][/color][/center]
Member / Copper Member
[center] ● [url=]World Family Coin[/url] ● [url=]❰❰❰❰❰❰ WFC ❱❱❱❱❱❱[/url] ● ▬▬▬▬▬ ● ▬▬▬▬▬ ●●● ● [url=]Donations Platform[/url] ● ●●● ▬▬▬▬▬ ● ▬▬▬▬▬ ●[/center]

Activity: 1176
Merit: 14
July 05, 2021, 10:01:15 PM |

Activity: 1176
Merit: 14
July 05, 2021, 10:01:25 PM |

Activity: 1176
Merit: 14
July 05, 2021, 10:01:34 PM |
Activity: 140
Merit: 0
July 05, 2021, 10:02:09 PM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: mikelthor Telegram Username: @ariful_07 Participated Campaigns: Twitter, Facebook

Activity: 938
Merit: 18
July 05, 2021, 10:03:36 PM Last edit: July 05, 2021, 10:18:00 PM by israt1@ |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: israt1@ Telegram Username: @sanim_1 Participated Campaigns: Twitter, Facebook
Jr. Member
Activity: 658
Merit: 1
July 05, 2021, 10:07:04 PM Last edit: July 11, 2021, 06:33:15 PM by crsohag0 |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: crsohag0 Telegram Username: @crsohag Participated Campaigns: Twitter & Facebook
Activity: 1134
Merit: 0
July 05, 2021, 10:15:00 PM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: maxi786 Telegram Username: @sair786 Participated Campaigns: Twitter, Facebook
Jr. Member
Activity: 798
Merit: 5
July 05, 2021, 11:02:12 PM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username:ASONA Telegram Username: @rezia5170 Participated Campaigns: Twitter, Facebook
Acom wiliam
Activity: 411
Merit: 0
July 05, 2021, 11:11:18 PM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: Acom wiliam Telegram Username: @angelgirl501 Participated Campaigns: Twitter, Facebook

Activity: 1526
Merit: 10
July 05, 2021, 11:15:23 PM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: thcoore44 Telegram Username: @mtrp51 Participated Campaigns: Twitter, Facebook
Jr. Member
Activity: 798
Merit: 5
July 05, 2021, 11:15:56 PM Last edit: July 11, 2021, 02:39:37 PM by ASONA |
Jr. Member
Activity: 840
Merit: 1
July 05, 2021, 11:23:44 PM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: ayanrumi Telegram Username: @adnan92 Participated Campaigns : Twitter, facebook
Activity: 196
Merit: 0
July 05, 2021, 11:40:54 PM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username:Sunjida Telegram Username:@Sunjida Participated Campaigns:Twitter# Facebook
Activity: 1274
Merit: 0
July 05, 2021, 11:42:08 PM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: Kamalpasha Telegram Username: @airaxt Participated Campaigns: Facebook & Twitter.
Jr. Member
Activity: 700
Merit: 1
July 05, 2021, 11:44:23 PM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: stoonright Telegram Username: @stoonright2 Participated Campaigns: Twitter Facebook

Activity: 1120
Merit: 13
July 05, 2021, 11:55:56 PM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: larkinvain Telegram Username: @Larkinvain Participated Campaigns: Twitter
Suma Islam
Activity: 238
Merit: 0
July 06, 2021, 12:09:41 AM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: Suma Islam Telegram Username: @ronyislam11 Participated Campaigns: Twitter Facebook
Activity: 294
Merit: 0
July 06, 2021, 12:13:57 AM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Bitcointalk Username: BountyManagerBD Telegram Username: @BountyManagerBD15 Participated Campaigns: Twitter, Facebook