Scams are now increasingly active and massive, the trick that makes us often complacent because we think it's not a scam is that they send tokens to our wallet, when we see the address contract and then open their website they will suggest swapping with a connection to the wallet and this is very dangerous because of the way they cheat and take the private key.
Wow, the truth is, I did not know that modality, so it means that the ways of scamming are making them more and more credible, the truth is very difficult to open the site and change like this, first I would go to look for the contract to see if in reality It exists, but there is another variant, if it is in the ETH network, it is even more difficult, it would have to be in the BSC network because the fees are really something exorbitant, and metamax has some security when you go to do the swap, if we enter through poocoin You can see at once if the chart is a scam currency or not, that's the good thing about the contracts and seeing where they are listed, and the other option is searching for it through tradingview.