I like your forthrightness in publicly accepting that you came in here to gain financial reward besides the crypto knowledge. A lot of users deny that as if anyone gets tagged for saying their motivations.
They wouldn't get tagged for admitting that, but it'd be a hit to their reputation--whether deserved or not, because it's generally accepted here that most people who only post on bitcointalk for money don't put in much effort. There are exceptions to that, of course, but they're just that--exceptions, not the rule. I'd say OP is probably one of those exceptions, because he's worked his way up to Full Member during the merit system era, and he hasn't even made a ton of posts (relatively speaking, of course).
Congrats to you, OP. I don't care for these self-congratulatory threads in general, because they strike me as merit-fishing attempts (which is why I'm not meriting your post, btw), but you deserve an addaboy.