It has nothing to do and will never have an impact on your luck, you'll win if luck goes on your side but it's better not to experiment just for the sake of knowing, but if you have the funds and wants to satisfy your curiosity, you can go on.
OP's case seems like having impact to luck factor but not sure how often they are changing coins to keep their luck to favor them. This is kind of superstitions. Gamblers do change strategy/casinos/dress color and etc and in crypto environment, they got another thing to feed their superstition belief. Probably if I am in profits in one particular coin then I may not switch to another coin for superstition reasons. But, as of now I am not ready to risk anything in gambling hence I make up mindset to gamble only for entertainment purposes hence I am not having any room for superstition right now.
Most for sure is influenced by luck factor, there's nothing to do with your gambling or your switching between coins that you'll going to use, I agree that it's another part of superstitions believe.
If you are suffering from losing streak and you don't see any changes with your activities, instead of switching, why not stop for a while and park yourself out from the gambling house.
It will help you generate clear mindsets and not to aggressively tried to win back those losses. Also, it will lessen your chance to lose more and give you some good time to plan for another set of strategy to use.