Introducing Reading Coin!
Except from the Whitepaper:
Reading Coin is a new cryptocurrency set to revolutionize education worldwide.
Reading coin is a brand new cryptocurrency that pays people to read. Using eye tracking software the Reading Coins will be minted in proportion to the amount of reading the user completes, be it fiction, educational material or any type of reading. The value of the coin comes from the combined network effect of all users having shared motives for their earnings to have value, which is also inherent because reading enriches the mind.
To be launched initially using software for smartphone and desktop cameras Reading Coin plans to rapidly expand into the smart glasses market so that offline book reading can also be earned from.
To find out more read our Whitepaper below:
https://readingcoin.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Reading-Coin-Whitepaper-XED.pdfOur ICO ends in two weeks from the time of this post.