Are they stupid to do so? The universe has unlimited resources, poor and rich does not matter, the people and governments are stupid enough otherwise the universe has enough resources for everyone, just the money supply is not equally distributed, the richest people do not use all of their wealth, it is always stuck in their banks or bitcoin wallets, thats why poor people find difficult to find the resources, if the money supply is equally distributed or there should be enough money for everyone even the born baby, then there will be no problems and everyone will love to do his own business without worrying about that if nobody buy anything from his store for a month then he should close his business because when there will be more people, there will be more demand. The money supply must be much more for a single person than a billionaire holds. It will happen soon because governments will think deeply in upcoming years and would want to kick the richest people who want to drive the world by making governments their employee.
That's not possible. If you look around today there is hunger everywhere and supplies are running out. When this happens where people are not eating anymore, neighbors will turn against neighbors and will ransack anything they can and invade each others houses just to live another day.
Turn on your doomsday music because every country with a space program is already trying to conquer lands above us. Elon, Bezos, and the rest of the wealthy guys out there are already trying to escape Earth for they are going to wideout the poor people and this virus is just the start.

I'd pay whatever you have taken to experience the euphoria you have.
Have you heard all the news in the South China Sea in which the US had armed every country surrounding China including Vietnam which they were considered forever enemy? There is a war that is going to happen sooner. It's already starting in Israel vs Lebanon. There's hunger and homelessness everywhere. Do you really think this is a result of having abundant resources?